Zhonggong Entertainment

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Singer Wang Feng Sings and Dances Twice Tonight to Meet the Post-90s; Su Shiding, the First Singer to Challenge the Hall, Comes Strongly

2018-01-19 08:39:46 Source: CAMCE Entertainment

On January 19, 2018, CAMCE Entertainment reported that at 20:00 this Friday evening, the second issue of Hunan Satellite TV's "Singer" 2018 was broadcast. Su Shiding, the first singer to challenge the venue, came in a strong attack, and online singers were ready to release "killer trumpets". Wang Feng's "Ordinary Disco" broke through the dimension wall, and Zhang Shaohan's sword walking sidetrack selected the unpopular folk song "Diao", Jessie J performed the necessary song I Have Nothing for his solo concert. Li Shengjie's infatuation called for memories. Li Xiaodong and Zhang Tianze respectively chose the hit singles at home and abroad, "Sorrow" and "Shape of You". Can Su Shiding, who has just landed, shake the audience with "Goodbye Firefly"? The highlights will be revealed one by one.

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Editor: Pang Yue

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