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How to invite your first love out for dinner? Is there any trick to invite your first love out for dinner

Everyone has first love. First love is a special existence, and the general impression is very deep. It is also the person that many people can never forget. Some people may have been connected with their first love all the time, so they can also invite their first love to have dinner together at an appropriate time. So, how do you ask your first love out for dinner? Is there a trick to invite people you like to eat?

How to ask your first love out for dinner

1. Contact with an excuse

After the breakup, most of your predecessors showed resistance to your compound request. In this case, you need to disconnect for a period of time. The purpose of breaking the connection is to let him reduce his resistance and calm down the contradictions that intensified before. Next, you want to contact with the other party. You find various reasons to contact the other party as you did when you first met him, but you don't know what excuse to contact him.

2. Keep the intersection between you

We often say that after a breakup, the more intersections between lovers, the easier it is to retrieve love. The more intersections, the more topics you can expand. At the beginning of the breakup, some girls cut off many connections with each other, including deleting the other's contact information. It is not advisable to use this way to get care and find a sense of existence. Before you make a decision, you must think about the future and don't take it personally.

Are there any tips for inviting first love to dinner

Things you want to do before inviting for dinner

It is necessary to prepare in advance when inviting people you like to eat. In order to make your meal smooth, let's confirm the important points.

Deepen the relationship between two people

For eating with two people of the opposite sex who don't know much about it, many people will feel "very difficult".

It is important to deepen the relationship between two people to a certain extent in advance if you want to get the other party's consent smoothly when inviting the person you like to eat.

To be specific, it is better for both parties to know their personal contact information and establish a relationship that can carry out personal communication.

If there is nothing special to contact the other party, there will be no sense of discord. If you are so close, you don't have to worry about being rejected. You can invite the other party to dinner with confidence.

Mastering likes and dislikes of food

When inviting the person you like to eat, don't forget to investigate the food you like and the food you dislike.

It is hard to summon the courage to invite the other party to dinner. If the content is not good at the other party, it is difficult for the other party to agree.

This is likely to lead to a regrettable situation that an invitation that could have been accepted was rejected due to insufficient investigation.

If possible, confirm the other person's allergy in advance, and then you can put forward an ideal diet plan that the other person "must go".

Key points of store selection

"Although I would like to invite you to dinner, I have no confidence in choosing a restaurant". There should be many such people.

If you want to choose a shop that is not rude to each other, it is recommended to consider the age and income of each other.

If the selected store is too advanced, the other party will be deterred. Otherwise, if it is too casual, the other party will be disappointed, and it will not leave a good impression on the other party.

Choose a shop that can make the other party feel happy, and on this basis, make an appointment for a box where you can chat leisurely, so that you can enjoy relaxing intimate time.

How to date your first love more emotionally

If you want to be romantic in dating, you don't have to spend too much money.

Many people think that a romantic date is to have a candlelight dinner, give diamond rings and buy flowers all over the room. In fact, most people can't bear this high consumption.

These are basically dating methods that only appear on TV, but they do not apply to ordinary people.

For example; If you want to give a girl a romantic date, you can go to some online celebrity restaurants with better scenery. If the scenery is fresh, girls will like to take photos and take photos together

In fact, alternatives can be found for many high consumption projects. Therefore, a good date is not necessarily high consumption.

As long as we plan the date carefully, we believe that brothers can have a more romantic date in a more "affordable" way.

If you want a romantic date, you should pay attention to "novelty".

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