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Where to go: With digital "traffic code" for urban governance, people's happiness will be further improved

People's Daily Online reporter Che Kemeng Wang Tianle
September 11, 2023 08:06 | Source: People's Network
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At present, with the promotion of digital transformation, the construction of smart cities has become an important starting point to improve the comprehensive service efficiency of cities, and building a livable and smart city has become a must for local development.

How to get through the "last mile" of serving the masses and solve the difficulties and blockages in grassroots governance? In Hangzhou High tech Zone (Binjiang), in order to speed up the construction of the district level social governance center, the "Bin'an Code", which was officially launched in August 2022, has become a useful exploration for digital technology to enable the modernization of urban governance system and governance capacity, and comprehensively improve grass-roots governance capacity.

When urban governance has a digital "flow password", digital technology is enabling the refinement of urban governance and improving people's sense of happiness and gain.

Accelerate the construction of a smart governance system to open up the "last mile" of serving the masses

The report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that it is necessary to "improve the social governance system. Improve the social governance system of co construction, co governance and sharing, and improve the efficiency of social governance."

Through one "code", how can the masses accept the reported events within one minute, send out within five minutes, complete the urgent matters within 24 hours, and complete the non urgent matters within three working days?

On the day of the interview, the reporter scanned the QR code through his mobile phone, entered the "Bin'an Code" application in the "One Network Unified Management" system, clicked the "I want to complain", "I want to consult", "I want to suggest", "service to help enterprises" modules according to the demands, filled in the content according to the instructions, and submitted it, then he could see the reported events on the relevant pages and evaluate the handled events.

"The situation that may need to be reported to several departments before can be solved, but now it can be solved by 'one code'." Mr. Long, a Hangzhou citizen, told reporters that now, everyday things can be solved easily by 'Bin'an code'. "One day I found a refrigerator blocking the exit of the basement. After reporting through the 'Bin'an Code', it was solved quickly," said Ms. Yang, a citizen.

"The establishment of the brand of" people call me, Bin'an Code "and the exploration of social governance practice are effective ways to promote the innovation of social governance model, specific means to do practical things, solve difficulties and do good things for the people, and active exploration of the high-tech zone (Binjiang) to further create an online and offline integrated 'one network unified management' intelligent governance system." Zheng Siming, director of the Social Governance Center, told the column "Where are the journalists going?".

According to Zheng Siming, the high-tech zone (Binjiang) is guided by the online comprehensive application of "people call me, Bin'an code", and through the construction of 1141 work pattern of "one code (people call me, Bin'an code), one center (social governance center), four platforms (comprehensive application of grassroots smart governance), and one grid (grassroots grid)", it gathers public opinion through multiple channels and has a full closed loop disposal process, All the governance forces were gathered to effectively accept the events reported by the masses.

Online and offline collaborative community service has temperature and speed

In recent years, with digital technology enabling grassroots governance, local grassroots government departments have accelerated reform and innovation initiatives such as "running at most once", "not meeting for approval", and "getting it done at one time", and people's sense of gain, happiness, and security have continued to improve.

At the Hangzhou High tech Zone (Binjiang) Center for Mediation and Resolution of Social Conflicts and Disputes, "more convenient" has become a key word for many people who come to work.

"Our first floor is an offline dispute mediation and resolution center, and the second floor has a big data processing center with dedicated staff to deal with the circulation of events reported by the masses." The relevant person in charge of the Social Governance Center of Hangzhou High tech Zone (Binjiang) told the column "Where are the Reporters Going" that people reported events through the "Bin'an Code", After being transferred to relevant units through the big data center for settlement, timely feedback shall be given within the specified time.

"Our purpose is to 'let people run one place at most', and strive to let people run less and not run." The person in charge said that after "Bin'an Code" went online, many conflicts could be solved online, and offline mediation pressure was eased.

In the Xixing Street Social Governance Center of Hangzhou High tech Zone (Binjiang), the community system is focusing on key needs such as "one old, one young and one talented person", and through data empowerment, the community service has speed and temperature.

