 Shanghai Zhuoying Import Agency Co., Ltd. - provides one-stop food import supply chain services

Shanghai Zhuoying Import Agency Co., Ltd. - provides one-stop food import supply chain services

Shanghai ZOUIN focuses on Shanghai food import agent, Shanghai port import food customs declaration, food import customs clearance company, food import customs declaration agent, import food customs clearance agent, food import customs clearance agent, familiar with various food import processes and import food procedures, is a professional Shanghai food import agent, and can provide a full set of agent services for the overall packaging of imported food!
detailed About Zhuo Ying
Zhuoying International Shanghai Food Import Agency Co., Ltd. focuses on import logistics supply chain services. Food and alcohol import qualification: Zouin food and wine imported  qualifications +Own food circulation and alcohol wholesale qualification. +Acquire More detailed
  • Industry: freight forwarder
  • Address: Room 408, Floor 4, Building 3, No. 188, Ona Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
  • Tel.: 021-61060986
  • Fax: 021-61060983
  • Contact: Manager Qian/sales manager/Mobile: 15000636740

Expert in one-stop food and alcohol import solution -----We sincerely ask for your service and provide you with the best logistics plan!

We Zhuoying Food customs clearance company have A full set of food import qualifications, including import and export rights, customs registration certificate, commodity inspection filing certificate, food business license, alcohol wholesale license, can provide one-stop food customs clearance service for unqualified customers! Professional Shanghai Food Import Agency and Shanghai Food Import Customs Clearance Co., Ltd.
Rely on the relationship network we have operated for many years , we mainly It provides international freight, picking up and shipping of food, domestic imported food bonded in a hurry, imported food label filing, imported food label pasting and domestic logistics delivery services. We will first implement the relevant product information and foreign document information according to the customer's specific products, and then we will provide the corresponding food import scheme according to the customer's needs, and strive to implement the scheme that is most suitable for the customer!
Imported food service items:
1. Import international logistics/overseas picking
2. Food storage/constant temperature storage in the import free trade zone
3. Scheme design of imported food
4. Chinese label design/review/filing of imported food
5. Imported food declaration and inspection
6. Qualified pickup of imported food, milk, olive oil, etc
7. Imported domestic logistics delivery
8. One stop food import supply chain service!
Zhuoying Shanghai Food Import Customs Declaration Co., Ltd —— Full set of logistics services, focusing on imported food customs clearance logistics, with high professionalism, rich cases and guaranteed cargo safety!  
Zhuoying Shanghai Food Customs Clearance Co., Ltd. has a sincere and efficient customs clearance capability. We are committed to building the most professional and efficient food and alcohol import declaration agency platform in China! Professional food import customs declaration agent, bonded area food customs clearance, food Chinese label design filing agent, bonded area food warehousing agent, food import process consultation, food import logistics cost budget, precise control of key and difficult points of food customs clearance.   Zhuoying, let Customs clearance of imported food It is no longer a problem!

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Shanghai Food Customs Clearance Company - Summary of Prohibitive Provisions on Labeling and Identification (General Food)

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Summary of prohibitive provisions on food labeling and identification (general food) - Shanghai Food Customs Clearance Company


(1) Packaging design and material:

GB 4806.6-2016 National Food Safety Standard Plastic Resin for Food Contact

GB 4806.7-2016 National Food Safety Standard Plastic Materials and Products for Food Contact

GB 4806.8-2016 National Food Safety Standard Paper and Board Materials and Products for Food Contact

GB 9685-2016 National Food Safety Standard for Use of Additives for Food Contact Materials and Products

GB 11676-2012 National Food Safety Standard Silicone Anti stick Coatings


GBT 10004-2008 Plastic Composite Film, Bag Dry Lamination and Extrusion Lamination for Packaging

QBT 1014-2010 Food Packaging Paper

GB 23350-2009 Requirements for Limiting Over packaging of Commodities Food and Cosmetics

Recycled waste paper, recycled plastic, phenolic resin, industrial grade paraffin wax, and ink and pigment on food packaging shall not be printed on the food contact surface.

