Customer Service Center

Direct Mail FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (Updated September 18, 2024)
1、 Channel inquiry and compensation standard
*1. Under what circumstances can claims be made for online devices?
Answer: The product with claim service has been accepted and checked by the online service provider, but there is no effective reply and there is no sign off, return, customs check, arrival for collection, and other abnormalities on the website.
*2. How many days can I apply for a claim if I have not been online, and how many days have I been online?
① For orders that are not connected to the Internet, express delivery will be 15 days after the date of delivery, and other products will be 25 days after the date of delivery, and 30 days after the date of delivery (peak season will be delayed by 10 days);
② For online orders, please refer to the corresponding descriptions of different product types in the claim settlement conditions.
*3. What is the claim standard for orders that have not purchased or have purchased insurance/insurance services?
Answer: For orders that have not purchased insurance/insurance services, please refer to "Channel Query and Compensation Standard" for claim standards;
For orders that have purchased insured services: no deductible, refer to the transaction value of the goods submitted. Compared with the actual transaction value, the insured amount is the lower of the three, and the maximum is not more than USD100. Freight is not exempted.
Orders with insurance services purchased: compensable amount=loss amount * insured proportion - deductible (① 3C products such as mobile phones: the absolute deductible for each accident is RMB 500 or 20% of [loss amount * insured proportion], whichever is higher (after calculating the insured proportion of deductible, whichever is higher); ② Ordinary goods: the absolute deductible for each accident is 10% of [loss amount * insurance proportion];)
*4. When the goods arrive for collection, what should be done if the actual goods are not received?
Answer: On arrival for collection: the recipient should take the initiative to contact the local post office for inquiry and collection. If the recipient has abnormal feedback, it can provide the bill number to the customer service for inquiry. Our company does not provide claim service, subject to the reply of the service provider;
Sign in but not receive the goods: our company only provides inquiry service, no claim service (refer to the quotation list for details).
*5. Under what circumstances can claims be made for returned parts?
1) Unicom products: for products with "return and reassignment services" in the quotation sheet, and the customer has checked the return service, and ① the United States: the products have not been returned 30 days after the first update of the return track; ② Other countries: If it is not returned within 60 days after the first update of the return track, the compensation conditions are met, and the claim is valid within 180 days after the first update of the return track. Note: Claims will not be accepted for orders that are destroyed by default due to the customer's failure to provide handling suggestions.
2) Other products: ① Express delivery: in case of loss in the process of return, we can submit a claim 30 days after delivery after confirming the loss, and the claim is valid within 60 days. ② Postal service: For overseas returned goods, due to multiple customs inspections, many transit links and long process, it is impossible to control the return flow link. Therefore, our company is only responsible for returning the returned goods received, and will not compensate for the cases of non return, returned express damage, and shortage of internal parts;
*6. How to claim for an empty package?
Answer: There is no advance compensation for empty packages. The recipient should first complain to the local post office and issue a written certificate of non receipt of goods, which should be submitted to the corresponding customer service provider to check whether the information is true. Compensation can be made only after the service provider confirms the loss.
*7. What information should be provided for routine claims (eBay AliExpress, Amazon, etc.)?
Answer: Transaction screenshots and refund screenshots of the platform (including order number, tracking order number, recipient information, goods name and value, refund time, refund amount). For those that have been arranged to be reissued, if our company reissues them, we need to provide the reissue order number; If it has not been reissued by our company, the reissue certificate shall be provided.
*8. What information should be provided for the claim of self offline transaction (your company's website)?
Answer: Information communicated with the recipient (including order number, tracking order number, recipient information, product name and value, when to refund, refund amount, and links to goods).
*9. What is the time limit for claim processing/payment arrival?
Answer: The payment will be received within 7 working days after the compensation is confirmed.
*10. To whom is the claim information provided?
A: Your company needs to provide standard claim materials to the customer service of your company.
*11. Whether there is compensation for delay
Answer: No compensation
*12. Is there any compensation for delay and loss without main parts?
Answer: Our company will not accept claims without delay or loss of main parts. Customers must deliver as required before delivery.
*13. What conditions can not be settled? Can the Customs apply for compensation after customs detention?
