Zhonggong Entertainment

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Video: Why is the musical "Love Remembered by Az" so popular

2017-09-20 16:31:45 Source: CAMCE Entertainment

On September 20, 2017, CAMCE reported that the national tour of the musical "Love in the Memory of Az" was officially launched. The play will land in Chongqing on September 29 to convey care with music and sing love with sounds of nature. After its premiere in Beijing in April, the play was well received by the audience and highly praised by Chen Yifei, Lei Jia, Wang Xuebing, Yu Dan, Zhang Kaili, etc. Composer Han Hong joined hands with director Tian Qinxin to create a dreamlike production lineup. The actors are fully engaged, the emotional details are controlled, and the songs are perfectly performed, so that the audience can unconsciously incarnate into the role of the stage and feel their emotions and sorrows. Love is sweet and sad, and life is full of joys and sorrows. Love to you and me is like a phoenix flying to seek her husband, with a bent neck; It is the hand of the son, and the white head never leaves!

Editor: Pang Yue

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