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"Dirty export" of children? Children can "clean their mouths" only when adults speak less "oral language"

Source: Beijing Evening News
2024-05-24 09:25

Original title: "Dirty export"? Children can "clean their mouths" only when adults speak less "oral language"

At the gate of the school, the green and sunny teenagers often say rude and vulgar dirty words, which is really uncomfortable. According to Tonight News, it is common for primary and middle school students to use dirty words.

It is reported that some children who use dirty words express their emotions by making mistakes in games and performing poorly on the court, and subconsciously muttering dirty words to express regret; Some of them regard dirty words as verbal meditation and modal particles, and some of them jump out a dirty word without a single word; Some use dirty words to joke or greet others. The scolder is unconscious, and the scolded person will either scold or laugh it off. Worryingly, the trend of "dirty export" is getting younger and younger. Some teachers said that in the past, students used to say dirty words in the third grade, but now children in the first and second grades also use dirty words, which is quite shocking.

Where did the child learn to swear? One junior high school student said that in the foul language environment, when listening, he could not help following. Indeed, some parents love to speak with dirty words, and children are influenced by them, so they will open their mouths and come; All kinds of people in the society and network anchors often "smell sweet", and children are easy to learn from it if they listen to it or feel funny or relieved. On campus, as long as one child speaks dirty words, other children follow suit. In addition, some teachers and parents think that speaking dirty words is not a big deal, and there is no correct guidance, leading to the epidemic of "dirty exports" becoming a chronic disease. Tracing back to the source, children often talk dirty words, and the root lies in adults.

Children's vocabulary reserves are still in the rapid absorption stage, they learn everything, and the expression has not yet been fully formed. Their perception of the malice, aggressiveness and moral judgments behind swearing is still vague, but they vaguely feel that it is not good. Even some children feel that swearing is like adults and "very cool", so they blindly follow the trend. In the report, some children said: "We don't think we are swearing", "others think it is cool to say so, so they learn to say". Swearing is not a trivial matter. Without guidance, uncivilized language habits are likely to remain and follow through life, thus influencing more people and generations in the process of intergenerational change.

To purify children's language environment, adults should first set an example. In front of the children, parents should not speak with dirty words. When the anchor and passers-by scold, parents should also immediately guide the children and clearly point out the uncivilization. The school also has the responsibility of educating people, and it is more important to educate all the staff. From the head teacher, the teacher, to the security guard and cleaning, it is the responsibility to remind students of civilized language at any time, rather than letting dirty words rage on the campus. In addition, for the anchors who "export dirty" or even rely on abusive blog traffic, the platform should take action to block keywords, videos off the shelf, and number blocking, instead of letting dirty words pollute the network environment and children's hearts.

If adults can't control themselves, how can children learn by themselves? If you want children to "clean their mouths", adults must first set an example and reduce the "oral language" without scruple. Intern reporter Li Xia

Editor in charge: queen

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