The Food and Cosmetics Requirements for Limiting Over packaging of Commodities requires that food shall not be over packaged. For example, the porosity of the packaging of primary processed food shall not be more than 10%, the packaging shall not exceed 3 layers, and the total cost of packaging other than the initial packaging shall not exceed 20% of the food price.

(2) It is not allowed to mark the same or similar trademark, name, package and decoration with * commodity and well-known commodity trademark, name, package and decoration.


Anti Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China regulations:

They shall not counterfeit the registered trademarks of others;

No trademark, name, package, decoration or similar trademark, name, package, decoration unique to * commodities or well-known commodities shall be used on different or similar commodities without authorization;

No trademark identical with or similar to other registered trademarks may be used on the same or similar goods;

Without the consent of the trademark registrant, it is not allowed to change its registered trademark and put the goods with the changed trademark back on the market (reverse counterfeiting);

It is not allowed to use signs identical with or similar to others' registered trademarks as trade names or commodity decoration on the same or similar commodities, so as to mislead the public;

"China *" shall not be used on commodities, commodity packages or containers, or in advertising, exhibitions or other commercial activities.


(3) The contents shall not be ambiguous.

GB 7718-2011 National Food Safety Standard General Principles for the Labeling of Prepackaged Food

GB 28050-2011 National Food Safety Standard General Principles for Nutrition Labeling of Prepackaged Food

The contents of package, label and identification must be clear, eye-catching, durable, easy to identify and read.

The food or its package shall be attached with labels and identifications (except for the food that may not be attached according to laws and administrative regulations). It shall be directly marked on the food of * small sales unit or its package, which shall be clear and eye-catching. The background and background color shall be in contrasting color, so that consumers can easily identify and read.


(4) There shall be no feudal superstition or yellow content on the label.

The contents of the package, label and logo must be easy to understand, accurate, and scientifically based. It is not allowed to mark the contents of feudal superstition, yellow, belittle other foods or violate scientific nutrition common sense. The content should be true, accurate, easy to understand, scientific and legal.


(5) The contents of the label shall not contain * diseases and other false, misleading and deceptive contents.

General Principles for the Labeling of Prepackaged Food, General Principles for the Labeling of Prepackaged Special Diet Food, Anti unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China Consumer Protection Law of the People's Republic of China Regulations on the Management of Food Labeling Administrative Measures for Food Advertising Provisions such as:

The contents of package, label and logo shall not introduce food in false, misleading or deceptive words or graphics, nor shall they mislead consumers by using font size or color difference;

It is not allowed to use directly or indirectly suggestive language, graphics, symbols to cause consumers to confuse the purchased food or a certain nature of food with another product;

For processed food, words such as "fresh" or "fresh" shall not be added on the package, label, label or in front of the name to indicate that the food is fresh and natural;

The content shall be true, accurate, easy to understand, and scientific. It shall not be false or misleading. It shall not contain medical terms, efficacy promotion terms, terms that are easily confused with drugs, and terms that cannot be evaluated with objective indicators.

Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China Article 73 stipulates that: "The content of food advertisements shall be true and legal, shall not contain false content, and shall not involve disease prevention and pornography.


It is not allowed to forge or falsely mark the production date and warranty period;

It is not allowed to forge the origin of food;

It is not allowed to forge or falsely use the name and address of other producers;

It is not allowed to forge, falsely use or alter the production license number.

It is not allowed to forge or falsely use product bar codes;

The following contents shall not be marked:

(1) Explicitly or implicitly having the function of preventing or curing diseases;

(2) Non health food is expressed or implied to have health function;

(3) Describing or introducing food in a deceptive or misleading manner;

(4) The attached product description cannot prove its basis;

(5) The words or patterns do not respect national customs and contain discriminatory descriptions;

(6) Using the national flag, national emblem or RMB for marking;


The following terms shall not be used in food packaging:

