Zhonggong Entertainment

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Zhonggong Entertainment: "Here we are" What does the audience rely on this "electricity"

2016-08-02 08:34:52 Source: China Industrial Network


"Here we come" has been broadcast for two times, and its audience rating occupies the top of all variety shows. It not only has zero negative comments, but also has set off a new climax of online topic discussion. Why can a reality show achieve such good results?

It is an indisputable fact that all the eight female guests in the program have high looks. In the process of the program, the guests put their strength into it, ran bravely, regardless of the image of the goddess, and fought hard for the team, which deeply attracted the audience. Sister Yazhi was afraid to participate in the relay race on the Macao Tower because she was afraid of heights. She wept bitterly at the scene because she could not break her own limit. This is a true portrayal of her heart at that time. At that moment, the author felt that Sister Yazhi really entered the program "Here We Are" and integrated into the team. In the performance of the water dance room, she also put down the burden of the goddess who often played the leading role, did not play big cards, and seriously played a supporting role. Every action was required to be accurate, which was once again "electrified" by her professionalism.

The relay race on the Macao Tower is really a challenging game. "Big Sister" Carina Lau said she dared not climb the tower when she was under the tower, but when she stood on the tower and saw the other team members running bravely, she burst out a force and just completed the task. Chen Jon and Xi Mengyao were outstanding in boxing competitions. Meidada's Jon Chen became a fierce boxer on the stage, hitting Xi Mengyao's kidney many times, making the other party defenseless until he was knocked down to the ground. Compared with playing volleyball in the mire of "Running Man", the goddesses of "Here We Are" are more competitive and more willing to accept challenging competition.

Compared with the previous variety show "Where's Dad?", which used to cook by fire every day, and "Running Man", which used to find clues in every episode, the game segment of "Here We Are" was not the same, which surprised and surprised the audience. There are not only exciting and thrilling high-altitude games, but also cool water wall games, as well as wonderful international top water stage performances. The eight female guests can not only play, but also play, so that the audience can truly see their true colors.

At the dinner party of "Here We Are", the audience heard Carina Lau talking about Liang Chaowei, the actor's husband, and heard about their daily life. It turns out that they are so matched, but there is also a secret, that is, mutual tolerance in life. Xu Jiao, the smallest star, was also worried that she could not walk out of the role of Xiao Di in Changjiang No. 7.

Compared with programs such as "All the People Accelerating", which only let the audience see a group of people playing games foolishly, "Here We Are" brings a different spiritual washing to the audience and gives them more enjoyment. (Lu Yun) [Exclusive manuscript of this website, please indicate the source of reprinting]

Editor: Xin Ya

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