Zhonggong Entertainment

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The premiere of the comedy film "S4 Hero Subdues the Devil"

2018-01-18 11:08:57 Source: Xinhua

The comedy film "S4 Hero Subdues the Devil" directed by Li Kelong and starring Liu Xiaoguang, Wen Song, Huang Junpeng, Wang Yajie, Liao Weiwei, etc. will be released nationwide on January 26. On the 17th, the national premiere of the film was held in Beijing.

"S4 Hero Subdues the Devil" tells the story of ups and downs in the life of a family of four after Daniel (Liu Xiaoguang), a small security guard in the mall, accidentally picked up a huge amount of dollars. This is the first time that Liu Xiaoguang and Wen Song have cooperated in a comedy film, playing a father and son. Although their funny styles are different, they have a new spark. Huang Junpeng, who once played the role of "Chen Hai" in The Name of the People, also attended the premiere. He said frankly that "acting comedy is very enjoyable". He cooperated with Liu Xiaoguang, Wen Song and other comedians, and even the film theater was very happy with constant jokes. In the film, Huang Junpeng plays a music director who breaks through his own role image and makes people even doubt his own eyes. Li Kelong, the film director, also said. "It is very difficult to act in a comedy. The requirements for expression and action are very high. It is difficult to act in a comedy without acting skills."

Edit: Pang Yue

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