Zhonggong Entertainment

Variety cover

Guan Zhilin Hides Her Skills and Explodes Skiing Ballet

2017-09-20 15:27:05 Source: CAMCE Entertainment


On September 20, 2017, CAMCE reported the second season of the original women's in-depth cultural experience reality show "Here We Are". This issue continues the "Ice City" tour of Harbin, and feels the charm of Harbin under the ice and snow. Guests felt the millennium ice sculpture culture and tasted the fun of skiing, but found a hidden expert among them. Guan Zhilin, famous for her beauty, tranquility and elegance, is an expert skier! What's more, in the face of the most difficult ballet show challenge in several seasons, Guan Zhilin's attitude and skills are also very unique. After many years of retirement, she said that she had learned and tried many activities for so long, and the frequent emergence of hidden skills proved that this statement is true.

Hidden Skill 1: Skiing Expert

This time, "Here We Are" came to Wanda Snow Park in Harbin, which is the largest indoor ski resort in the world. Guests were very excited about this. In particular, Guan Zhilin, when people were still confused about how to wear the skateboard on their feet, she had one foot and quickly fastened the skateboard. Everyone was still taking one step at a time. She had come and gone freely, and began to move around freely in the ski resort. Jiang Xin, wearing skateboard shoes but unable to stand up, and Wang Han, "Old Wang Tou", who said "too clever" and "the word 'V' is great to skate", all became fans and brothers of "Pass Master". Jiang Xin slid again and again, and almost before she started, she slipped again and again. She could only ask Guan Zhilin desperately, "Do you think I'm still skating?" The latter's clear and loud "slippery" sentence immediately gave Jiang Xin confidence. Encouragement is more than words. Guan Zhilin, lying horizontally, patiently taught Jiang Xin how to step laterally, which benefited the apprentice who fell repeatedly.

one two 2 pages in total

Editor: Pang Yue

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