Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

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Measures for Supervision, Inspection and Accountability of Cadre Selection and Appointment

Published on: September 11, 2019 Views: [Font: large in Small

general provisions

Article 1 In order to implement the requirements of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party and managing cadres, standardize the supervision, inspection and accountability of the selection and appointment of cadres, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres, the Regulations on the Inner Party Supervision of the Communist Party of China, the Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China and other intra party laws and regulations.

Article 2 Supervision, inspection and accountability of cadre selection and appointment work, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implement the organizational line of the Party for a New Era, implement the standards for good cadres in the new era, establish correct guidance, highlight political supervision, strictly investigate and deal with the problem of illegal employment and improper practices in the selection and appointment of personnel, and seriously investigate the responsibility for dereliction of duty and oversight, Promote the formation of a clean and healthy employment ecology.

Article 3 The supervision, inspection and accountability of cadre selection and appointment work shall adhere to the leadership of the Party committee (Party group) and responsibility at different levels, seek truth from facts, comply with laws and regulations, promote democracy, mass participation, implement classified policies accurately and effectively, and carry out prevention and control simultaneously, and be liable for negligence.

Article 4 The Party Committee (Party Leadership Group) and its organization (personnel) departments shall be responsible for the supervision, inspection and accountability of the selection and appointment of cadres according to their duties and authorities, and the discipline inspection and supervision organs and patrol inspection agencies shall perform the supervision responsibilities of the selection and appointment of cadres according to relevant regulations.

The Organization Department of the Central Committee is responsible for the macro guidance of supervision, inspection and accountability, while the Organization Department of the local Party committee and the Organization (Personnel) Department of the vertical management unit are responsible for guiding the supervision, inspection and accountability of the local system.

Article 5 These Measures shall apply to the supervision, inspection and accountability of the selection and appointment of cadres of Party organs, people's congresses, administrative organs, CPPCC organs, supervisory organs, judicial organs, procuratorial organs, public institutions, mass organizations and state-owned enterprises at all levels.

  Chapter II Key Contents of Supervision and Inspection

Article 6 Adherence to the principle of the Party in charge of cadres. Focus on supervising and inspecting whether the Party Committee (Party Group) performs the responsibility of selecting and appointing cadres according to the cadre management authority, and whether the appointment and removal of cadres are discussed and decided according to the democratic centralism and the rules of procedure and decision-making procedures of the Party Committee (Party Group).

Article 7 Adhere to the cadre standard and establish correct employment guidance. Focus on the supervision and inspection of whether to adhere to the principle of having both ability and integrity, putting morality first, adhering to the principle of meritocracy, and adhering to the principle of career first, fair and upright; Whether to adhere to the standard of good cadres in the new era, strictly control the political, moral, ability, style and integrity, and select and appoint loyal, clean and responsible cadres.

Article 8 The implementation of policies and regulations on the selection and appointment of cadres. Focus on supervising and inspecting whether cadres are selected and appointed according to the organization's specifications, number of posts, qualifications and working procedures; Whether to conduct in-depth investigation, carefully check and strictly check the candidates; Whether the system provisions such as communication, avoidance, term of office, retirement, cadre selection and appointment request report are strictly implemented; Whether the cadre management and supervision system is strictly implemented.

Article 9 Observe the organizational and personnel discipline and correct the selection and employment climate. Focus on the supervision and inspection of whether the discipline of cadre selection and appointment is strictly observed, and whether effective measures are taken to seriously investigate and correct the malpractice in personnel selection and appointment.

Article 10 Promote the performance of cadres. Focus on supervision and inspection of whether effective measures are taken to encourage cadres to take actions, and whether cadres who do not take actions are strictly managed and held accountable.

   Chapter III Working Mechanism of Supervision and Inspection

Article 11 Establish and improve the organizational supervision and democratic supervision mechanism of cadre selection and appointment, combine special inspection with daily supervision, and run supervision and inspection through the whole process of cadre selection and appointment.

Article 12 Strengthen the supervision and inspection of the Party organizations at higher levels. It is mainly carried out by means of pre service event report, "one report and two reviews", special inspection, post leaving inspection, problem verification, etc.

