Current small and medium-sized developers in many places of Hebei are locked down by Qian, and the government is involved in the impasse

 The second phase of Xiang Mansion in Xianghe, Hebei, has been closed. The second phase of Xiang Mansion in Xianghe, Hebei, has been closed.

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   Small and medium-sized developers in many places in Hebei have stopped working

   Several buildings in Handan and Xianghe were shut down. Industry insiders said that the break in the capital chain of small and medium-sized developers originated from the previously prevailing model of building houses by raising funds through private lending

The risks of private financing mode and the overall depression of the real estate industry last year have made some small and medium-sized developers in Hebei bogged down. In September last year, Hebei property market first heard the sound that the fund chain of small and medium-sized real estate developers was broken. It was the largest developer in Handan, Jinshiji, whose project was suspended due to the fund chain break. The domino effect caused some small and medium-sized developers to stop construction because they were in urgent need of funds. Half a year later, in Xianghe, Hebei, which is close to Beijing, there are also real estate projects in the quagmire of shutdown and hopeless delivery.

   ■ Phenomenon

   Handan has difficulty in delivering houses on time

At present, in addition to Handan's local leading real estate enterprise Jinshiji, which was heavily in debt and had published a notice of creditor's rights registration in Handan Daily at the end of last year, many real estate enterprises have stopped working due to capital problems. The first domino card fell down, and it continues today half a year later.

"Xincheng International has an accident again." The reporter learned from a staff member of the relevant department in Wu'an, Handan that at present, Handan and its subordinate regions are not rare in mass petitions caused by the rupture of the developer's capital chain. "Xincheng International is also a fund-raising project. The house is only capped, but now there is no money, and no interest can be paid for the house, ordinary people Every day, I shut the door to petition. "

It is understood that Hebei Weitai Real Estate Co., Ltd., which developed the international real estate project of Handan New Town, used to absorb private funds at a monthly interest rate of 2.4 cents for the development of real estate projects. Due to the "run tide" caused by the fall of the Golden Century last year, the company was short of funds, and Handan Xincheng International has stopped working. The owner of the project told reporters that the developer had provided them with a solution and said that they could return the principal in five times before May 31 this year, "but now there is no news". Similar situations also occur in projects owned by Zhuofeng Real Estate, Wanju Real Estate and other companies.

In addition, Rongyujiayuan, located in Wu'an City, Hebei Province, was shut down due to internal reasons of the developer. The developer of the project, the legal person of Hebei Rongtuo Real Estate Company, said to the reporter: "Because of the dispute with the partner, although we want to complete the construction so as to collect the payment, we have no funds to continue. At present, we still owe the project team about 30 million yuan of project funds."

   Langfang Xianghe Xiangyuan Phase II Shutdown

Even in the area around Beijing where the real estate market transaction is relatively good, some small and medium-sized enterprises have stopped working due to capital problems, or even uncompleted.

The day before yesterday, the reporter visited the Xiang Mansion project in Xianghe County. The project is close to the Xianghe Exit of Beijing Shenyang Expressway and began to be sold at the end of 2010. At present, Phase I has been completed, but the construction site of Phase II project is in a state of full shutdown.

According to Mr. Zheng, an employee of a decoration company who was soliciting business in the project, the first phase of the project was delayed due to incomplete "two certificates and one form". The second phase has not continued construction since September last year due to the developer's funding problems. "Because there is no money, even the elevator has not been installed. If you want to buy a house, you might as well consider the opposite Fuli." Mr. Zheng told reporters, "The developers can not afford to pay, and the owners have come to safeguard their rights many times. There are more than 300 owners who can't wait to start decoration without formal delivery." When asked when the project can be delivered and when the second phase can be opened, The on duty staff of the sales office said that it was "hard to say".

Some insiders are also cautious about whether the new policy can bring about a turnaround in the Beijing market. Wang Xinge, manager of Xianghe Wantong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., said that the "3 · 30 New Deal" did not take effect so quickly, and it would take time to transmit it to the regional market of Xianghe.

   ■ Cause finding

   It's all a "disaster" caused by private lending

Why are the capital chains of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises broken? With such questions, the reporter interviewed many real estate developers in Hebei. Most of them said that the capital chain break of small and medium-sized developers was related to the prevailing model of relying on private lending to raise funds to build houses.

"Many years ago, absorbing funds from the private sector has become an important channel for Jinshiji to solve the problem of financing. Later, many local developers in Handan have done so more or less. A few years ago, when the real estate market was good, these high interest private loans could still support the expansion of the company. But as the real estate market in the third and fourth tier cities was cold last year, the high interest rate crushed the borrower, making the developer's capital chain broken. " A real estate practitioner in Handan told the reporter that many small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in Hebei relied on the funds borrowed by the whole people to develop projects. After the developer's capital chain was broken, the interest could not be paid and the houses could not be built. The most urgent thing was the people.

"As far as I know, the developers in Handan involved more than 6 billion yuan, and they have run a lot. Up to now, none of them has been solved." The corporate legal person of Hebei Rongtuo Real Estate Company also told the reporter that the real estate industry in Handan is now in chaos, and there have been frequent evasions of funds.

Song Huiyong, director of the Research and Consulting Department of Shanghai Zhongyuan Real Estate, analyzed that small and medium-sized real estate enterprises were generally forced to open to private lending because of their limited financial strength, narrow financing channels and extensive management. "It is difficult for small and medium-sized real estate enterprises to obtain bank loans, and part of the capital reserve originally comes from payment collection, which will affect the whole progress if the sales pace cannot keep up." According to him, in the capital chain of real estate enterprises, private lending companies also play a very important role. They will use the developer's property as collateral, or even mortgage for many times, encouraging the private lending of developers, Until the final capital chain breaks.

  ■ progress

   Government involvement remains difficult to resolve the deadlock

Recently, the reporter learned from many channels that the shutdown projects in Handan City, Wu'an, Langfang Xianghe and other places have triggered many owners' rights protection incidents.

"Now this matter has been transferred to the Economic Investigation Detachment." Last week, when the reporter called the Wu'an Housing Administration Bureau to ask about the progress of the Rongyu Family event, the Housing Administration Bureau staff responded in this way. However, several owners of the Rongyu Family told reporters that they had also asked about the economic investigation before, and the other party said they were not clear about the matter. On April 1, the reporter learned from Ms. Liu, the owner of the Rongyu Family in Wu'an that their once again action to safeguard their rights ended fruitlessly.

"Our owners had to wait for the results, but it turned out to be a red headed document without a seal." Ms. Liu said, "Now we only hope the developers can deliver the house, even if the delay is understandable." According to the document, Wu'an has set up an organization led by the vice mayor to coordinate with the developers and the construction party.

"Even if the government intervenes in the event caused by the developers' capital chain break, it is also very difficult to deal with it. Generally, the practice of first tracing the responsibility and sealing the account will be adopted to prevent the risk from continuing to expand." Song Huiyong explained that the key to resolving the problems caused by the real estate enterprises' capital chain break is still in the capital. If possible, the government will organize developers to sit down and talk, so that all parties involved will make concessions. "Generally, in this case, it is mainly to recover the principal, or even return some of the principal first. Of course, there is also the possibility that the government may lead the way to find new developers, but it is difficult."

This page is written/photographed by Chen Yuming, a reporter of Beijing News

(Original title: current small and medium-sized developers in many places of Hebei have stopped working)

Article keywords: Developer Suspension private lending Broken capital chain Developers

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