Customer Service Center

Compensation standard for postal products

Opening time, opening period, response time and compensation of postal products (updated on September 18, 2024)
New product name Original product name Opening time Opening period Recovery time limit Claim period Compensation standard Data required for customer inquiry Information required for customer claims Time limit for payment of compensation
4PX-C Postal Express China Post EMS 9 calendar days from the date of Internet access After Internet access 60 days within After initiating the inquiry 14-60 days within Not online (not picked up by the service provider): claim can be submitted within 30 natural days after delivery, and the claim is valid within 90 natural days after delivery
Online (withdrawn by the service provider): no compensation
① Not connected to the Internet (not picked up by the service provider): Free freight+declared value (up to USD100) after our confirmation of loss;
② Online (taken by the service provider): No compensation;
① Track stagnation is not updated, and only the order number needs to be provided
② If the goods are damaged or have not been received, the certificate issued by the local post office shall be provided to accept the inspection
① No Internet access: no data required;
② Online: screenshot of platform refund (with transaction order number) or reissue order number/reissue certificate (not our company);
Within 7 working days after the compensation is confirmed
4PX-S Postal Express Singapore EMS No Internet access (not picked up by the service provider): claims can be submitted 60 natural days after delivery, and claims are valid within 90 natural days after delivery
Online (taken by the service provider): subject to the investigation result after investigation
① Not connected to the Internet (not picked up by the service provider): Free freight+declared value (up to USD100) after our confirmation of loss;
② Online (taken by the service provider): After our company confirms the loss, compensate the declared value (up to USD100);
4PX-S small package registration 4px-S small package registration 24 calendar days from the date of Internet access After Internet access 90 days within After initiating the inquiry 60-90 days within No Internet access (not picked up by the service provider): claims can be submitted 60 natural days after delivery, and claims are valid within 90 natural days after delivery
Online (picked up by the service provider): the survey results shall prevail after investigation (note: countries without sign in track and EPAC countries (beginning with L) have no query and no claim service)
① Not connected to the Internet (not picked up by the service provider): Free freight registration fee+declared value (up to HKD340) after our confirmation of loss
② Online (taken by the service provider): After our company confirms the loss, compensate the declared value (up to HKD340);
4PX-C small package registration South China Small Bag Registration Not online (not picked up by the service provider): claim can be submitted within 30 natural days after delivery, and the claim is valid within 90 natural days after delivery
Online (withdrawn by the service provider): no compensation
① Not connected to the Internet (not picked up by the service provider): Free freight registration fee+declared value (no more than RMB 100) after our confirmation of loss;
② Online (taken by the service provider): No compensation;
Only non online queries are accepted, and no data is required for queries
Henan Xiaobao Registration
Cpacket - charged
Cpacket ordinary goods
Guangzhou E Youbao Query not accepted Query not accepted Query not accepted
South China E-Post
Henan local E Youbao
4PX-D small package registration DHL packet registration 24 calendar days from the date of Internet access After Internet access 60 days within After initiating the inquiry 90 days within
4PX-C small package ordinary mail South China small parcel surface mail Query not accepted Query not accepted Query not accepted No compensation No compensation - - -
Henan small package ordinary mail
4PX-D small package ordinary mail DHL small package surface mail
4PX-S small package ordinary mail+ 4px-S small package ordinary mail+
1. In peak season (October 1st to December 31st), claims settlement will be postponed to a certain extent on the above compensation standards, including 5 days delay in the warehouse link and 10 days delay in the online/proper investment link
2. Force majeure and other uncontrollable emergencies are not within the scope of the above compensation standards, including but not limited to the detention or delay caused by the customs/airline company/warehouse and other reasons, the impact of sudden weather or disease, changes in the national policy of the destination, local strikes, etc.

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