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Shenzhen has seven record breaking rainfall records for super heavy rainfall

Mao Siqian, Li Sijia
08:36, September 9, 2023 | Source: Xinhua
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Original title: Shenzhen has seven record breaking rainfall records for super heavy rainfall

Xinhua News Agency, Shenzhen, September 8 (Reporter Mao Siqian, Li Sijia) The Shenzhen Meteorological Station reported on the afternoon of the 8th that, under the combined influence of the residual circulation of typhoon "sea anemone", monsoon and weak cold air, from the evening of the 7th to the morning of the 8th, Shenzhen witnessed a super heavy rain with the characteristics of "super intensity, super long duration and super large rainfall range". As of 15:00 on the 8th, The rainfall broke seven historical extreme values since the meteorological record was established in 1952 in Shenzhen.

According to statistics, seven historical extreme values include the maximum 2-hour sliding rainfall (195.8mm recorded rainfall, which occurs at Zhengkeng Meteorological Station in Yantian District), the maximum 3-hour sliding rainfall (246.8mm recorded rainfall, which occurs at Zhengkeng Meteorological Station in Yantian District), the maximum 6-hour sliding rainfall (355.2mm recorded rainfall, which occurs at Dongmen Station in Luohu District) The maximum 12 hour sliding rainfall (the recorded rainfall is 465.5 mm, appearing at Xiaowutong Station in Luohu District), the maximum 24 hour sliding rainfall (the recorded rainfall is 559.6 mm, appearing at Xiaowutong Station in Luohu District), the maximum 48 hour sliding rainfall (the recorded rainfall is 615.4 mm, appearing at Xiaowutong Station in Luohu District) The maximum 72 hour sliding rainfall (the recorded rainfall is 616.4 mm, which occurs at Xiaowutong Station in Luohu District). The sliding rainfall refers to the rainfall during a period of time when the time moves forward, that is, the accumulated rainfall over the past period of time (such as 1 hour) is counted minute by minute.

Luo Xin, a forecaster of the Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory, said that the causes of this extremely heavy rain were: first, the residual circulation of typhoon "Haikui" was maintained for a long time, and from 8 o'clock on the 7th to 8 o'clock on the 8th, it was stable and little moved near the west of Guangdong. Shenzhen was in the convergence area of the airflow on the east side of the low pressure, which provided favorable conditions for the long-term maintenance of heavy rainfall; Second, the convergence of three streams near Shenzhen, and the sudden strengthening of the monsoon at night, the sharp strengthening of the boundary layer jet to 25 m/s, so that water vapor converges rapidly in a small area near Shenzhen; Third, weak cold air is involved. The superposition of low pressure, monsoon and weak cold air is conducive to the formation of precipitation clouds; Fourth, heavy rain clouds are constantly generated from Hong Kong and moving to Shenzhen, resulting in long rainfall duration and large accumulated rainfall.

It is expected that there will be heavy rain to rainstorm from the night of 8th to 9th in Shenzhen, local rainstorm on the 10th, and rainfall will weaken significantly on the 11th.

(Editor in charge: Sun Hongli, Li Nanhua)
 Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance Concerned public account: People's Daily Finance

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