Article 13 Improve the internal supervision of the leading group of the Party committee (leading group). When studying the appointment and removal of cadres, the Party committee (leading group) should run through the deliberation and carefully listen to the opinions of the members of the group. When discussing and deciding at the meeting, members of the leading group shall express their opinions one by one, and the main person in charge shall make the final statement. When members of the leading group disagree greatly on the candidates, the voting shall be postponed. It is not allowed to take the form of individual solicitation of opinions, leaders' circle reading, etc. as a substitute for collective discussion and decision.

Article 14 Improve the internal supervision of the organization (personnel) department. The selection and appointment of leading cadres shall be informed of the cadre supervision institution, and the person in charge of the cadre supervision institution shall attend the meeting to discuss the appointment and removal of cadres as nonvoting delegates. Earnestly implement the documentary system of cadre selection and appointment, establish a self inspection system, and carry out self inspection on cadre selection and appointment once a year.

Article 15 Broaden the channels of mass supervision. Carefully check and deal with the problems reported by the masses, regularly carry out analysis, research and judgment, and timely study and put forward work opinions. Consciously accept the supervision of public opinion and respond to the concerns of the masses in a timely manner. We will improve the "12380" reporting and acceptance platform and improve the informatization level of reporting and acceptance work.

Article 16 Improve the joint meeting system for the supervision of the selection and appointment of local Party committee cadres, strengthen the communication and coordination of relevant departments, and form a joint force in the supervision work. The joint meeting is convened by the organization department, usually once a year, and important information is communicated at any time.

   Chapter IV Report on Pre service Matters

Article 17 In the process of selecting and appointing cadres, any of the following circumstances shall be reported to the higher organization (personnel) department in advance:

(1) The organization changes or the main leading members are about to leave their posts to promote or adjust cadres;

(2) Except for the change of leadership, a large number of cadres are adjusted at one time in a centralized manner or frequently within a certain period of time;

(3) Employing cadres temporarily because of special circumstances such as institutional reform;

(4) The candidates for leading members with special needs of the Party committee, the government and its working departments are nominated by the organization for investigation without democratic recommendation;

(5) Exceptionally promoting cadres beyond their ranks;

(6) Leaders, secretaries and other nearby staff are promoted and appointed;

(7) A close relative of a leading cadre is promoted and appointed within the unit (system) where the leading cadre is located, or promoted to a leadership post at the next level in the area where the leading cadre is located;

(8) National level poverty-stricken counties, concentrated contiguous poverty-stricken areas, prefectures and cities promote or change the position of party and government leaders before completing the task of poverty alleviation, and the city (prefecture, prefecture, league), county (city, district, banner), township (town) party and government leaders are adjusted after less than 3 years of service;

(9) A leading cadre resigns due to accountability or is ordered to resign, remove, demote or remove from his post, which affects his intention to resume his leadership post or be promoted to another post at the expiration of the time limit;

(10) Among various high-level talents, those whose spouses have emigrated to other countries or have no spouses but whose children have emigrated to other countries, and those who have emigrated to other countries (including foreign experts) are required to work in restricted positions;

(11) Cadres who have reached the age limit for appointment or retirement and need to be delayed in dismissal (retirement);

(12) Other matters that should be reported.

Article 18 After receiving the report on matters related to the selection and appointment of cadres, the organization (personnel) department at the higher level shall carefully examine and study it, and give a reply within 15 working days. Candidates without reply or consent shall not be submitted to the meeting of the Party Committee (Party Leadership Group) for discussion and decision. Any decision on the appointment of cadres that is not reported as required or made without consent after reporting shall be corrected.

   Chapter V "One Report and Two Comments" for Cadre Selection and Appointment

Article 19 The Party committee (leading group) shall report on the selection and appointment of cadres every year in combination with the annual summary and assessment of the plenary session or the leading group and leading cadres, and accept the democratic review of the annual selection and appointment of cadres and the cadres promoted.

Article 20 The range of people who participate in democratic appraisal is generally the people who participate in and attend the plenary session in local areas, and the people who participate in the annual summary appraisal meeting of the leading group and leading cadres in other units, and there are a certain number of cadres and masses representatives.

