Fangtianxia > Changzhou second-hand housing > Wujin second-hand house > West Lake second-hand house > Second hand house of Xinghe Lanyuewan commercial and residential building

First line lake view room+quality community) hardbound handbag can live on the good star river Lanyue Bay


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fifty-nine point eight ten thousand

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To bid

2 rooms, 1 hall and 1 bathroom
House type
built-up area
11074 yuan/m2
Unit Price
north and south
Floor (30 floors in total)

Score: 3.7

The calf looks at the house
phone Room chat
Housing source information
Architectural age 2019
With or without elevator yes
Nature of property right Personal property rights
Residential category Ordinary residence
building structure Leveling
Building category Slab building
Listing time 2024-04-10
  • Core selling points
    Listing description
    [Introduction to this house] 1. [Selling point] The house is square, with middle and upper floors, and full day lighting
    2. [House type] Three bedrooms, two halls and one bathroom
    3. Lot
    4. [Supporting] Bank supermarket hospital
    5. [Surrounding] [100% permanent residence] You can call the customer service hotline for the permanent residence certification of this house
    6. Query. If there is any falsehood, you are welcome to report it.
    [Five guarantees of the company] Professional legal team of national first-class qualification housing assessment risk prevention housing transaction funds The bank's third party security guarantee actively accepts the supervision of government departments to conduct sunshine operations, and provides on-site services with certificates
    [Self introduction] I am a store manager who often lives in Beijing. I will provide you with reasonable, scientific and professional suggestions. No matter whether you buy a house or not, we will provide you with sincere services. If you need to know more about the house, or need to consult relevant information during the purchase process, you can call the 24 service hotline at any time:, Store manager, please save! For more houses, please click on my number: - rent and sell to find a permanent residence
  • Owner mentality
    Sincerely sell, the price can be discussed again, welcome to see the house, and wait for the phone at any time: 1 8 1 1 2 5 1 5 3 8
  • Tax analysis
    Tax information often wants to settle down and find a permanent residence! There is no need to visit a 360 degree panoramic view of the house without repetition. Regular residence provides you with a new interest rate, accurate calculation, simple and easy to use housing loan calculator for free. Its business scope is all over Changzhou; Major enterprises; Brand developers and brand property communities; Environment and commercial integration of the housing supply, over the existing housing sales, to hit and see. First, the information of second-hand housing sources, housing price evaluation and other warrant transfers, provident fund, commercial loans in all districts of the city; House sales and leasing business! Risk tip: Buying a house involves a large amount of capital, and a safe transaction process can better protect the vital interests of both buyers and sellers. The whole process is accompanied by standardized operation, and the safety is guaranteed!!!
  • Community supporting facilities
  • Service introduction
    I have been engaged in housing for many years, and the company has a large number of companies. Welcome to check my shop, and please call me at any time. I believe in my profession, and I will escort you to settle down.
Listing pictures
 Interior drawing
 Apartment layout diagram
Apartment layout diagram
 Interior drawing
 Interior drawing
 Interior drawing
 Interior drawing
 Interior drawing
 Interior drawing
 Interior drawing
 Interior drawing
 Interior drawing
Xinghe Lanyuewan Commercial and Residential Building Community Information
Reference average price None
Year on year No data available
Month on month No data available
Property type residence
Property expenses 3.5 yuan/m2 · month
Building type Plate tower combination
Term of property right forty
Architectural age 2015
Greening rate 35.1%
Plot ratio two point three
Pedestrian and vehicle diversion nothing
Community picture
Surrounding facilities
Fu Rucui's Comments
Praise rate 80%
Authenticity five
Satisfaction five
Professionalism five
Please comment on his service Well received Neutral comment negative comment
Authenticity of house information
Satisfaction with service attitude
Professional level
Disclaimer: The source information is provided by the website user, and the authenticity and legitimacy of the information provider is responsible, and the final registration and filing by the government department shall prevail. This website does not declare or guarantee the correctness and reliability of the content. Please check carefully when purchasing the house. Admission is only based on historical experience, and no admission is promised here. Please do not pay any fees before signing the contract to avoid being cheated.