Shandong Aike Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd

Scale inhibitor bactericide, ammonia nitrogen remover amide, oilfield reinjection water scale inhibitor, reverse osmosis circulation number sewage agent


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  • Kong Jie
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Company Information

  • Shandong Aike Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd
  • Exlen
  • Enterprise type: limited liability company
  • Main products: scale inhibitor and bactericide, Ammonia nitrogen remover Amide, scale inhibitor for oilfield reinjection water, reverse osmosis circulating number sewage agent
  • Company address: Shandong Heze Intersection of Chengdu Road and Ganjiang Road
Enterprise directory » Heze Enterprise Directory » List of Heze Chemical Enterprises » Shandong Aike Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd
About us
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Name: Shandong Aike Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊨򈊠򈊦򈊣򈊢򈊨򈊧򈊦򈊢򈊤
Address: the intersection of Chengdu Road and Ganjiang Road
Main products
Scale inhibitor bactericide, ammonia nitrogen remover amide, oilfield reinjection water scale inhibitor, reverse osmosis circulation number sewage agent

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