Zhonggong Entertainment

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The military training of "Red Sea Action" was first exposed as Zhan Junwei's challenge to the limit

2018-02-05 10:31:51 Source: Zhonggong Entertainment


On February 5, 2018, CAMCE reported that on February 5, the military action blockbuster "Red Sea Action", which will be released on the first day of the New Year, released a behind the scenes feature of "challenging the limits", showing a series of hard processes in the film's preparation. The well-trained "Jiaolong Commando" bravely marched forward in the midst of the barrage of fire, and vividly demonstrated the grand and passionate tone of the film. At present, the movie has been fully opened for special pre-sales. This action blockbuster that shows the combat effectiveness of the Chinese navy is absolutely the best choice to take parents to see it during the Spring Festival!

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Edit: Sun Yuzhu

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