The democratic appraisal object for the promotion and appointment of cadres is generally the leading cadres promoted by the party committee at the same level in the past year; Other units generally refer to the personnel who have been promoted to the leadership position of the internal organization and the leading group members of the direct subordinate units in the past year.

Article 21 "One report and two reviews" shall be organized and implemented by the superior organization (personnel) department in conjunction with the local and unit being reviewed. The review results shall be fed back in time and serve as an important reference for the assessment of leading groups and cadres.

For the outstanding problems reflected in the review, the superior organization (personnel) department shall adopt the methods of interview, order to make explanations, etc., to urge the reviewed place and unit to rectify. For cadres who are obviously low in recognition, the evaluated local authorities and units shall analyze and explain their selection and appointment process, and educate or deal with them as appropriate.

Article 22 The evaluated place and unit shall inform the participants in the democratic evaluation of the evaluation results and the rectification situation.

   Chapter VI Special Inspection

Article 23 During the regular patrol of the Party committee (Party group), the organization (personnel) department at the same level shall carry out special inspection on the selection and employment of personnel by sending inspection teams.

In combination with special inspection, it is possible to inspect the situation of leading cadres.

Article 24 The inspection team shall work under the leadership of the leader of the inspection team. Before the inspection, the inspection team shall provide the inspection team with clues to the problems found in the selection and employment of personnel. The main problems found by the inspection team shall be provided to the inspection team and written into the inspection report.

Article 25 After the inspection work is completed, the inspection team shall form an inspection report, which shall be submitted to the main head of the organization (personnel) department or the party committee (party group) responsible person who dispatched the inspection team for examination and approval. After that, the report shall be fed back together with the inspection results and put forward targeted rectification opinions.

Article 26 The inspected places and units shall actively cooperate with the inspection, truthfully provide information, make rectification according to the inspection feedback, and report the rectification to the organization (personnel) department of the inspection team within 2 months after receiving the feedback. The organization (personnel) department that dispatched the inspection team shall strengthen the supervision of the rectification to ensure that the problem rectification is in place.

Article 27 The superior organization (personnel) department may, as the case may be, carry out key inspections in places and units where the selection and employment issues are highlighted.

   Chapter VII Departure Inspection

Article 28 When the secretary of the Party committee of a city (prefecture, prefecture, league) or county (city, district, banner) leaves his post, he shall inspect the selection and appointment of cadres during his tenure.

Article 29 Departure inspection shall be conducted through democratic review, review of relevant materials on cadre selection and appointment, and listening to the opinions of cadres and the masses.

Article 30 Departure inspection shall be carried out by the superior organization department according to the cadre management authority. For the inspection objects to be promoted and reused, the inspection results shall be reflected in the inspection materials and used as an important reference for evaluation.

  Chapter VIII Problem Verification

Article 31 The organization (personnel) department shall take the methods of investigation, verification, reminding, letter inquiry or request for explanation to deal with the clues of illegal selection and employment problems found in supervision and inspection, reported by the masses, and reflected by the media.

Article 32 The project establishment supervision shall be carried out for the serious violation of the selection and employment of personnel, and the handling unit shall carefully organize the investigation, and shall not transfer from one level to the next. The audit results and handling opinions are generally reported to the superior organization (personnel) department in writing within 2 months.

Article 33 The organization (personnel) department shall, according to the cadre management authority, conduct a backward check on the selection and appointment process of the cadres who have been removed from their posts within the Party or the Party discipline and government affairs above the removal level after being promoted to their current posts, and whose violations of discipline and laws occurred before being promoted, or the organization (personnel) department at a higher level, And timely form a reverse check report.

   Chapter IX Accountability

Article 34 The Party committee (leading group) shall take full leadership responsibility for the illegal selection and employment of personnel, the main person in charge of the leading group and the members of the leading group directly in charge shall assume the main leadership responsibility, and other members of the leading group participating in the decision-making shall assume the leadership responsibility. Relevant responsible persons and other responsible persons of the organization (personnel) department, discipline inspection and supervision organ, cadre investigation team shall bear corresponding responsibilities within their respective scope of responsibilities.

