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      Wu Jinxing, a team of "good people in China", has paid tribute to his hometown's centenarian for 27 consecutive years

      Released on February 15, 2024 at 13:43:49, Long term effective , 187 Browse
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    Jialei loves painting 2024-02-01 

    On January 30, 2024, when the Spring Festival is coming, Mr. Wu Jinxing, the honorary president of Guangzhou Zhao Guangjun Life Hotline Association, the honorary president of Meizhou Overseas Friendship Association, and Mr. Wu Dezhong, the eldest son, I hurried back to my hometown from Guangzhou to visit 31 centenarians and the elderly in nursing homes. On the same day, I also went to Jinhu Village, University of Immortal Elderly Cadres (Elderly), TV stations, student aid associations and other places for visiting and condolence activities. The total amount of condolence money and condolence goods for this activity is more than 100000 yuan.

    It was a cold winter and early in the morning, Mr. Wu Jinxing, accompanied by his eldest son, Mr. Wu Dezhong, Mr. Luo Hao, Deputy County Chief of the People's Government of Fengshun County, Party and government leaders and civil affairs cadres of Tangkeng Town, the County Overseas Chinese Federation, the General Chamber of Commerce of the County Federation of Industry and Commerce, the county TV station, Gao Yongzhou, the president of the County Charity Service Association, Wu Anqiang, the president of the County Student Aid Association and other leaders, set out from the town government of Tangkeng Town, We have sent condolences to 31 centenarians, Tangkeng Town Nursing Home, Jinhu Village Committee and other units.

    In the event, Mr. Wu Jinxing sent a Spring Festival consolation fund and eight consolation items such as rice, edible oil and milk to centenarians, and talked with centenarians to understand their life, family and physical conditions, and explore the way to longevity. Longevity stars feel especially kind when they see Wujinxing, because Wujinxing will carry out condolences to centenarians almost every year and send them holiday greetings. Wu Jinxing said that he was very happy to see centenarians still hale and hearty. He said that respecting and caring for the elderly is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and it is also the unshirkable responsibility of the whole society. The centenarian is not only the wealth of the family, but also the precious wealth of the country and society. He hoped that the children of the longevity star will take good care of their daily life, so that the longevity star can enjoy his old age and family relations.

    Mr. Wu Jinxing never forgot his hometown. He visited the Jinhu Village Committee in Tangkeng Town that afternoon and sent 21300 yuan of Spring Festival consolation money to the elderly over 60 years old in the village.

    Wu Jinxing also paid a visit to Fengshun County Jianzhen Veteran Cadres (Elderly) University, and sent 5000 yuan of condolences. Students of the University Dance Team of Veteran Cadres also arranged a special traditional dance reception. Mr. Wu Jinxing talked cordially with veteran cadres and party members, asking them about their health, living conditions and difficulties. Wu Jinxing said that the leadership of the University of Veteran Cadres was sincere, united, pragmatic and innovative, led the majority of party members and cadres to make contributions to the cause of the elderly in Fengshun County, and was moved by their spirit of not fading their retirement and playing the role of waste heat, and expressed heartfelt wishes!

    Mr. Wu Jinxing also went to the county radio and television station to visit the journalists of the station, sent condolences and cordial greetings to the front-line staff, and presented the TV station with books and magazines of "Time Model". Zhu Minghai, the head of the TV station, accompanied by Zhang Haibo, director of the Financial Media Center and other staff, held a symposium and reported on news media and other related work. Wu Jinxing said that in recent years, under the leadership of various leaders, Fengshun County Radio Station has carried forward the theme with strength, focused on people's livelihood with temperature, and served the overall situation with depth, which has gathered broad consensus and provided strong public opinion support for the high-quality development of the whole county. I hope to make persistent efforts to overcome difficulties and forge ahead bravely, so as to make greater contributions to the overall revitalization and all-round revitalization of Fengshun County.

    Mr. Wu Jinxing also expressed condolences to Fengshun County Student Aid Association, communicated with caring members, and donated 5000 yuan of student aid charity fund. At the same time, I hope that under the leadership of Wu Anqiang, the secretary and president of the Party branch, the Student Aid Association will not forget its original intention, so that more poor students in Fengshun County can be funded, and under the attention of the student aid staff, they will be motivated to grow, realize their dreams, and become a new generation of young people with responsibility and achievements. It is reported that Mr. Wu Jinxing, as the permanent honorary president of Fengshun County Student Aid Association, will donate to the Association every year. So far, he has donated more than 200000 student aid charitable funds to the Association alone.

    After the event, Wu Jinxing said that in the long-term charity, he had never used a penny of public funds, never reimbursed a penny of public funds, never offset a penny of tax, never had any economic equivalent exchange, and did charity without any return. He gave generously to poor students and vulnerable people; For himself and his family, he was simple and frugal. He has been doing public welfare every month for more than 30 years in a row. For the twenty seventh year in a row, he has paid tribute to the centenarians and schools in his hometown. In order to increase funds and do good deeds, I prefer to be frugal and reduce expenses. Although I suffered in life, I gave my happiness to others. When others shared my love, I also got happiness in my heart. I always believe that our society will become more beautiful as long as everyone gives a little love. On behalf of the Chinese good team, I wish the great motherland a peaceful and prosperous country, a prosperous career and a happy life on the occasion of the arrival of the New Year!