Answer: The customs can not settle claims after customs detention. When natural disasters occur, such as earthquake, tornado, snowstorm, flood, fog, etc; Force majeure, such as war, air disaster or embargo; The inherent defects or characteristics of the article (whether or not the delivery party knows it); Riot or civil harassment; The acts or omissions of persons who are not employees of the delivery party or have no cooperative relationship with the delivery party, such as the addressee, the third party, the customs or other government departments; Or national or regional air or ground transportation system interruption or communication system interference or failure caused by matters beyond the control of the delivery party, in this case, the delivery party will still try its best to arrange transshipment to the destination and the delivery service provider will complete the delivery, but no compensation will be made for the delay/damage/loss of goods caused by the above circumstances.
*14. After the goods are signed in, the recipient reports that they are damaged. How to query:
Answer: After receiving the goods, the customer should take photos of the damaged outer packaging and the damaged inner parts; If the product has query service, the recipient should contact the local service provider to feed back this abnormality; At the same time, the photos of goods shall be provided to domestic senders for inquiry, which shall be provided in a timely manner within the time limit for inquiry, and the service provider shall provide other required information. The actual inquiry results shall be subject to the final reply of the service provider;
*15. Insurance (six thousandths) How can I apply for insurance compensation for goods lost online?
Answer: In the event of an accident, it is necessary to submit an investigation report to our company within the specified time for each sales product (the final investigation result shall be subject to the reply of the service provider), and contact the customer service to report the insurance case. The time limit for reporting the case is from the time of delivery: within 90 days for small packages and 45 days for express delivery; After the service provider confirms the loss, it cooperates with our company to provide insurance materials: shipping certificate, transaction screenshot, refund screenshot (if it is not refunded, it is required to provide the certificate of supplement (shipping certificate of the shipping company)), dispute screenshot or email communication screenshot, service provider's confirmation of loss certificate (letter of loss), system declaration invoice Insurance confirmation letter and claim letter (which shall be signed and sealed by the customer), our company will apply to the insurance company for claims uniformly, and the final reply of the insurance company shall prevail; Generally, the compensation amount that can be obtained from the insurance company is: the loss amount (the net loss amount of the goods, which needs to be deducted from the amount of compensation, residual value, deductible VAT, etc. that have been obtained) * insurance ratio - deductible amount=the compensation amount of the insurance company, and the final amount is subject to the actual accounting.
*16. What information should be provided for the claim of self offline transaction (your company's website)?
Answer: Information communicated with the recipient (including order number (customer order number) or tracking order number, recipient information, product name value information or sales link, refund information: time and amount).
*17. What information should be provided for a customer claim?
Answer: About a screenshot of a customer who has been sent on behalf (not traded through the platform): add offline communication screenshots (including order number (customer order number or tracking order number), refund method (reissue, freight deduction, etc.), communication email or screenshots).
*18. The following trajectories cannot be applied for compensation after being online?
Answer: The track of the official website of the service provider and 4PX website shows that the track conditions such as delivery in progress, delivery failure, sign in, return, customs fasteners, arrival waiting for collection, etc. cannot apply for advance compensation.
*19. Are claims accepted for damaged goods?
① Neither Postal Service nor United Postal Service has any claim service. If the product has inquiry service, the customer can provide information (internal and external packaging pictures, certificates issued by the destination, goods with protective devices) to confirm that the problem is caused by the service provider, and our company can provide assistance in inquiry. The actual compensation situation is subject to the service provider's investigation results;
② Commercial express: the customer needs to provide information (internal and external packaging pictures, certificates issued by the destination, and protective devices for the goods) to confirm that all or part of the goods are damaged due to the service provider's problems, and the service provider will pay corresponding compensation according to the proportion of damage; No compensation will be made for the damage caused by the insufficient protection of the inner or outer packaging for the goods. The actual compensation shall be subject to the investigation results of the service provider.
* 20 What is the refund standard for China Post's non export return (track display: no internet access)?
Answer: If the goods are returned due to 4PX or the service provider's own problems, the freight and registration fees can be refunded;
     If the goods are returned due to the customer's own problems, the freight and registration fee can be refunded (if the goods are returned due to contraband, the freight and registration fee cannot be refunded).
* 21 If the actual value (cost value) of the customer is lower than the declared value, what standard should be used to compensate?
Answer: Compensation is based on the lowest of the transaction amount (or cost value) of the goods and the declared amount, and the highest compensation does not exceed the channel standard.

