Between light and shadow

Catering enterprises should make good accounts

In order to standardize the catering price behavior and jointly create a good consumption environment, the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Market Supervision and Administration Department, the Development and Reform Commission and other departments recently issued a proposal, calling on the local catering operators to reasonably set the price of dishes, standardize

Improving user experience is better than pattern promotion

Recently, various mid year promotional activities on e-commerce platforms are going on. Different from the past, this year, all platforms have made adjustments in the promotion rules, sales models, and duration of activities. Promotions are becoming more and more simple and convenient. With the live broadcast

The general price level has risen steadily

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on June 12, in May. The national consumer price index (CPI) rose 0.3% year on year, the same increase as last month; 0.1% month on month decrease. Dong Lijuan, Chief Statistician of the Urban Department of the National Bureau of Statistics

Consumer finance benefits new citizens

With the deepening of urbanization in China, more and more migrant workers, online car hailing drivers, takeaway boys and other groups pour into cities and towns to become new citizens. How to make new citizen groups "accessible" and "sustainable" for further gathering

News of life

"Rope and belt children's clothing" has potential safety hazards

Recently, Shanghai Minhang District Consumer Rights Protection Committee released a survey report on the safety consumption of children's clothing rope. The report points out that some children's wear belts sold in online stores do not meet the requirements of the standards. It is reported that there are potential safety hazards in online children's wear belts

Dormitory live broadcast is becoming a fashion. How should college students become "qualified" anchors?

However, the live broadcast of college students in the dormitory has also caused a series of problems. For example, the live broadcast behavior regardless of time and occasion may break the harmony of the dormitory and infringe upon the rights and interests of others; Some broadcasters are deeply involved in live broadcast fraud. Live broadcast in dormitories should not be mutually exclusive

Dark color vs light color, which sunscreen is better?

The temperature is sunny and hot recently, and sunscreen clothing has become a hot consumption topic. According to the complaint data of Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Commission, since last May, the provincial Consumer Protection Commission has received more than 1100 consumer complaints involving sunscreen clothing

Can I buy a handful of essence that is spilt with "pot gas"?

The ingredients list shows that they are food flavoring ingredients, but the specific ingredients are unknown. Recently, it was revealed on the Internet that some businesses have secretly added "pot flavor" to "beautify" the prepared dishes, making the food the same as the freshly fried food. I thought it was brought about by the furious speculation

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    New style of Chinese young people's wedding: personality, low-carbon, cost-effective

    "When taking the wedding photos, the white wedding dress and Xiuhe clothes were worn. When I put on the wedding dress of my parents' generation, I felt that it was quite novel back in the 1980s and 1990s." This "post-95" girl from Haiyuan County, Zhongwei City, Ningxia said, "Especially on such a romantic day, it's doubly happy to hold a collective wedding with so many lovers."

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    Promote the healthy development of home stay industry

    With the arrival of home stay at the peak, some problems are gradually exposed. For example, when tourists arrived at the store, they found that the rooms were very different from the promotional pictures. Some businesses raised prices and returned orders on holidays... The chaos of wrong goods, temporary price hikes and contract breaking affected the travel experience of tourists, and also restricted the long-term development of the home stay industry.

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    Give back ten minutes between classes to students

    The phenomenon of occupying "ten minutes between classes" has a long history, and it has become increasingly fierce in recent years. At the beginning, there were only occasional teachers who took up a few minutes to "drag the class" to complete the unfinished content in class. Later, some schools managed the "ten minutes between classes" in a unified way to avoid bumps and disputes when students were chasing and jumping. Some schools stipulate that students cannot go downstairs, run or jump after class, and even speak loudly is prohibited. The "ten minutes between classes" that originally allowed students to relax and exercise and get ready for the next class has become another form of "small class". This practice affects the physical and mental health of primary and secondary school students and runs counter to the purpose of teaching and educating people in schools.

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    Who in the end decides to return the lease and determine the loss?

    At a time when renting a house has become the living choice of more and more people, disputes arising from the withdrawal of rent are often troubling. Previously, a landlord in Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, carried a searchlight to check the room inch by inch when the tenant checked out, and claimed more than 10000 yuan. The "loss determination by lantern" caused a heated debate at that time. Not only the housing lease, but also the withholding of deposits, compulsory claims for compensation and other situations also occur in other lease relationships. Fairness and rationality are the cornerstone of the leasing relationship, and the judgment of losses should conform to the general trading habits.

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    These items are not allowed in the car in the hot summer

    Some experiments show that the lighter will explode 12 minutes later when it is placed in the car in the hot sun. At the moment of explosion, the lighter ejects a large amount of gas, and the plastic shell explodes into fragments, which is very dangerous. The main component of ordinary lighters is liquid butane, which is flammable and explosive. Once the ambient temperature of the lighter exceeds 55 ℃, the volume will expand. The outdoor temperature is above 30 ℃. After the vehicle is exposed to the sun, the temperature inside the vehicle will be as high as 60 ℃ to 70 ℃, which is very easy to cause explosion. Therefore, the lighter should not be placed in the car, especially in the instrument panel and other places where the sun shines directly.
