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Chen Xuedong's Serenade: A Visiting Class Complains about the Character's Fate "Too Bitter"

2018-11-15 15:04:37 Source: CCTV International Online

On November 13, the new reality drama "Serenade", starring Chen Xuedong and SNH48 Huang Tingting, opened its first media visit in Shanghai, where it was filmed. Chen Xuedong, who plays the male leader Feng Anning in the play, sincerely shares his understanding of the role in the face of the media, and says that the role's fate is "too hard" and needs strong help from optimism.

"Serenade" is adapted from the novel "Several Ways to Start a Concert" by best-selling author Lu Yingong. It is regarded as the sister story of the popular drama "Little Farewell", and has announced that the reserve of the main creative team is expected. At the interview, Chen Xuedong made a neat appearance in a casual windbreaker. He once studied in the Musical Performance Department of Shanghai Conservatory of Music. This time, he returned to Shanghai for filming, which can be said to be home.

Different from ordinary youth idol dramas, the Serenade takes music as the medium, focuses on the choice proposition of the current young people, and launches a grand movement of new realistic themes. In the play, Chen Xuedong plays Feng Anning, a "returned from overseas" violinist. In order to revenge his father who abandoned himself and reorganized his family when he was young, he returns to his father's band and plays the first love with SNH48 Huang Tingting, who is also unable to get together because of their affinity for the art exam. Ten years later, they meet again as the symphony chief and folk music captain in the orchestra.

In the previous opening interview, Chen Xuedong said that the commonness of music makes it "very comfortable" for those who have learned musical performance to perform Feng Anning. However, after a month of filming, when facing the media this time, he laughingly said that he was suffering because "Feng Anning's fate is too hard, which makes him feel bad every day". Chen Xuedong, who is integrated with the characters in the play, said frankly that Feng Anning made him feel that "life is sweet+bitter xN", which attracted lots of laughter on the scene. Chen Xuedong, who tried to adjust the atmosphere during the interview, was also a "happy fruit" of everyone in the shooting. The main actor revealed that Chen Xuedong would occasionally make everyone laugh at the end, just as he said, "humor is the best way to break the deadlock". As for Feng Anning played by Chen Xuedong, Wang Ce, who plays the deputy head of the music group in the play, sincerely praised that Chen Xuedong "performs very steadily", which makes Feng Anning "very qualitative".

It is reported that "Serenade" will be filmed in Shanghai until next year, and then the play will also be filmed in Prague, Salzburg and other places, the "Capital of Classical Music".

Edit: Gao Zihui

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