"We solved some problems in traditional community services through digital means, such as slow information transmission, inconvenient services, and insufficient community interaction." Zhou Xiang, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xixing Street, Hangzhou High tech Zone (Binjiang), said that in combination with the comprehensive and integrated reform, the street has integrated comprehensive governance, urban management, and municipal supervision teams into a team, In the three defense areas in the south, middle and north of the street, six teams are distributed on the roads within the jurisdiction every day, and they are on duty 24 hours offline.

"When the masses have needs to be reflected online, through the one network unified management system, the street social governance center will receive the matters within one minute, assign the matters within three minutes, the nearby patrol force will arrive at the site within 10 minutes for disposal, and the simple matters will be handled within 24 hours. From the perspective of effect, more than 1100 online help items are handled every month, and the closed loop settlement rate is 100%, which greatly improves the quality and efficiency of social management services. " Zhou Xiang said.

Digital technology continues to enable urban governance to move towards "smart"

Walk into the Digital Intelligence Binjiang Command Center, and the data of different modules on the big screen will be updated in real time. You can click to view the data and work of different functional departments in the area at any time. At the same time, according to the actual situation of grass-roots governance business and combined with real-time data, it can realize the research, judgment and early warning of event trends and work efficiency. "The development and construction of digital applications form a grass-roots intelligent governance system with systematic characteristics in the High tech Zone (Binjiang)," Zheng Siming said.

"The empowerment of the digital platform has brought obvious changes to the community services in the streets. First, it is more convenient. The community staff can visit and transfer while processing, and work on the palm in a timely manner, which improves the convenience of work. Second, it is more efficient. The digital platform can dispatch orders to the nearest place, arrange grid members nearby to deal with problems, realize information sharing and transmission, and improve the efficiency of community governance. Third, it is more accurate. The integrated information command room gathers information through one network, strengthens the whole process supervision and whole chain management of the implementation of instructions, and ensures that all kinds of events complete the closed-loop. " Zhou Xiang said.

Behind the transformation from urban governance to "smart theory", it is inseparable from the providers of digital solutions. Through the constantly evolving digital brain, it can accelerate the intelligent upgrading of urban digital transformation.

"In the process of jointly promoting digital intelligence governance with the high-tech zone, we deeply felt that the high-tech zone has three significant characteristics in the process of promoting digital intelligence governance." Zhang Peng, senior vice president and chief digital officer of Xinhuasan Group, said in an interview with reporters that the first characteristic is that the data is gathered effectively. The second feature is that leaders at all levels have strong initiative to embrace digitalization. The third feature is that the system construction is well integrated and coordinated.

"As the leader of China's digital solutions, we adhere to the concept of" intensive cultivation, pragmatism and wisdom for the times ", and constantly explore and build innovation to accelerate urban digital change." Zhang Peng further elaborated, for example, we are taking the lead in exploring the application of AIGC (generative artificial intelligence) and other technical concepts to grass-roots governance to further improve governance efficiency. We use the continuous training of a large number of grassroots governance data to create an AI assistant for grassroots governance - "Xiaozhi", and give optimal suggestions for the disposal of grassroots governance events. At the same time, AIGC is used to realize the comprehensive analysis of all events that have been handled by the "Bin'an Code" system, and regularly output a variety of automated analysis reports on high-frequency events, cause analysis, disposal effects, etc., to continuously optimize the governance process and further enable the application of Bin'an Code.

"We guarantee that Binjiang's digital intelligence governance is at the forefront of Zhejiang and even the whole country through data sharing, application implementation, and intelligent empowerment." Zhang Peng said.

"The next step is to continue to promote the construction of smart governance system at the grass-roots level." Zheng Siming said that, with the "Bin'an Code" as a guide, online use of digital technology to enable grass-roots governance, further integrate offline forces, improve the level of grass-roots governance, and improve people's satisfaction and sense of gain.

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(Editor in charge: Hao Shuai, Lv Qian)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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