1. Immune regulation; 2. Regulate blood fat; 3. Adjust blood sugar; 4. Delay aging; 5. Improve memory; 6. Improve vision; 7. Promote lead removal; 8. Clear throat and moisten throat; 9. Regulate blood pressure; 10. Improve sleep; 11. Promote lactation; 12. Anti mutation; 13. Fatigue resistance; 14. Anti hypoxia; 15. Radiation resistance; 16.*; 17. Promote growth and development; 18. Improve osteoporosis; 19. Improve nutritional anemia; 20. It has auxiliary protective effect on chemical liver injury; 21. Beauty (acne removal/chloasma removal/skin moisture and oil improvement); 22. Improve gastrointestinal function (regulate intestinal flora/promote digestion/moisten intestines and relieve constipation/have auxiliary protective effect on gastric mucosa); 23. Tumor inhibition. It is not allowed to indicate that it can prevent, alleviate, * or cure certain diseases. It is not allowed to mark "rejuvenate", "prolong life", "turn white hair into black", "rejuvenate teeth", "* cure cancer" or other similar terms.


(6) Words such as * shall not be used.

Article 7 of the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that: "The content of an advertisement shall be beneficial to the physical and mental health of the people, promote the improvement of the quality of goods and services, and protect the legitimate interests of consumers. The use of *, * advanced, * good and other terms is not allowed in advertisements." Prohibited words in advertisements that are not allowed to be used are:

1. *, *, * Advanced, * Best, *, *, *, * Good, *, *, * Low, * Bottom, *, * Cheap, * Large scale, * New technology, * Advanced science, * Product, *, *, *, *, * New, * Advanced, * Brand, *, *, * Earn, *, * First, *, Luxury, Supreme, * Enjoy and other * sexual terms; 2. State XXX *, State XX *, State XX *, special offer and other terms that are publicized by the name of the staff of the state and state organs;

3. *. There is no need for national quality testing, * and other words declaring that the quality does not need testing;

4. Use RMB patterns (except those approved by the Central Bank);

5. Traditional Chinese characters (excluding trademarks), separate use of foreign characters, or combination of Chinese and English words;

6. False words such as ancestral, suppression, and secret;

7. Exaggerated words such as powerful, special effect, full effect, powerful, miraculous, efficient, quick effect and magic effect;

8. Prescription, compound, *, *, *, *, removing blood stasis, relieving cough, *, curative effect, prevention and treatment, *, *, tumor, elevation, puzzle, name of various diseases and other words that express or imply the function of *;

9. Such vulgar or superstitious words as magic pills and immortals.


(7) The content of the mark must be in Chinese characters (except for the registered trademark), and if pinyin, minority languages, and foreign languages are used together, they shall not be larger than the corresponding Chinese characters (except for the registered trademark).

The contents of package, label and logo must use standard Chinese characters (except for registered trademarks);

It is allowed to use pinyin or minority characters at the same time, but not larger than the corresponding Chinese characters;

Foreign language can be used at the same time, but it should be corresponding to Chinese characters (except the manufacturer and address of imported food, the name and address of foreign distributors, and website);

All foreign languages shall not be larger than the corresponding Chinese characters (except for registered trademarks).


(8) The content of mandatory label shall not be less than 1.8 mm.

When the large surface area of the package or packaging container * is more than 35cm2, the height of the words, symbols and numbers of the mandatory contents shall not be less than 1.8 mm. When the large surface area of a food or its package is less than 10cm2, only the name of the food, the name and address of the producer, the net content, the production date and the shelf life can be marked. Food name, ingredient list, net content, factory name and address, production date, shelf life, product standard number, etc. are mandatory contents of the standard. If all or part of the mandatory contents on the inner package or container can be clearly identified through the outer package, the corresponding contents can not be repeatedly marked on the outer package; If there is another outer package (or large package) directly delivered to consumers on the outside of the inner package (or container), only the contents of the mandatory marking can be marked on the outer package (or large package).


(9) Food labels and identifications shall not be separated from packages (containers).

Labels and identifications shall not be separated from food or its packaging (containers).


(10) The food name label must be eye-catching and prominent, indicating the true attributes of the food, and shall not be concealed, obscure or ambiguous.

