Time goes on, and the history is magnificent. The earth shaking changes and miracles of China, and the great rejuvenation of China, are supported and shaped by the continuous "Chinese power" that goes forward courageously and never stops. The power represented by Chinese enterprises and entrepreneurs is both the promoter and participant of the times. Their stories are worth remembering and their future is being written.


The video program "China Power", created by China.com Finance Center, will focus on Chinese enterprises. Through interviews with entrepreneurs and enterprise executives, it will truly show the gains and losses, righteousness and interests, thinking, confusion, etc. of Chinese enterprises and entrepreneurs, and interpret the root of this Chinese power.

Producer: Zhang Shifu

Producer: Chen Xiaofen

Supervisor: Yang Wei

Planner: Li Chunhui Changshuai

Editor and director: Liu Jinchi, Chen Danqi; Camera: Liu Jinchi and Zhu He

Design and production: Li Ning, Yang Xuechang, handsome

Chinanet financial client

China Business WeChat official account

China Finance Headline

China Business Microblog

China.com Caijing Yidianhao

One hundred financial accounts of China. com

Caijing Dafeng, www.china.com.cn

Caijing Dithering Account of China.com

Chinese Strength Treble Horn

China Business Express


China Business Penguin

China Finance Netease