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 Fine decoration of Room 3 and Hall 2 of Taihe Spring

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Fine decoration of Room 3 and Hall 2 of Taihe Spring

3 rooms and 2 halls | 102.93㎡ | high-level (33 floors in total) | Southbound | Built in 2017 | Zhou Yujiang

Spring of Taihe Diaozhuang - No. 960, Zhongwu Avenue

Quality education

one hundred and ninety-nine ten thousand 19333 yuan/㎡

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Jingdi Green County 92.66 Ping 2 Ju Nanxiang Fine Decoration Contract at Any Time

2 rooms and 2 halls | 92.66㎡ | Ground floor (15 floors in total) | Southbound | Built in 2014 | Cheng Jingjing

Goldgreen County Mitsui Feilong - No. 8, Nanhu Road, Xinbei District, Changzhou City (west side of Feilong Sports Park)

one hundred and twenty ten thousand 12950 yuan/m2

Langyue Longzhou 191.49 Ping 5 Ju Nanxiang Fine Decoration Price is negotiable

3 rooms and 2 halls | 191.49㎡ | Ground floor (26 floors in total) | Southbound | Built in 2022 | Liu Jia

Langyue Longzhou Qinglong Zhulin North Road Longjin Road Interchange

four hundred and ninety-eight ten thousand 26006 yuan/m2

Beijing Haoyuan 114.71 Ping 3 Dwelling Houses South Fine Decoration, Own Living Maintenance, Loss and Price Reduction

3 rooms and 2 halls | 114.71㎡ | High rise (32 floors in total) | Southbound | Built in 2012 | Pan Yecheng

Beijing Haoyuan South Street - original Changzhou Municipal Government plot

five hundred and thirty ten thousand 46203 yuan/m2

Jingrui Tianxi 181.38 Ping4 Residence is well decorated in the south, quiet and not facing the street

4 rooms and 2 halls | 181.38㎡ | High rise (26 floors in total) | Southbound | Built in 2019 | A strong seedling

Jingrui Celestial Seal 300m southeast of the intersection of Qinglong Yongning Road and Longjin Road (Chunxiao Bridge)

three hundred and fifty-five ten thousand 19572 yuan/m2

20 Xiaojingrui Tianxi 108.92 Ping 3 Ju Nanxiang Fine Decoration Check in

3 rooms and 2 halls | 108.92㎡ | Middle floor (26 floors in total) | Southbound | Built in 2019 | A strong seedling

Jingrui Celestial Seal 300m southeast of the intersection of Qinglong Yongning Road and Longjin Road (Chunxiao Bridge)

two hundred and twenty-five ten thousand 20657 yuan/m2

Wanda Pangfuchen Garden, 99.65 square meters, 2 residences, south facing fine decoration, ready to sign a contract

2 rooms and 2 halls | 99.65㎡ | Low floor (10 floors in total) | Southbound | Built in 2005 | A strong seedling

Fuchen Garden Olympic Sports Center - No. 177, Tongjiang Avenue, New North

one hundred and fifty-eight ten thousand 15855 yuan/㎡

Star River International Zone 5 89.4 Ping2 Dwellings, South oriented Fine Decoration, Convenient House Viewing, Loss and Price Reduction

2 rooms and 2 halls | 89.4㎡ | High rise (33 floors in total) | Southbound | Built in 2013 | Pan Yecheng

Galaxy International Zone 5 Hutang Wuyue Xinghe International Zone 5

one hundred and sixty ten thousand 17897 yuan/m2

High end quality residence, Longcheng Jinmao Mansion, 3 rooms, hardbound building, good spacing, lighting, key

3 rooms and 2 halls | 114.36㎡ | Bottom layer (17 layers in total) | Southbound | Built in 2020 | Yuan Cheng

Longcheng Jinmao Mansion Intersection of Beigang Longjiang Road and Hongzhuang Road

two hundred and fifteen ten thousand 18800 yuan/m2

Fine decoration near Dinosaur Park at a unit price of 10000 yuan, a down payment of 20000 yuan, contact us for group purchase

3 rooms and 2 halls | 113㎡ | Low floor (30 floors in total) | Southbound | Built in 2020 | Wang Hao

Zhong'ao Blue Light Sky Yi Yun Zhu Longhutang - Intersection of Da'an Road and Xiaohu Road, Huangtu Town, Jiangyin City

one hundred and eighteen point six five ten thousand 10500 yuan/m2

Xincheng County's future 95.69 flat and 3 residences, south facing fine decoration, anxious to sell at a loss and cut prices

3 rooms and 2 halls | 95.69㎡ | High rise (21 floors in total) | Southbound | Built in 2018 | Pan Yecheng

Future of Xincheng County Hutang Tesco - Wujin Hutang Renmin Road and Xinghuo Road Intersection

one hundred and sixty-five ten thousand 17243 yuan/㎡
one 1 page in total

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