The General Rules for the Labeling of Prepackaged Food, the General Rules for the Labeling of Prepackaged Food for Special Meals, and the Regulations on the Management of Food Labeling stipulate that:

The package, label and identification shall be clearly marked with the special name indicating and reflecting the true attributes of the food in a conspicuous position;

A food made from animal or plant food with specific processing technology to imitate the individual, organ, tissue and other characteristics of other organisms shall be preceded by the words "artificial", "imitation" or "plain", and the classification (category) name of the true attributes of the food shall be marked;

When one or more names of a food have been specified in national standards or industrial standards, one of them or equivalent names shall be selected;

When there is no name specified in national standards or industrial standards, the common name or popular name that will not mislead or confuse consumers shall be used;

It can be marked with "new name", "strange name", "transliteration name", "brand name", "regional slang name" or "trademark name", but it should be marked near the indicated name

One or more names or any of the equivalent names of the food specified in national standards or industrial standards;

When "newly created name", "strange name", "transliteration name", "brand name", "regional slang name" or "trademark name" contain words or terms (words) that are easy to misunderstand food properties, the same brand name shall be used adjacent to the indicated name to indicate the true properties of food;

When the special name of the true attribute of food is easy to be misunderstood due to different font sizes, the same font size shall also be used to indicate the special name of the true attribute of food. For example, "orange juice" and "beverage" in "orange juice beverage", "chocolate" and "sandwich biscuit" in "chocolate sandwich biscuit" should use the same font size;

To avoid consumers misunderstanding or confusing the true attributes, physical state or preparation method of food, corresponding words or phrases can be added before or after the food name. Such as dry, concentrated, recovered, smoked, fried, powdered, granular.

The name of a food that is physically mixed from two or more kinds of food and is uniform in appearance and difficult to separate from each other should reflect the mixing property and classification (genus) name of the food;

It is not allowed to use * before or after the food name, or use * figures or names (excluding substances used for both medicine and food) to indicate the curative effect and health care function.

In order to meet the physiological needs of certain special populations or the nutritional needs of patients with certain diseases, foods specially processed according to special formulas (including baby food), namely special diet food, can be used in the name of "infant formula milk (milk) powder", "sugar free instant soybean powder" (for diabetics), "iron fortified high protein instant soybean powder" (for patients with anemia).

(11) The label must have a list of ingredients

Prepackaged food shall be marked with ingredient list.
The list of ingredients shall be titled with "ingredients" or "ingredients list";
The ingredients shall be arranged one by one according to the decreasing order of the amount added during the manufacturing or processing of food, and the ingredients with the amount added not more than 2% may not be arranged in the decreasing order;
Where sweeteners, preservatives and colorants are directly used in food, specific names shall be indicated under the item of food additives in the ingredient list;
Where other food additives are used, the specific name, category or code may be indicated.

(12) The net content label shall not use illegal measurement units, and shall be displayed on the same page as the food name.
The quantitative prepackaged food shall be marked with net content, which shall be composed of net content, figures and legal measurement units. Such as "net content 450g", or "net content 450g";

The net content of food in the package (container) shall be marked according to the legal measurement unit in the Measures for the Metrological Supervision and Administration of Quantitatively Packed Commodities in the following ways:

1. Liquid food, volume - L (1) (L), mL (ml) (mL);
2. Solid food, mass - g (g), kg (kg);
3. Semi solid or viscous food, with mass or volume.
The net content and food name shall be arranged on the same display panel of the package or container.

For the food containing solid and liquid two-phase substances in the container (such as canned sweet pears), in addition to the net content, the content of drained matter (solids) should also be marked. Expressed by mass or mass fraction.
Example: canned pear in syrup
Net content: 425g
Dried matter (also can be marked as solid matter or pear block), not less than 255g (or not less than 60%)
If the same prepackaged food contains several pieces of the same prepackaged food that are independent of each other, the quantity or pieces of food shall be marked at the same time as the net content, excluding the small packages that are not sold individually in large packages, such as small pieces of candy.

