A special "ID card" for a welfare lottery ticket

Source: Today's video Released: 2024-04-09 10:49
Perhaps in your daily life, you have seen this eye-catching signboard of China's welfare lottery public welfare fund funding project.

A bright Chinese red background, Warm lanterns and love modeling. Perhaps in daily life, You have also seen this eye-catching Signboard of China Welfare Lottery Public Welfare Fund Funding Project.

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This signboard is the welfare fund project A loud and permanent "ID card", It is also the "golden card" of welfare lottery.

Know where to come and where to go

The origin of this special "ID card"

According to the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulations on Lottery Management, the basic construction facilities, equipment or social public welfare activities funded by lottery public welfare funds shall be marked with the sign of "lottery public welfare funds funded" in a conspicuous manner.

The Measures of the Ministry of Civil Affairs for the Administration of the Use of Lottery Public Welfare Funds at the Same Level also stipulates that the project unit shall set up or engrave a permanent sign of "Lottery Public Welfare Funds - China Welfare Lottery" in the prominent position of the main buildings or facilities and equipment for the infrastructure facilities and equipment funded by welfare lottery public welfare funds.

Therefore, welfare homes, nursing homes, rural primary schools, rural roads to the community convenience service points and other places everywhere, as long as there are welfare lottery public welfare funds, there will be relevant signs of welfare lottery public welfare funds funded projects.

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Let the recipients know where they came from

Let the lottery buyer know where to go

The welfare lottery fund is taken from the people and used by the people. From 1987 to 2023, China's welfare lottery raised a total of 849.7 billion yuan in public welfare funds, playing a pivotal role in many social welfare and public welfare undertakings, such as helping the elderly, the disabled, the orphans, and the poor. However, "the fragrance of wine is also afraid of the depth of the alley". With this special "ID card" of the lottery public welfare fund, the hearts of lottery people, contributors and recipients of the lottery public welfare fund are more steadfast and brighter.

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The eye-catching welfare fund signboard not only enables the recipients of welfare fund projects to better understand where the funds are coming from, but also enhances their perception and recognition of the value of welfare fund; Moreover, lottery purchasers can clearly see where the lottery public welfare fund is going, understand the use direction and social effect of the lottery public welfare fund, understand the public welfare attribute of the welfare lottery, know that every love they have contributed has been implemented, and improve the public trust of the national public welfare lottery.

Know where you come from and where you will go; Every effort will not be let down; Every love will blossom and bear fruit.

China Welfare Lottery Helping the elderly, the disabled, the orphan and the needy, For the benefit of society and life.

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