Environmental protection channel

Green water, blue sky, green city, build and share the beautiful Shijiazhuang

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 17:21:01
Firmly establish and practice the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains. The green development background of Yanzhao earth is getting stronger and stronger Green factory points out "green" generates "gold" -- Shijiazhuang speeds up the construction of green low-carbon cycle development production system Shijiazhuang City Holds the Theme Publicity Activity of the Sixth Five Year Environment Day 2024, Guarding Green Waters and Green Mountains, and Jointly Paints the Beautiful Shijiazhuang Scroll Shijiazhuang launched the theme publicity activity of the "Sixth Five Year Environment Day", "Ecological Glimpse · Looking for Beauty in Shijiazhuang" photo exhibition For the Green Great Wall, which is ten thousand miles long, we have seen and heard the front-line battle of the "Three North" project Further create a river lake ecological environment where people and water coexist harmoniously This year, Hebei Province will build another 160 provincial happy rivers and lakes The first county-level carbon emission monitoring and analysis service center in Hebei Province is located in Shenze with accurate carbon measurement The State Council issued the 2024-2025 Action Plan for Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Promote the green and low-carbon development of the construction industry. The city has started building passive ultra-low energy buildings with an area of nearly 3.2 million square meters Improve water environment and water ecology Shijiazhuang City printed and distributed the Plan for Promoting the Implementation of River Chief System in Shijiazhuang City in 2024

The added value of green leading industries in Chengde accounts for more than 50% of the regional GDP

Shijiazhuang News Network Time: 2024-03-11 06:30:37 Source: Hebei News Network

The added value of green leading industries in Chengde accounts for more than 50% of the regional GDP

Green transformation, shaping new momentum of development

The proportion of excellent water quality of 23 surface water national and provincial examination sections reached 100%, and the water quality entering Beijing and Tianjin reached Class II and above; It only takes 51 minutes to travel from Chengde to Beijing by high-speed railway. Xinglong, Luanping and Fengning counties around the capital have opened intercity buses with Beijing, realizing the integration with Beijing; Expand the depth and breadth of cooperation with Beijing and Tianjin. In 2023, the city will introduce and move into 30 three-level subsidiaries of central enterprises

As a functional area for water conservation in Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Chengde takes "blocking sand and water sources for Beijing Tianjin and ensuring ecological security" as an important task to build a green ecological barrier in Beijing Tianjin. Strengthen cooperation with Beijing and Tianjin in ecology, transportation, industry, people's livelihood and other aspects, strive to develop itself in docking with and serving Beijing and Tianjin, and take the road of "ecological priority, green development".


On August 19, 2023, the picturesque paddock is Xiaoluanhe Wetland Park in Manchu and Mongolian Autonomous County. Photographed by Chen Baoyun, reporter of Hebei Daily

Build a green ecological barrier and consolidate the foundation of green development

On March 6, the partially unfrozen water surface of Panjiakou Reservoir was sparkling, and wild fish occasionally swam through the clear lake water. In 2016, in order to eliminate the water pollution caused by cage fish culture in Panjiakou Reservoir, Chengde invested bonus and subsidy funds to completely ban nearly 40000 cages at one time, and the water quality of the reservoir was improved from inferior to Class V to Class III, ensuring a stream of clean water flowing southward.

Focusing on the functional orientation of "Zhang Cheng area should be positioned in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei water conservation functional area, and simultaneously consider solving the poverty problem around Beijing and Tianjin", Chengde regards maintaining a good ecological environment as the greatest responsibility, the greatest potential and the most core competitiveness, and firmly builds ecology, controls pollution, and protects the environment, so as to achieve the creation of ecological civilization, water conservation capacity The environmental quality has been improved by leaps and bounds.

The implementation of ecological projects such as northern sand control belt and land greening pilot has completed 12.21 million mu of afforestation in the past 10 years, increased the forest coverage rate to 60.03%, accounted for 32% of the area of forest land in Beijing Tianjin Hebei, and all the city level and eight counties (cities) have been built into forest cities.