(13) The factory name and address must be marked.
Pre packaged food shall be marked with the name, address and contact information of the food producer. The place of origin of food shall be marked, and the place of origin of food shall be marked to the prefecture level region according to the administrative division. The name and address of the producer shall be the name and address of the producer registered according to law and able to bear the responsibility for product safety and quality. In case of any of the following circumstances, it shall be marked according to the following provisions:
1. The group company and the branch (subsidiary) of the group company that independently assume legal responsibility according to law shall indicate their respective names and addresses.
2. The name and address of the group company and its branch company (production base), or only the name and address of the group company, can be marked on the branch company (subsidiary company) of the group company or the production base of the group company that cannot independently bear legal responsibility according to law.
3. The name and address of the entrusting party shall be marked if it is entrusted by other companies to process prepackaged food but does not undertake external sales; For the food under production license management, if the entrusting enterprise has the food production license for entrusted processing, the name and address of the entrusting enterprise and the name of the entrusted enterprise shall be marked, or only the name and address of the entrusting enterprise shall be marked.
4. Imported prepackaged food shall be marked with the name of the country or region of origin (Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan), as well as the name and address of the agent, importer or dealer registered in China according to law.
5. The repackaged food shall be marked with the name and address of the repackager and the words "repackaged".

(14) The production date, shelf life and storage conditions must be marked.
The date shall not be additionally pasted, reprinted or tampered with.

(15) The contents of the label must have the product standard number.
Packaged food produced and sold domestically (excluding imported prepackaged food) shall be marked with the codes and serial numbers of national standards, industrial standards, local standards or registered enterprise standards implemented by enterprises.

(16) The quality (quality) grade must be marked (the product standard is divided into quality (quality) grade).
For products whose quality (quality) grade has been clearly specified in the product standard implemented by the enterprise, the quality (quality) grade, processing technology, etc. shall be marked.

(17) The food production license number (the food included in the food production license system) must be marked.
The food under production license management shall be marked with the food production license number. If the entrusting enterprise has the food production license for entrusted production and processing of the food under the production license management, it may mark the production license number of the entrusting enterprise or the entrusted enterprise.

(18) If mixed non edible products are likely to cause accidental ingestion and personal injury, warning signs or warning instructions in Chinese shall be marked.
If mixed non edible products are likely to cause accidental consumption, improper use and personal injury, warning signs or warning instructions in Chinese shall be marked on their labels.

(19) Alcoholic products with alcohol content greater than 0.5% must be marked with health warnings; Beer packed in glass bottles must be marked with safety warnings.

(20) If the words "nutrition" and "fortification" are marked, the nutrients and calories of the food shall be marked.
If a food is marked with the words "nutrition" or "fortification" in its name or description, it shall be marked with the nutrients and calories of the food in accordance with the relevant provisions of the national standards, and comply with the quantitative labeling prescribed by the national standards.

(21) Other mandatory signs
Irradiated food: "Irradiated food" shall be marked near the food name for the food that has been treated with ionizing radiation line or ionizing energy; Any ingredients treated with ionizing radiation or ionizing energy shall be indicated in the ingredient list.

Genetically modified food or food containing legal genetically modified materials: genetically modified biological labels such as "genetically modified XX food" or "genetically modified XX food as raw material" shall be marked.
Special food: appropriate people and warnings shall be indicated

For example, 1. Beverages containing caffeine, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and other ingredients must be marked with the daily * maximum limit. 2. Foods such as low-fat milk, skimmed milk, skimmed milk powder and milk containing drinks should be marked with "cannot completely replace baby food" and "skimmed milk is not suitable or can not be used as baby food". 3. The food containing royal jelly shall be marked with "may cause multiple allergic reactions, especially fatal to people with asthma and allergy history". 4. Beverages added with caffeine shall be marked with "Not applicable to children, pregnant women, breast-feeding women and those allergic to caffeine" in addition to the caffeine content.