    In October 2023, the Western Times published a special issue of Time Model for Wu Jinxing. As a contribution of the times, it engraved the history of national development, and served as a shining example to illuminate the journey of national rejuvenation. On November 11, 2023, Wu Jinxing, a Chinese team of good people, was elected as a lifetime honorary member of the Chinese Organizing Committee of the 35th International Science and Peace Week Conference, and was also awarded the candidate of Meizhou's 9th National Moral Model for Helping Others.

    Mr. Wu Jinxing presented books and periodicals of "Model of the Times" to Fengshun County Party Committee and Government, and Comrade Luo Hao, Deputy County Chief of Fengshun County People's Government, accepted the books and took a group photo.

    Mr. Wu Jinxing took a group photo with Li Yangchun, the first level inspector of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, the Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, and the Vice President of the Guangdong Overseas Friendship Association, and presented him with books and magazines of the Time Model.

    On January 28, 2024, Mr. Wu Jinxing also went to the urban area of Meizhou to participate in the "Helping Ten Million Projects" and Spring Festival activities of Meizhou Overseas Friendship Association in Guangdong Province.

    Cui Yi, Minister of United Front Work of the Standing Committee of the CPC Meizhou Municipal Committee and President of Meizhou Overseas Friendship Association, awarded Mr. Wu Jinxing the honorary president certificate of Meizhou Overseas Friendship Association.

    Cui Yi, Head of the United Front Work Department of the Standing Committee of the CPC Meizhou Municipal Committee and Chairman of Meizhou Overseas Friendship Association, received a gift from Mr. Wu Jinxing

    Mr. Wu Jinxing took a group photo with Zeng Biyu, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Meizhou Municipal Committee

    [Introduction to the Chinese Good Man Wu Jinxing] Guangdong Fengshun people, the Chinese good man, the head of the "Chinese good man" public welfare team, the Chinese model of integrity, the think tank consultant and expert of the academic committee of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, the honorary president of Guangzhou Zhao Guangjun Life Hotline Association, the charity association of Fengshun County, the permanent honorary president of Fengshun County Student Aid Association, the overseas Chinese Federation of Fengshun County Honorary President of the General Chamber of Commerce of Fengshun County Federation of Industry and Commerce, Honorary President of Fengshun County Veteran Cadre (Elderly) University, Honorary President of Fengshun County Pingyang School, Honorary President of Fengshun Heshan Hope School, and Vice Chairman of the Chinese Patriotic Classic Council. Representatives of the 9th and 10th Overseas Chinese Association of Guangdong Province, specially invited representatives of the 11th Overseas Chinese Association, Vice President of Guangdong Overseas Chinese Charity Foundation, Honorary President of Wu Family Association at home and abroad, Honorary President of Cultural Research Association, Executive Vice President and Director of Liaison and Communication Committee of the 6th Guangdong Overseas Friendship Association, Permanent Honorary President of Guangzhou Leshan Care for the Elderly Association, Standing member of the Organizing Committee of the Chinese Patriotic Talents for the Motherland Campaign, won the Great Wall Contribution Award for Chinese Patriotic Talents, Chinese Patriotic Merit Figures, the Patriotic Declaration of the Great Wall Patriotic Merit List, Chinese Educational Charity Figures, Chinese Patriotic Philanthropists Award, the First Top Ten Charity Ambassadors of Chinese Merchants, Top Ten Charity Figures Moved by China, and Chinese Integrity Model Figures More than 60 honors including the Ninth Chinese Charity Figures, Meizhou Moral Model, Meizhou Top Ten Public Welfare Figures, Fengshun County's First Moral Model, Harmonious China's Person of the Year, the Great Wall Contribution Award for Chinese Patriotic Talents, the United Nations Science and Peace Week Contribution Award, and the Special Contribution Award for Harmonious Society, won the 2012 China Public Welfare Image Ambassador, His personal deeds were selected into dozens of national and provincial ceremonies in the 2012 Yearbook of the People's Republic of China. Wu Jinxing's personal advanced deeds, "Happiness for Others and Suffering for Yourself", were included in the book "Chinese Charity Ceremony" (Volume II), which only 30 people were selected nationwide, and Wu Jinxing ranked third.

    President Wu Jinxing won the 2016 Top Ten Caring People in China, the 2017 Guangdong Second Quarter Good People, the National Advanced Individual of Returned Overseas Chinese Family Members, China's Honest Philanthropist, the 2018 Top Ten Charitable People in China's 40 Years of Reform and Opening up, China's Top Ten Contemporary Public Welfare Pioneers, the 2019 Charity Industry Excellence Management Award and Social Responsibility Philanthropist Award Honorary titles such as "Helping others for fun" in the Chinese Good People List, Outstanding Contribution Award awarded by Guangdong Provincial Overseas Friendship Association in 2020, and also employed as a special researcher of the Academic Committee of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences. He has been included in dozens of works such as the Yearbook of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese Charity Ceremony, and the Chinese Dream on the Chinese Road published by the Central Party School Press. On November 11, 2023, Wu Jinxing, a Chinese team of good people, was elected as a lifetime honorary member of the Chinese Organizing Committee of the 35th International Science and Peace Week Congress, and was also awarded the candidate of Meizhou City's 9th National Moral Model for Helping Others. On December 11, 2023, Wu Jinxing, a United Nations team of good people, won the honor of Gilles, the most influential philanthropic figure in the global Chinese field, etc, He became the first Chinese philanthropist to win this honor in the global Chinese field and was warmly received by many national leaders.

    On December 11, 2023, Mr. Wu Jinxing won the award of "The Most Influential Charitable Person in the Global Chinese Field" in the United Nations Giles Record.

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