We will continue to fight against pollution. We coordinated the management of the system of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, vigorously implemented the 800 mile Luanhe River water quality protection and 200 mile Chaohe River water purification corridor project, and controlled more than 6000 square kilometers of soil erosion. The Regulations of Chengde City on the Protection of Water Conservation Functional Zones and the Regulations of Chengde City on the Protection of Luan River and Chaohe River were promulgated to prevent pollution and optimize ecology from the perspective of the rule of law. In the past 10 years, the PM2.5 concentration in Chengde urban area has decreased from 50 micrograms/m3 to 25 micrograms/m3, the proportion of excellent water quality in 23 national and provincial surface water sections has increased from 68% to 100%, and the water quality in all sections entering Beijing has reached Class I.

We will comprehensively strengthen cross regional coordination and cooperation. Establish a joint prevention and treatment mechanism for ecological environment with Beijing, Tianjin, Inner Mongolia and other places, hold joint meetings regularly, and organize coordinated pollution control, joint law enforcement monitoring and emergency drills.


On October 1, 2023, Beijing tourists are visiting the Black Bear Valley Scenic Area in Longhua County. Photographed by Chen Baoyun, reporter of Hebei Daily

Firmly hold the ecological red line and force industrial transformation and upgrading

On March 5, at the construction site of the Guohua Fengning Scenery Hydrogen Storage 1 million kW Scenery Project located in Bashang area of Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, large hoisting machinery kept lifting fan blades, fan hubs and other parts of the fan, and the fan units were gradually assembled.

This project is the first batch of large-scale wind power photovoltaic base construction projects focusing on desert, gobi and desert areas in China. After the project is completed, it can produce 2.07 billion kilowatt hours of green power and 17 million standard cubic meters of green hydrogen annually, which is equivalent to saving 641000 tons of standard coal, and will provide strong support for Hebei Province to build a new energy province.

Firmly hold the ecological red line and force industrial transformation and upgrading. Chengde comprehensively promotes industrial transformation and upgrading, and strives to achieve win-win results in ecological protection and economic development.

Adhere to the concept of ecological priority throughout the whole process of economic and social development, and never sacrifice the environment for temporary economic growth. In the past 10 years, 6.83 million tons of steel production capacity, 4.62 million tons of iron production capacity, 591000 tons of coke production capacity, 3.65 million tons of cement production capacity and 2.2 million tons of coal production capacity have been reduced.

Relying on its own functional orientation and unique advantages, we will establish a "3+3" green leading industry system, focus on making the medical, health care, cultural and tourism industries, vanadium and titanium new materials and products, and clean energy three dominant industries bigger and stronger, and foster three distinctive industries, namely, big data, green food and biomedicine, and special equipment manufacturing. At present, the added value of green leading industries accounts for more than 50% of the regional GDP.

With green development as the premise, we will fully guarantee the supply of national strategic resources. Adhere to vanadium production, adopt international and domestic advanced technology, process and equipment, promote the transformation and upgrading of iron and steel metallurgy to vanadium titanium new material industry, and achieve green, intensive and cluster development. At present, Chengde's clean vanadium extraction, vanadium bearing special steel and other independent intellectual property production technologies have reached the international leading level.

Build Beijing Tianjin green energy supply base based on the realization of ecological value. Adhere to the integrated development of wind power, water and hydrogen storage, synchronously promote the construction of three 10 million kilowatt clean energy bases of wind power, photovoltaic and pumped storage, build a whole industrial chain of hydrogen energy "production, storage and application", and create a "China Green Hydrogen Valley". At present, the total installed capacity of clean energy in the city has reached 14 million kilowatts, and 5 pumped storage projects are under construction and listed, forming the largest cluster of pumped storage power stations in northern China.

Build Beijing Tianjin high-quality agricultural product supply base in the direction of green and organic. We have jointly built 14 vegetable production bases and more than 80 agricultural projects around Beijing with Beijing Tianjin enterprises, providing more than 2.2 million tons of agricultural products to Beijing and Tianjin every year. In 2019, "Chengde Shanshui" regional public brand was launched, 1245 kinds of single products in 7 categories were integrated, and activities such as Chengde agricultural products entering supermarkets, canteens, and tables were carried out in Beijing and Tianjin every year, with sales of more than 22 billion yuan, enabling Haoshan to produce good products and sell good products at good prices.