Sugar free food: The General Rules for the Labeling of Prepackaged Food for Special Diets clearly stipulates that the requirement of "sugar free" means that the sugar content per 100g or 100ml of solid or liquid food is not more than 0.5g. If a product is labeled "sugar free", the content of monosaccharide (such as sucrose, lactose, maltose, etc.) or disaccharide (such as glucose, fructose, etc.) must meet the above standards.

(22) GM food:
Genetically modified food refers to food and food additives produced by animals, plants and microorganisms that use genetic engineering technology to change genome composition, including genetically modified animal, plant and microbial products; Transgenic animals, plants and microorganism directly processed products; Food and food additives produced from genetically modified animals, plants, microorganisms or their direct processed products.
1. Genetically modified food must be reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Health and marked with the approval number before it can be produced or imported
According to the Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China and the Administrative Measures for New Resource Food, genetically modified food, as a class of new resource food, must be reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Health and marked with the approval number before it can be produced, sold or imported. The approval number is "Wei Xin Shi Shen Zi", "Wei Xin Shi Zhun Zi", "Wei Xin Shi Jin Shen Zi", "Wei Xin Shi Jin Zhun Zi"+"(××××)" year+"No. ××". Genetically modified food that has not been examined and approved by the Ministry of Health shall not be produced, sold or imported, nor used as food or food raw materials. The approved genetically modified food shall be listed in the catalogue of genetically modified food varieties that can be used for food production and marketing by the Ministry of Health. The name of genetically modified food shall be consistent with the content approved by the Ministry of Health.
2. Genetically modified food must be labeled with agricultural genetically modified organisms.
Regulations on the Safety Management of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, the Administrative Measures for New Resource Food, the Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China, the Administrative Measures for the Labeling of Industrial Genetically Modified Organisms, the Administrative Measures for the Packaging and Labeling of Agricultural Products, etc, Agricultural products listed in the list of agricultural genetically modified organisms shall be marked; Those not marked or marked as required shall not be imported or sold. The agricultural genetically modified organisms listed in the list of agricultural genetically modified organisms shall be identified by the production and sub packaging units and individuals; Those not marked shall not be sold. When purchasing goods, business units and individuals shall check the goods and marks. Business units and individuals that open the original packaging for sale shall re label it. Food products (including raw materials and processed foods) containing genetically modified organisms or/and expression products shall be marked with "GM XX food" or "GM XX food as raw material". If the genetically modified food comes from the potentially allergenic food, it should also be marked with "This product is transformed into XX food gene, and attention should be paid to those who are allergic to XX food". Genetically modified food shall be marked in the following ways:
(1) In case of stereotyped packaging, it shall be marked on the obvious position of the label;
(2) In case of bulk, it shall be marked on the price tag or the notice board set separately;
(3) In case of transshipment, it shall be marked on the shipping bill;
(4) Those imported shall be marked on the trade contract and customs declaration form.
Marking method of identification:
(1) Genetically modified animals and plants (including seeds, breeding livestock and poultry, aquatic fry) and microorganisms, genetically modified animals and plants, microbial products, seeds, breeding livestock and poultry, aquatic fry, pesticides, veterinary drugs, fertilizers, additives and other products containing genetically modified animals and plants, microorganisms or their product ingredients shall be directly marked with "genetically modified ××".
(2) Direct processed products of genetically modified agricultural products shall be marked as "genetically modified ×× processed products (finished products)" or "processed raw materials are genetically modified ××".
(3) Products processed with agricultural genetically modified organisms or products containing agricultural genetically modified organisms, but no genetically modified elements are contained in the final sale products or cannot be detected, shall be marked as "This product is processed with genetically modified organisms, but no genetically modified elements are contained in this product" Or it may be marked as "There is genetically modified ×× in the raw materials for processing this product, but this product no longer contains genetically modified ingredients".
*List of agricultural genetically modified organisms with label management in batches
1、 Soybean seed, soybean, soybean meal, soybean oil, soybean meal
2、 Corn seeds, corn, corn oil and corn flour (including corn flour with tax numbers of 11022000, 11031300 and 11042300)
3、 Rape seeds, rapeseed, rapeseed oil, rapeseed meal
4、 Cotton seed
5、 Tomato seeds, fresh tomatoes, ketchup
There are three labeling methods for genetically modified organisms:
First, genetically modified animals and plants (including seeds, breeding livestock and poultry, and aquatic fry) and microbial products, and seeds, breeding livestock and poultry, aquatic fry, pesticides, veterinary drugs, fertilizers, additives, and other products containing genetically modified animals and plants, microorganisms, or their product ingredients, are directly labeled as "genetically modified genes.".
Second, the direct processed products of genetically modified agricultural products are labeled as "genetically modified ×× processed products (finished products)" or "processed raw materials are genetically modified ××".
The third is the product made of agricultural genetically modified organisms or products containing agricultural genetically modified organisms, but the final sale product no longer contains or can not detect genetically modified elements, which is marked as "This product is made of genetically modified organisms, but this product no longer contains genetically modified elements", Or it may be marked as "There are genetically modified ×× in the raw materials for processing this product, but this product no longer contains genetically modified ingredients".
The Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for the examination, approval, supervision and administration of the national agricultural genetically modified organisms labels. The imported agricultural genetically modified organisms labels can be used only after being examined and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, and at the same time, they should be copied to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and other departments; The domestic agricultural genetically modified organisms labels can only be used after being examined and approved by the agricultural administrative departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level where the production and repackaging units and individuals of agricultural genetically modified organisms are located, and the provincial agricultural administrative departments shall uniformly report to the Ministry of Agriculture for the record. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ) is responsible for the inspection and verification of the labels of imported agricultural genetically modified organisms at ports.
3. The labels of agricultural genetically modified organisms shall be eye-catching, and shall be designed, printed or otherwise marked and explained at the same time as the packaging and labels of products.
The Regulations on the Safety Administration of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms and the Measures for the Administration of the Identification of Industrial Genetically Modified Organisms stipulate that the identification of agricultural genetically modified organisms should be eye-catching and designed and printed simultaneously with the packaging and labeling of products. If it is difficult to label agricultural genetically modified organisms on the original packaging and labels, the method of adding genetically modified organisms labels on the basis of the original packaging and labels can be used for labeling, but the additional labels should be firm and durable. When it is difficult to mark agricultural genetically modified organisms with packaging or labels, the following methods can be used:
(1) Agricultural genetically modified organisms in the fast-food industry and retail industry that are difficult to be identified on each product sold can be identified on the product display (display) cabinet (stand), or on the price tag or set up a sign board (plate) for identification.
(2) When selling agricultural genetically modified organisms without packaging and labels, the way of setting up identification boards (plates) can be adopted for identification.
(3) When agricultural genetically modified organisms packed in transport containers are sold directly without packaging, the sales site can identify on the containers or set up identification plates (plates) for identification.
(4) When selling agricultural genetically modified organisms without packaging and labels and it is difficult to mark them with identification plates (plates), the seller shall make a statement in an appropriate manner.
(5) If the imported agricultural genetically modified organisms without packaging and labels are difficult to be marked with identification plates (plates), they shall be indicated on the inspection (customs) application form.
4. The labels of agricultural genetically modified organisms shall be marked with standard Chinese characters.
The labels of agricultural genetically modified organisms shall be marked with standard Chinese characters. For agricultural genetically modified organisms with special sales scope requirements, the sales scope should also be clearly marked, which can be marked as "limited to sales (production, processing, use) of XX".
5. The label of genetically modified food shall not contain false contents such as * disease.
The label of genetically modified food shall be true and objective, and shall not express or imply that it may cause disease; It is not allowed to falsely or exaggerate the role of propaganda products; It shall not be claimed or implied that it has curative effect or specific health care function.

(23) Imported food:
1. Must have Chinese labels and instructions. Labels and instructions shall meet the requirements of the above general food. The name, address and contact information of the country of origin and domestic agents shall also be indicated.

2. For food imported after July 28, 2015, the Inspection and Quarantine Certificate of Entry Goods shall be checked. The remark column of the certificate shall be marked with the product name, brand, country (region) of origin, specification, quantity/weight, production date and other details.

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