    • Reference average price of second-hand housing in July
    • thirty-four thousand eight hundred and forty-three Yuan/Ping
    • 0.77% lower than last month
    • 4.98% YoY
    • Data description: the reference average price of second-hand houses is calculated by Fantasy Big Data according to the house price published on the website
    • Second hand house transaction in May
    • six thousand nine hundred and nineteen set
    • 20.47% lower than last month
    • This is the transaction data of all property types, which is comprehensively summarized by the market information for reference only. The final data shall be subject to the data published by the Housing Authority and other national authorities. Please check carefully.
    See more>
    • Average transaction price of new houses in June
    • forty-one thousand two hundred and eight Yuan/Ping
    • 2.84% higher than last month
    • Data description: This is the transaction data of commercial residential buildings, which is comprehensively summarized by market information for reference only. The final data is subject to the data released by the Housing Authority and other national authorities. Please check carefully.
    • New house transaction in June
    • seven thousand three hundred and ninety-eight set
    • 36.75% higher than last month
    • Data description: This is the transaction data of commercial residential buildings, which is comprehensively summarized by market information for reference only. The final data is subject to the data released by the Housing Authority and other national authorities. Please check carefully.
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    Price trend of second-hand housing in Guangzhou

    Data source: the reference average price data of second-hand houses is from the listed houses on the whole network

    Reference average price of second-hand housing

    a year three years

    Price trend of new houses in Guangzhou

    Average transaction price of new house

    Ranking List
    fall rise

    Guangzhou Community Up and Down Ranking


    Splendor International 42520 yuan/㎡

    Month on month 19.36%


    Vanke Happiness 23870 yuan/㎡

    Month on month 18.72%


    Yuexiu · Pearl Tianyue River Bay 30485 yuan/㎡

    Month on month 17.20%


    Zhonghai Guanyun Mansion 61540 yuan/m2

    Month on month 16.75%


    Mr Wende 77388 yuan/㎡

    Month on month 16.72%


    Poly Tang Yue 50759 yuan/㎡

    16.64% Month on month


    Huasha Pavilion 10450 yuan/㎡

    16.26% Month on month


    Minmetals Merchants Riverside 40518 yuan/㎡

    15.82% Month on month


    Heyue Garden 10992 yuan/m2

    15.50% Month on month


    Jinbi Feicuihuating 66326 yuan/㎡

    15% Month on month

    Community hot search ranking


    Hesheng Road Fusheng Garden 14 sets of tags

    reference price 26192 yuan/m2


    Guoli Building 31 sets of tags

    reference price 50604 yuan/m2


    Guolong Building 32 sets of tags

    reference price 52699 yuan/m2


    Baohua Haoting 13 sets of tags

    reference price 45516 yuan/m2


    Haibinju Listing 7 sets

    reference price 31667 yuan/m2


    Nanpu Seaside Garden 30 sets of tags

    reference price 25118 yuan/m2


    Hyde Garden Listing 5 sets

    reference price 25917 yuan/m2


    Haifu Garden 109 sets of tags

    reference price 49522 yuan/m2


    Haifu Garden Phase II Listing 0 set

    reference price 17418 yuan/m2


    Seaview Center 52 sets of tags

    reference price 47156 yuan/m2

    Guangzhou New Housing District/County Turnover List


    Zengcheng 1453 sets

    Average transaction price 17013 yuan/m2


    Panyu 1015 sets

    Average transaction price 40593 yuan/m2


    white clouds 987 sets

    Average transaction price 39826 yuan/m2


    Huangpu 702 sets

    Average transaction price 41047 yuan/m2


    Nansha Islands 684 sets

    Average transaction price 28353 yuan/m2


    a place famous for its flowers 672 sets

    Average transaction price RMB 21024 per square meter


    Liwan 660 sets

    Average transaction price 56156 yuan/m2


    Haizhu 561 sets

    Average transaction price 88320 yuan/m2


    Tianhe 381 sets

    Average transaction price 79313 yuan/m2


    Conghua 259 sets

    Average transaction price 13234 yuan/m2

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