Article 35 In case of any of the following circumstances in the selection and appointment of cadres, the Party committee (Party group) and its main responsible persons or members of the leading group directly in charge and other members of the leading group participating in decision-making shall be held accountable:

(1) The implementation of democratic centralism is not in place, the leadership of the Party Committee (Party Leadership Group) does not play a good role in checking, and there are major mistakes in employment, which have a bad impact;

(2) There is deviation in the employment orientation, serious malpractice in the selection and employment of personnel, prominent problems of cadres' neglect and inaction, and strong feedback from the cadres and the masses;

(3) Failing to implement the main responsibility, failing to deal with, rectify and hold accountable the selection and employment of personnel and the failure of cadres to take responsibility, resulting in serious consequences;

(4) Inadequate maintenance and implementation of organizational and personnel discipline, resulting in frequent violations of rules and disciplines in the selection and employment of personnel, resulting in adverse effects;

(5) Other cases of dereliction of duty that should be investigated.

Article 36 In case of any of the following circumstances in the selection and appointment of cadres, the relevant persons in charge of the organization (personnel) department and other responsible persons shall be held accountable:

(1) Failing to select and appoint cadres in accordance with the prescribed number of posts, qualifications, working procedures and discipline requirements;

(2) Failing to report matters related to cadre selection and appointment to the superior organization (personnel) department as required;

(3) Failing to supervise and inspect the selection and appointment of local and unit cadres in accordance with regulations, resulting in outstanding problems;

(4) Failing to investigate, verify or deal with the selection and employment problems that reflect specific and traceable clues according to regulations;

(5) Other cases of dereliction of duty that should be investigated.

Article 37 Under any of the following circumstances in the selection and appointment of cadres, the relevant responsible persons and other responsible persons of the discipline inspection and supervision organs shall be investigated for their responsibilities:

(1) Failing to truthfully reply to the incorruptibility and self-discipline of the proposed candidates and putting forward concluding comments;

(2) Failing to investigate and verify the complaint reports received that reflect the specific and verifiable clues of the proposed candidates, or failing to investigate and deal with the relevant violations of discipline and laws in accordance with the provisions;

(3) Failing to perform the duty of supervision over the selection and appointment of cadres in accordance with regulations, causing serious consequences;

(4) Other cases of dereliction of duty that should be investigated.

Article 38 In case of any of the following circumstances in the selection and appointment of cadres, the relevant persons in charge of the cadre investigation team and other responsible persons shall be held accountable:

(1) Failing to observe the prescribed procedures and requirements;

(2) The investigation is seriously distorted or untrue, or conceals and distorts the truth, or discloses important investigation information;

(3) Failing to carefully review the cadre personnel file information, or failing to truthfully report the report of the investigation object, or failing to understand and verify the problem according to the regulations, resulting in serious consequences;

(4) Other cases of dereliction of duty that should be investigated.

Article 39 If a Party committee (Party group) has any of the circumstances listed in these Measures that should be investigated for responsibility, and the circumstances are relatively minor, it shall be ordered to make a written inspection; If the circumstances are serious, it shall be ordered to rectify and report to the public within a certain range; If the circumstances are serious and cannot be corrected by itself, it shall be reorganized.

Article 40 Leading cadres and relevant responsible persons who have circumstances listed in these Measures that should be investigated for responsibility, if the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be criticized and educated, ordered to make a written inspection, circulated a notice or admonished; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be suspended for inspection, transferred from their posts, or restricted from promotion; If the circumstances are serious, they shall resign or be ordered to resign, remove or demote.

If disciplinary action should be taken, disciplinary responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with relevant regulations. If it is suspected of breaking the law or committing a crime, it shall be transferred to the relevant state organ for handling according to law.

   Chapter X Supplementary Provisions

Article 41 The Organization Department of the Central Committee shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.

Article 42 These Measures shall come into force as of May 13, 2019. The Measures for Supervision and Inspection of the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres (Trial) issued by the General Office of the Central Committee on June 19, 2003 and the Measures for Accountability of the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres (Trial) issued by the General Office of the Central Committee on March 7, 2010 shall be repealed at the same time.