2、 Frequently asked questions about insured insurance
*1. How to insure?
Answer: After creating an order online, click Order Insurance, click Purchase, and specify the amount and method of insurance.
*2. What is the difference between insurance service and insurance service?
Answer: If the insured amount is lower than USD100, it is recommended to purchase the insured service: there is no deductible for the insured service, the maximum compensation is USD100, and the policy cannot be issued; If the insured amount is higher than USD100, you can buy insurance services: the insurance services have different deductibles according to the insured amount, and you can issue an electronic policy.
*3. What kind of premium?
Answer: Premium of insured service: ¥ 5 yuan/ticket; Insurance service premium: 0.6% of the insured value, with a minimum charge of ¥ 20/ticket.
*4. When does the insurance take effect? Can I cancel the insurance before the shipment is exported?
Answer: When the policy has been issued, the insurance will take effect; The cargo can not be returned before export. After 4PX review, the insurance can be withdrawn for the articles that cannot be insured.
*5. Where can I find the list of insured persons?
Answer: After logging in the user name of Difang, you can query the historical insurance records in the "insured" list in the order insurance. As long as the insured packages are approved, they can be queried here.
*6. Can you write the name of "Sample", "Gift", "Accessory", etc. in the name of the declared product?
Answer: No, for example, the declared product name is general such as Sample, Gift or Accessory, or the declared product name is inconsistent with the actual situation. Even if the insurance is successful, the insurance company has the right not to settle claims in case of actual cargo damage/loss.
*7. How long can I get compensation after the documents are submitted?
Answer: After submitting all the documents that meet the requirements, the compensation results shall be confirmed within 10 working days. For those who are responsible for insurance compensation, the compensation shall be transferred within 10 working days after reaching a compensation agreement with the insured.
*8. Does the insurance cover the transportation expenses of the goods?
Answer: If the cargo claim data meet the requirements, the insurance company will determine the compensation amount according to the insured amount or transaction amount and the loss amount of the cargo, but will not compensate for the transportation cost of the cargo.
*9. Are claims accepted for damaged goods?
Answer: Claims for damage and functional damage due to packaging problems cannot be accepted.
*10. Are claims accepted for counterfeit goods?
Answer: The delivery party does not accept the transfer of counterfeit goods, nor does it accept claims for counterfeit goods.
*11. If the buyer cannot receive the goods due to customs detention, will you accept the claim?
A: Not acceptable.
*12. Delays also cause losses to my transactions. Do you accept claims?
Answer: The insurance company only compensates for the loss, so the delayed transaction will not accept the claim. The non carrier controllable factors of the goods (such as the customs inspection and seizure, the recipient's failure to cooperate in customs clearance, and the goods being returned due to the recipient's failure to deliver) will also not accept claims.
*13. If there is no refund for the insured goods, can we make compensation by sending them again?
① Insurance at insured price: if there is no refund, it cannot be compensated if it is sent again, and the refund time must meet the refund time limit of the national logistics.
② Insurance coverage: if there is no refund, it can be re mailed, and claims can be accepted. Relevant re mailing certificates shall be provided.
*14. Can the buyer's email complaining about not receiving the goods on the 21st day be used as evidence of claim?
Answer: 30 days/45 days/50 days (this is the refund time limit, please refer to the logistics time limit table in the "Insurance and Claim Settlement" for the specific refund time limit of logistics in each country) from the date of delivery to the fourth party. After the customer complains that the goods have not been received and the refund has been arranged, the fourth party can accept the claim.
*15. The French recipient who bought the insured ticket complained that it was not received and the seller refunded it within 30 days. Do you accept the claim?
Answer: The logistics time in this country is 30 days. If the logistics time is not full, no claim will be accepted.
*16. Can I buy ordinary mail at 0.6% of the insurance?
Answer: No.
*   17. When the insured amount is inconsistent with the online transaction value, what standard should be used to compensate?
Answer: The insurance compensation is based on the lowest of the transaction amount of goods and the insured amount, and the amount after deducting the deductible is taken as the compensation standard.
*   18. Can I apply for price protection/insurance compensation for non export or overseas returned parts?
Answer: No.
*19. Is it possible to apply for insurance/insurance compensation if the parts are lost in the return warehouse?
A: No, it can only be compensated according to the standard in the warehouse.

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