    • Reference average price of second-hand housing in April
    • four thousand eight hundred and one Yuan/Ping
    • 10.21% lower than last month
    • 2.28% YoY
    • Data description: the reference average price of second-hand houses is calculated by Fantasy Big Data according to the house price published on the website
    See more>
    • Average transaction price of new houses in June
    • In statistics
    • Data description: This is the transaction data of commercial residential buildings, which is comprehensively summarized by market information for reference only. The final data is subject to the data released by the Housing Authority and other national authorities. Please check carefully.
    • New house transaction in June
    • In statistics
    • Data description: This is the transaction data of commercial residential buildings, which is comprehensively summarized by market information for reference only. The final data is subject to the data released by the Housing Authority and other national authorities. Please check carefully.
    See more>
    Ankang second-hand housing price map
    Ankang second-hand house price map
    Housing price trend of second-hand houses in Ankang

    Data source: the reference average price data of second-hand houses is from the listed houses on the whole network

    Reference average price of second-hand housing

    a year three years

    Housing price trend of new houses in Ankang

    Average transaction price of new house

    Ranking List

    Community hot search ranking


    Fuyuan Community Listing 0 set

    reference price None


    Anyi Building Listing 0 set

    reference price None


    Safety and Transportation Department Family Home Listing 0 set

    reference price None


    Binjiang Community Listing 0 set

    reference price None


    Binjiangyuan Community Listing 0 set

    reference price None


    City Garden Listing 0 set

    reference price None


    Jiangbei Second Construction Division Listing 0 set

    reference price None


    Jiangnan Yipin Community Listing 0 set

    reference price None


    Fairview Park Listing 0 set

    reference price None


    Xing'anmen Garden Listing 0 set

    reference price None

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