Zhonggong Entertainment

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Don't be vain! The movie you are invited to see by the top headline of CAMCE is boring

2017-07-05 15:10:42 Source: CAMCE Entertainment

My dear friends, are you very depressed recently, because the weather is too hot!! Hot little lovers have no place to date! CAMCE Entertainment has been thinking about you all the time. Let's find a cool place for you. The man (she) who asked you to go to the cinema to take shelter! Today, CAMCE Entertainment prepared 20 tired movie tickets for you. Jingcheng 81-2, starring Zhang Zhilin, Mei Ting and Zhong Xintong, or we'll meet!

The method is simple, as long as you invite 8 people to follow the headline of CAMCE, and tell us the "real name+mobile phone number" through the headline private message as quickly as possible, we will send 2 movie tickets immediately, and report to get the tickets first! If you want to participate in more activities, please lock in the headline of "Zhonggong Entertainment" and be enthusiastic throughout July.

CAMCE Entertainment is a leading mainstream entertainment portal in China. It is the first release platform of native entertainment information in China, seamlessly covering multiple terminals such as PC, mobile phone, TV, etc., and creating the first entertainment media for news websites.

one two three four 4 pages in total

Editor: Xin Ya

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