Zhonggong Entertainment


Wei Jiaxiong: Even the director laughed to NG

2020-11-12 15:14:29 Source: Yangcheng Evening News

Source: Yangcheng Evening News

For the first time in more than 30 years, he was the No. 2 man. His comedy performance added a lot of color to the Woodthorn Witness

  Wei Jiaxiong: Even the director laughed to NG

Yangcheng Evening News reporter Hu Guangxin

After more than 30 years in the industry, Wei Jiaxiong, the "gold medal green leaf", finally became the No. 2 male in the TVB drama "Woodthorn Witness". The play scored more than 8 points on Douban, among which Li Haofan, the "eccentric" played by him, added a lot of color to the police and bandit comedy. The name of the play "Muji" means "dull and tricky". Li Haofan became an important witness protected by the police because he accidentally witnessed a shooting, and partnered with Gao Liji, a policeman played by Luo Ziyi (formerly Luo Zhongqian). Many funny stories occurred in the process of investigation.

"Woodthorn Witness" entered the final chapter this week. Recently, Wei Jiaxiong received an exclusive interview with a reporter from Yangcheng Evening News, talking about the hardships and joys of his career for many years.

  Role: simple and honest appearance, energetic mind, creating contrast and cuteness

According to the plot, Li Haofan, played by Wei Jiaxiong, suffered from an accident when he was a child, which not only lost part of his memory, but also became very eccentric. "Li Haofan" is a Cantonese homonym for "you are boring". In terms of the annoying degree of this role, it is estimated that even Sheldon will bow down: every morning, he spends a lot of time picking out his favorite suit of the day from a cabinet of identical blue vests, white shirts and green trousers; He goes to the fixed tea restaurant for breakfast every day. Lei can't move on with the same set meal and must sit in the same place; Self provided tableware must be set, and even if a fork is missing, he will be awkward... But on the other hand, he has a high IQ and a strong memory. By coincidence, he has become a good helper of the police, Gao Liji (Luo Ziyi).

TVB's screenwriter this year seems to be "at odds" with this unusual role: In the People I've loved broadcast in June, Gu Xichen, a doctor played by Ma Guandong, is an Asperger's disease patient; In "Apostle 3" broadcast in November, Zhang Jizi, a policewoman played by Huang Zhiwen, suffers from scholar syndrome; Li Haofan of "Woodthorn Witness" is the third similar role this year. No matter how famous they are, these characters have the characteristics of high IQ, low EQ and difficult to empathize with the outside world. Wei Jiaxiong said frankly that the role of "eccentric" left more room for actors to play. When he received the script, he was very happy: "The supervisor and the senior management said that they thought of me immediately after writing the script. I am very happy to get such a good role."

Li Haofan has an extraordinary IQ, which is in contrast to Wei Jiaxiong's honest and honest appearance, and has a natural sense of joy. "When designing the role, I also went in the direction of fun, hoping to make the audience feel the fun of the role." During the shooting process, he, Luo Ziyi, Zhang Wenci and other rival actors improvised from time to time to enrich the plot. "For example, there was a play in which Zhang Wenci forced me to drink pig brain soup. The script said I drank it, but I didn't think Li Haofan would drink it according to his character. There was a thermos on the scene, and I poured the soup into it as soon as I turned around. The play looked ordinary, but the actors had to cooperate well to finish it successfully." Wei Jiaxiong said laughingly, during the shooting, there were directors and photographers The lamplight and other staff led to the NG event, and more than once: "It is the first time that I have seen even the director laugh at NG after shooting so many years."

   Career: Becoming an actor behind the scenes and working hard behind the scenes

Wei Jiaxiong joined Asian TV in 1989 and turned to TVB six years later. He had a rather rough childhood: his father had a new love, abandoned his wife and children, and his childhood life was very poor. At the age of 13, he worked in a restaurant to help his family. Later, he was introduced by a friend as a backstage worker, responsible for preparing props. He recalled that when he was behind the scenes, he saw that the work of actors seemed very easy, so he moved the heart of the talent training class. "After entering the industry, he knew that actors are not as easy as they appear. To play a role well, you must do a lot of homework behind the scenes."

Wei Jiaxiong was most impressed by the whole character of Qi's family in the 2002 "The Negotiator": "I am afraid of heights, but in this play, almost every scene of me takes place at a high place, either jumping off a building, jumping off a bridge, or jumping off a cliff. Even some ordinary scenes, I should be allowed to play roller coaster and pirate ship. The audience may only see for one minute, but we usually have to shoot for one day." In the face of the invitation from the producers, Wei Jiaxiong basically refused: "The crew will look for you because they think you are suitable for this role, so unless the time is not suitable, I will not push the role."

Wei Jiaxiong has played countless roles, and this gold medal green leaf finally won the Best Supporting Actor Award at the Wanqian Starlight Awards in 2015 by virtue of the role of McHanlin in "Xiaoxiong". Wei Jiaxiong has only signed a basic artist contract with TVB, not TVB's "real child". He said frankly that he did not expect to win the award at that time: "For me, this award is an encouragement and appreciation, as well as a driving force, which encourages me to do better in the future."

"Woodthorn Witness" is Wei Jiaxiong's first play to play the role of No. 2 male. He was very calm and still put the role first: "I don't care about the number of parts. After more parts, there are more scenes to deal with, and the consistency of the characters should be better handled. Now I watch the broadcast, and I feel that the handling is good, and I have put down my mind."


Many people know that Wei Jiaxiong is the younger brother of Wei Jiahui, a famous screenwriter and one of the founders of Galaxy Image. Although the two brothers have a good relationship, Wei Jiaxiong admitted in an interview that he did not want to rely on his brother's relationship. Over the years, the two brothers have never cooperated. Wei Jiaxiong's Bole in his acting career is actually a former wireless producer. Every time Wei Jiaxiong leaves the television circle, it is Qi Qiyi who brings him back.

Wei Jiaxiong's acquaintance with Qi Qiyi came from an "accident". Qi Qiyi was also the producer of ATV at that time. When filming the TV drama "Understanding Asir is a Ghost", there was a scene where the dialogue was up to a whole page. The original actor could not recite it. Wei Jiaxiong temporarily put on the top: "Qi Qiyi asked me to memorize the lines at the dinner time. Fortunately, I passed the show after one shot. After this time, he always remembered me, and the second play began to assign me important roles. " The reason why Wei Jiaxiong joined TVB is also due to Qi Qiyi: after leaving ATV, Wei Jiaxiong did not shoot TV dramas for a time. Once he met Qi Qiyi who had joined TVB on the road, and Qi Qiyi introduced him to work in TVB.

Ten years later, Wei Jiaxiong left the show business again. He partnered with his friends in the LED light business and became the boss. His business once prospered, but in 2011, he was affected by the 311 earthquake in Japan. The plant was flooded and his business failed overnight. At this time, Qi Qiyi extended a helping hand to him to invite him back to TVB to shoot the drama "4 In Love". Wei Jiaxiong said frankly, "I would have faded out of this industry long ago if I hadn't been hurt."

After entering and leaving the show business, Wei Jiaxiong finally decided to stay. "After Qi Qiyi came to me and returned to TVB, I finally found the fun of being an actor. Being an actor is like building blocks, building a character from scratch. When you see the audience believe in your performance, you will have a great sense of achievement. I now think that actors are my interest and my business. If I manage the brand 'Wei Jiaxiong' well, there will naturally be more opportunities for performance. "


Wei Jiaxiong


Wei Jiaxiong and Luo Ziyi have many rival plays


Wei Jiaxiong's brother is the famous screenwriter Wei Jiahui (left)

Edit: Li Xueping

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