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Communication | Chinese Technology Boosts the Modernization of Cotton Planting in Benin

Source: Xinhua News Agency
2024-06-16 16:41

Original title: Communication | China's Technology Boosts the Modernization of Cotton Planting in Benin

Xinhua News Agency, Cotonou, June 16

Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Chuyun Sun Yi

In June, the rainy season in Benin came, and cotton planting was just in time. In Meilitheng Village near the central city of Palaku, the villager Donatian Ejin came for farm tools to loosen the soil behind the house. Since becoming a model household of China aided Benin cotton technical assistance project, Ethiopia and Tianjin have deeply realized the convenience brought by agricultural mechanization.

"Chinese agricultural experts have brought mechanized cotton planting, which has greatly improved the planting efficiency," said Aijin, pointing to his cotton field far away, "agricultural machinery and equipment have greatly saved our family's labor time, and the 6 hectares of cotton fields will soon be sown."

Palaku is one of the important cotton producing areas in Benin, and cotton planting is the main source of income for local farmers. Since 2013, the China aided Benin cotton technical assistance project has landed in the region, and the third phase has been successfully completed. For more than ten years, Chinese experts have carried out cotton seed selection, planting technology demonstration and promotion, agricultural personnel training, agricultural machinery technology guidance and other work in combination with the local situation in Benin, significantly improving the local cotton yield and quality, and promoting the modernization process of cotton planting in Benin.

Shen Zhiwan, an agronomist, participated in the first and third phases of the project and witnessed the great changes in the life of local cotton farmers. "At the beginning of the first phase of the project, there were only a few adobe thatched houses scattered around our project site. Now, looking around, there are all new brick houses built by villagers."

The newly built brick bungalow of the Ejin family has five rooms, and the family lives happily. After being selected as a demonstration household, under the guidance of experts from the project team, Egypt and Tianjin have mastered scientific planting technology and improved planting efficiency with the help of agricultural machinery. The cotton output has gradually increased from 1.2 tons per hectare to 2 tons.

"In the same farmland, my cotton grows better. There are always relatives and friends coming to me to ask for the secret. I told them that we should thank Chinese experts for this," said Ejin.

Akilu Ates is a well-known cotton grower in Meili Village. He often goes to the cotton fields with Chinese experts to "feel the pulse". CSI has worked for the project team since 2018, participated in training on agricultural machinery use and cotton planting, and gradually moved from warehouse keeper to cotton production supervisor.

CSI bought a small tractor and saved money to buy more agricultural machinery to further expand the scale of cotton production. "I hope to learn more cotton planting knowledge from Chinese experts, and then pass it on to other villagers to help them improve cotton production."

According to Shou Xiaoyong, the leader of the third phase project team, the third phase project has carried out 22 training sessions since its launch in 2021, and the trainees have become the backbone talents of local promotion of mechanized cotton planting and scientific planting.

"We have brought new farm tools, new equipment and new technologies to local residents to help improve the quality and upgrading of Benin's cotton production." Shou Xiaoyong said that he hopes to extend the mechanization of cotton production to other regions in the central and northern regions, increase the cotton production in Benin, make more farmers feel the benefits of agricultural mechanization, and improve their lives.

Yifu Koba, the head of Meilicheng Village, thanked the project team: "Thanks to the aid project, many people in the village can afford to build houses, buy motorcycles and even cars. The mechanization of cotton production has changed the way of labor here, and improved cotton production and our living standards."

Koba told reporters that before the project was launched, there were less than 100 cotton growers in the village. Later, more and more villagers were attracted by Chinese technology. At present, there are more than 300 families in Meilicheng Village engaged in cotton planting.

Over the years, Chinese experts have forged deep friendship with the villagers. The project team donated schools in the village and gave school supplies and bicycles to local children. Koba said, "Chinese experts make our life in beautiful cities and villages more beautiful, and hope that this project can continue." (Participating reporter: Li Yahui)

Editor in charge: Wang Tianyue

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