China Railway Emergency Resumption Raised 3.52% Hainan State owned Assets Planned to Enter 1.997 Billion Yuan

2024-05-22 15:32 Source: China Economic Network
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(Editor in charge: Xu Zili)
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China Railway Emergency Resumption Raised 3.52% Hainan State owned Assets Planned to Enter 1.997 Billion Yuan

15:32, May 22, 2024     Source: China Economic Network    

Beijing, China Economic Network, May 22 - China Railway Emergency (603300. SH) shares closed at 6.77 yuan, up 3.52%.

China Railway Emergency released a suggestive announcement on the resumption of stock trading last night. The company's shares (securities code: 603300, securities abbreviation: Huatie Emergency) have been suspended since the opening of the market on May 20, 2024 (Monday). After the company applied to Shanghai Stock Exchange, the A-share trading of the company will resume on the morning of May 22, 2024 (Wednesday).

The suggestive announcement on the share transfer of controlling shareholders and actual controllers and the proposed change of control rights and equity changes issued by China Railway in an emergency shows that on May 21, 2024, Hu Danfeng, China Railway Hengsheng, Bumblebee Holdings and Huang Jianxin signed the Share Transfer Agreement with Haikong Industrial Investment, The total amount of 275134136 emergency non restricted tradable shares held by China Railway transferred at 7.258 yuan/share, accounting for 14.01% of the total share capital of the listed company, and the total amount was 1996923559 yuan.

Before this equity change, Hu Danfeng directly held 235890704 shares of the company, indirectly controlled 175000000 shares of the company through Bumblebee Holdings, and China Railway Hengsheng indirectly controlled 27440000 shares of the company, controlling 438330704 shares of the company in total, accounting for 22.31% of the total share capital of the listed company. After the equity change this time, Hu Danfeng directly held 176918028 shares of the company, the proportion dropped to 9.01%.


Huatie said in an emergency that after the completion of this share transfer, the controlling shareholder of the company will be changed from Hu Danfeng to Haikong Property Investment, and the actual controller will be changed from Hu Danfeng to Hainan SASAC. Hainan Holdings, the parent company of Haikong Industrial Investment, is a state-owned enterprise with AAA credit rating in Hainan Province. After the completion of this transaction, it will comprehensively help the strategic development of the company and jointly build Huatie into a global head equipment operator.

On October 11, 2022, China Railway issued the Special Report on the Use of the Fund Raised Previously.

With the approval of ZJXK [2020] No. 1206 Reply on Approving the Non public Issuance of Shares of Zhejiang Huatie Emergency Equipment Technology Co., Ltd., and the approval of Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Company has issued 199275361 RMB ordinary shares (A shares) to seven issuing objects in the form of non-public offering, The issue price is RMB 5.52 per share, and the total amount of raised funds is RMB 1099999992.72. The net amount of raised funds after deducting the issue expenses of RMB 11414410.71 is RMB 1088585582.01, which has been remitted to the company's raised funds supervision account on August 13, 2020. The above raised funds have been verified by Grant Thornton Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) and a capital verification report (ZTYZ (2020) No. 332ZC00270) has been issued. The company has adopted a special account storage system for the raised funds.

With the approval of the Reply on Approving the Non public Issuance of Shares of Zhejiang Huatie Emergency Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. (ZJXK [222] No. 2053) issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the approval of Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Company accumulatively issued 125000000 RMB ordinary shares (A shares) to an issuing object by means of non-public issuance of shares, The issue price is RMB 4.80 per share, and the total amount of raised funds is RMB 600000000.00. The net amount of raised funds after deducting the issue cost of RMB 8759433.91 is RMB 591240566.09, which has been remitted to the company's raised funds supervision account on September 22, 2022. The above raised funds have been verified by Grant Thornton Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) and a capital verification report (ZTYZ (2022) No. 332C000546) has been issued. The company has adopted a special account storage system for the raised funds.

China Railway Emergency has raised capital twice in recent four years, with a total of 1699999992.72 yuan (1.70 billion yuan).

(Editor in charge: Xu Zili)

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