Focusing on the construction of a happy Hebei province, which is a blessed place around Beijing and has always been able to take care of itself, cultural tourism and health care industry are the first leading industries. 55 scenic spots above Grade A have been built, attracting domestic first-class enterprises such as China Power Construction Corporation and Anaya to invest in the construction of Chengde International Health Tourism Resort, Anaya Jinshan Ridge, Wuling Mountain Health Valley and other projects, making it an important destination for Beijing Tianjin tourists to spend their leisure and health. In 2023, Chengde will receive 342% more tourists than in 2013, and its tourism revenue will increase 533%. The brand of "Royal Summer Resort · Rehe Hot Spring City" will be widely acclaimed, and it will become the preferred place for "so near, so beautiful, and weekend in Hebei".

Give play to the advantages of ecological resources and improve the attractiveness of business environment

Recently, the bus line from Xinglong in Chengde to Pinggu District in Beijing was officially opened. The line starts from Xinglong Bus Passenger Station, passes through Jizhou District, Tianjin, and ends at Xiaoyuyang Station, Pinggu District, Beijing, with 43 stations. Among them, there are 15 stations in Xinglong County, 7 stations in Jizhou District, and 21 stations in Pinggu District.

According to the bus driver, since the line was opened half a month ago, the passenger occupancy rate of each bus is about 70%. The opening of this new line will provide more convenient and fast public transport services for residents in Pinggu, Xinglong and Jizhou.

Traffic integration is a key area for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to take the lead in making breakthroughs. Chengde is based on complementing its weak points and promoting regional traffic connectivity. Beijing Shenyang Passenger Dedicated Railway and Zhangjiakou Tangshan Railway have been completed and opened to traffic. It only takes 51 minutes to get to Beijing by high-speed railway; Xinglong, Luanping and Fengning counties around the capital opened intercity buses to Beijing, making it more convenient to connect with Beijing; Chengde Puning Airport opened a short route from Yudaokou Airport to Mujiayu Airport in Miyun last year, making it more convenient for Beijing tourists to travel on the dam.

The shortening of "distance" has accelerated the integration of Beijing Tianjin Hebei industrial chain.

Huaifeng Industrial Park, jointly built by Huairou District of Beijing and Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, has introduced more than 20 enterprises, including Beijing Hongting and Yanyang, to become the production base of auto parts in Beijing. Xinggu Cooperation Industrial Park, jointly built by Beijing Pinggu District and Xinglong County, has settled more than 10 enterprises such as land-based machinery and Yuanjing Precision Machinery... Chengde continues to strengthen its resource advantages to drive industrial development, focus on platform construction, vigorously carry out investment attraction, and accelerate the creation of an industrial cluster that complements the advantages of Beijing and Tianjin.

In the past 10 years, the city has made frequent exchange visits with Beijing and Tianjin, carried out more than 4600 activities such as "100 Beijing enterprises entering Chengde" and "Tianjin enterprises going to Chengde", deeply connected with more than 200 enterprises such as Shounong Group, Beikong Group, Beitou Group, and China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, State Grid, Huaneng Group More than 40 central enterprises and leading backbone enterprises in the energy field, including China Power Construction Group, have carried out project cooperation to actively promote the integrated development of wind, solar and hydrogen storage in the clean energy industry. In 2023, the city will introduce and move into 30 three-level subsidiaries of central enterprises.

At present, 186 major projects and key work of the city are listed in the national and provincial planning outlines, and 15 major events and projects are listed in the "Three Year Action Plan" and "Beijing Tianjin Hebei 2023 Key Tasks" of the three provinces and cities in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, providing major policy benefits for Chengde's development. (Hebei Daily/Li Jiancheng)

Editor: Jia Cong Editor in charge: Shang Yanhua