Zhonggong Entertainment


Celebrate the Spring Festival with lanterns and decorations, and sing a Chinese praise for "Brave, My Country"!

2018-02-27 17:06:07 Source: Zhonggong Entertainment


On February 27, 2018, CAMCE reported that delicacies were used to celebrate the Spring Festival. On this Spring Festival, I wish you a happy New Year!

Every New Year, the festive atmosphere and the lights of thousands of families make every Chinese feel that the "small family" days are getting more and more prosperous. Xiao Bian can't help ordering a Chinese praise here!

The prosperity of people's lives cannot be separated from the prosperity and strength of the country. Every major achievement of the country also embodies the great power of the people of the whole country. "Big country" and "small family" are closely linked and inseparable. If the harmony of "small family" is just a profile of the prosperity of the country, and you want to understand the brilliant achievements of the motherland in an all-round and multi angle way, you have to watch this "Amazing, My Country"!

one two 2 pages in total

Edit: Sun Yuzhu

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