Zhonggong Entertainment


  • The exciting offer 2 opens

    Recently, the workplace variety show "exciting offer 2" was launched on Tencent Video. At the launch conference (above), the creative team led He Jiong, Fan Chengcheng and other members of the star observation group to interpret the highlights of the program. Producer Li Wenyu said in an interview with reporters.
    2020-11-16 11:07:15

  • The premiere of the play Jiang Xiaodong and Liu Xiaowen

    2020 Tianjin People's Art Theater version of Jiang Xiaodong and Liu Xiaowen recently opened its first round of performance in Tianjin People's Art Experimental Theater. The reporter learned that the tickets for the performance from the 13th to the 15th of this month were sold out in advance before the start of the performance, which showed the popularity of the audience.
    2020-11-16 11:03:18

  • The real spirit of shining the sword is not entertaining

    A few days ago, "Sword 3: Thunder Warrior" shot with this IP was broadcast on a satellite TV, which not only had a poor audience rating, but was even considered to be making up and destroying classics.
    2020-11-16 10:51:02

  • "Hidden and Great" has a bad reputation

    For actor Li Yifeng, the last TV series "Sparrow" did not let him get rid of the label of "traffic actor", but tried the spy war theme again, which may have made him fight a turnaround battle. The TV play "Hidden and Great" is being broadcast on CCTV 8.
    2020-11-16 09:48:40

  • The high-definition version of War Horse will be released at the British National Theatre

    The new film released this time includes Uncle Vanya, the only film in the world that was shot with high-definition video recording standards and released offline during the epidemic. The high-definition image version of the epic "War Horse" of the British National Theatre will be launched in China for the first time.
    2020-11-16 09:44:30

  • The concert of "Chang · An -- Symphonic Recitation of Tang Poetry" kicked off

    "Chang'an Avenue is narrow and oblique, Qingniu Baima Qixiangche..." In the dark light, the lively music sounded, and the audience seemed to follow the music to the prosperous Chang'an street described by Lu Zhaolin, one of the "Four Masters of Early Tang Dynasty".
    2020-11-16 09:40:28

  • Wuhan welcomes another 21 performances to the end of the year

    Wuhan, the fully recovered "city of heroes", welcomes the literary feast again. The 4th Qintai Art Festival opened in Wuhan on the evening of the 12th. In the next 40 days, 21 performances of 17 performance projects, such as stage drama, musical, drama, Beijing Opera, crosstalk and concert, will be presented one by one.
    2020-11-16 09:39:51

  • "Bears Appear" Theme Exhibition Appears in Shanghai

    "Polar Bear · Bear haunting Glacier Adventure Camp" was unveiled in Nanfeng City, Hongqiao, Shanghai. The exhibition embedded the concept of "retaining glaciers and protecting the sea" into the amusement project.
    2020-11-16 09:38:11

  • The original opera "Bloody Xiangjiang River" appeared in the National Grand Theater

    The large-scale original opera "Bloody Xiangjiang River" was recently staged in the National Grand Theater, which was the first time that the opera was revised after its premiere in Nanning, Guangxi, on September 28 last year. The opera was based on the historical facts of the Xiangjiang Campaign in northern Guangxi in November 1934.
    2020-11-16 09:37:07

  • Aiming at the New Post-90s Director Takes the Lead

    Targeting, a popular time series starring Huang Xuan and Chen He, is about to end on Oriental Satellite TV. During the broadcast period, the play caused heated discussion among the audience by means of cinematic filming techniques, exquisite costumes and setting scenes, and the breakthrough performance of the actors.
    2020-11-16 09:28:57

  • The dance drama "Wenkongtong" appeared in Lanzhou

    On the evening of November 14, the dance drama "Wenkongtong" was reviewed and performed at the Yellow River Theater in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province after its creation. The play uses the allusion of "the Yellow Emperor asked".
    2020-11-16 09:26:44

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