Zhonggong Entertainment

In 2002, boys in vocational high schools took seven years to turn into 985 graduate students

Source: China Blue News Weibo
2024-05-24 09:49

Original title: In 2002, boys in vocational high schools turned into 985 postgraduates in seven years

Recently, Wei Shujie, a boy from 2002 in Ningbo, received his notice of acceptance for postgraduate examination. After seven years of learning long-distance running, he was admitted to Zhejiang Wanli University from a vocational college and went to Southeast University for a master's degree in biology. For many people, learning in vocational schools is a gloomy part of their lives, but Wei Shujie doesn't think so. "The key is not to give up studying." After studying hard and being admitted to the undergraduate course, Wei Shujie is not satisfied with the status quo. He also studies Japanese, and has won many provincial government scholarships and a number of awards for Japanese translation. He also participated in the Zhejiang Provincial Track and Field Championships on behalf of the school and appeared in many marathons. "Next, I want to go to Southeast University! Keep working hard! I will apply to Peking University, Zhejiang University and other schools when I try to study for a doctoral degree; I hope I can become a university professor in the future and make my own contributions in the field of scientific research." Wei Shujie is full of hope for the future.

Editor in charge: Chen Lihui

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