Wang Yuan's smoking leads to "explosion" of the Internet! Collapse of human facilities?

On the 21st, Wang Yuan, an artist, was reported to smoke while having dinner in a restaurant, leading to a "hot" microblog search.

According to media reports, Wang Yuan, Jia Nailiang, Yang Chaoyue and others gathered in a restaurant on May 20. Wang Yuan smoked frequently and Yang Chaoyue ate all the time. The party atmosphere was happy. Wang Yuan, an artist born as a child star, is the idol of many teenagers. As a star who has watched everyone grow up, Wang Yuan smokes, especially in restaurants where smoking is prohibited, which has triggered heated discussion among netizens.

Some people think that Wang Yuan has grown up and is under a lot of pressure as a star. Smoking is justifiable, so it is not necessary to go on the line; Some people also say that smoking is harmful to health, and smoking in public environment is an act of disrespect for others, so it is necessary to take off powder.

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In response, the Beijing Health Supervision Bureau said that the Beijing Municipal Regulation on Smoking Control stipulates that smoking is prohibited in public places, indoor areas of workplaces and public transportation vehicles. In response to the media exposure, the local health supervision agency of our city is conducting verification and investigation. If the situation is true, punishment will be imposed according to law.

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Wang Yuan's hot online search: smoking, apologizing, persuading his father to quit smoking

Wang Yuan apologized.

Wang Yuan apologized again

This time because of smoking.

Wang Yuan publicly apologized on his microblog, saying: "I'm sorry! This event made me deeply reflect on my behavior and the negative social impact on myself. I feel very sorry and guilty. I'm sorry that I made a wrong demonstration, and I will take corresponding responsibility and accept punishment. As a public figure, I will pay more attention to my words and deeds in the future. I hope you will not follow my mistakes. Once again, I apologize to you. I will take this as a lesson and become a better adult. "

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After the incident was exposed, several official microblogs warned that this might violate the Beijing Municipal Regulations on Smoking Control. The "Beijing Health Supervision" said that the Beijing Municipal Regulation on Smoking Control stipulates that smoking is prohibited in public places and indoor areas of workplaces. If Wang Yuan smokes indoors, relevant authorities will punish him according to law.

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Wang Yuan even smokes your boy?

On May 21, it was exposed that Wang Yuan, a member of TFBOYS, and Jia Nailiang and other stars smoked while dining in a restaurant of the Workers' Stadium. Since Wang Yuan has always appeared in the public with a fresh and healthy image, his smoking has aroused many netizens' heated discussions.

On May 21, netizens revealed that Wang Yuan was photographed smoking frequently during the dinner when members of the variety show "Ha ha Nong Fu" were having a dinner in a restaurant of the Workers' Stadium. According to the exposed video, Wang Yuan smoked fluently while eating. No one intervened or stopped him in the whole video, neither the dinner party companions nor the restaurant service staff.

Wang Yuan, who has just come of age, is only 18 years old. He joined the TF family as a trainee at the end of 2011, and made his debut in the TFBOYS group as the lead singer on August 6, 2013. Since his debut six years ago, Wang Yuan has always appeared in the public as a boy next door, fresh and lovely, and a person who loves music. His image is very positive. This huge contrast makes fans and netizens hard to accept for a while.

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After Wang Yuan's smoking incident was exposed, his "black history" of "collapsing people" was also uncovered by netizens. Some netizens found that Wang Yuan's previously released photos seemed to have tattoos on his arms, which was totally inconsistent with the image of his "brother next door" displayed to the public. And Wang Yuan's punk makeup and tin foil hot modeling in "I'm a Singer" is also considered to be the expression of Wang Yuan's "inconsistency between appearance and appearance".

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To strengthen smoking control among young people, Wang Yuan may be the first choice

Wang Yuan was exposed to smoking in a restaurant on May 20, which caused a lot of attention. On the 21st, the Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Supervision Office said on its official micro blog that it was conducting verification and investigation and would be punished according to law if it was true. In the afternoon, Wang Yuan apologized. The Beijing Tobacco Control Association said that public figures should bear social responsibility.

Although Wang Yuan is an adult, smoking is his personal freedom and choice, which hurts his personal health, and outsiders have no right to interfere, but from the legal point of view, no matter who smokes in the restaurant as a public place, let others smoke second-hand smoke, which affects the health of others. This is a violation of the law and requires corresponding legal responsibility.

As a public figure, Wang Yuan is a star with a large number of young fans. It is against social morality to smoke in public places. Wang Yuan smokes in restaurants, which damages his personal public image. The collapse of his sunshine cute people is not the key point. The key is that he has made a very bad demonstration to the majority of minor fans, which is likely to mislead them to imitate his smoking and become a small smoker, so as to embark on the road of no return for smoking.

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In fact, Wang Yuan's smoking highlights that there is a long way to go for teenagers to control smoking, because many teenagers or young adults like Wang Yuan are smoking, but because they are not public figures, no one will pay attention to whether they smoke secretly. Therefore, to protect the health of young people and citizens, strengthen smoking control, and strengthen smoking control among young people, we might as well take Wang Yuan as an example to warn the majority of young people, as well as operators, managers, schools, and parents of non-smoking places to learn lessons and take the responsibility to discourage smoking.

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Beijing Health Supervision Department responded that "Wang Yuan smokes indoors": if it is true, he will be punished

"Wang Yuan was accused of smoking in the restaurant during a dinner party on May 20" has attracted a lot of attention. In response to this, the Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Supervision Institute replied on its official microblog that the local health supervision institutions in Beijing are conducting verification and investigation. If the situation is true, punishment will be imposed according to law.

The Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Supervision Institute pointed out that the Beijing Municipal Regulation on Smoking Control stipulates that smoking is prohibited in public places, indoor areas of workplaces and public transportation vehicles. In response to the media exposure, the local health supervision institutions in Beijing are conducting verification and investigation. If the situation is true, punishment will be imposed according to law. The Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Supervision Institute pointed out that as public figures, they should consciously uphold laws and regulations, spread positive energy and set an example.

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The Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Supervision Institute calls on the whole society to participate, all industries to take an active part, fulfill the responsibility of tobacco control, actively support the work of tobacco control, reduce the harm of smoking, and jointly safeguard the health of Beijing.

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Wang Yuan Is Suspected of Smoking? There is nothing wrong with "making a mountain out of a molehill"

Wang Yuan, a member of TFBOYS, was exposed to smoking in the indoor restaurant during the party yesterday, and many topics related to it were also hot searched by netizens, causing concern.

Wang Yuan, who has always appeared in front of the public as a positive energy youth idol, smokes in a familiar manner in the restaurant, which can not help but surprise people. Some people shouted that "the human establishment has collapsed and the image has been damaged", but others felt that Wang Yuan was an adult and smoking was justifiable, so there was no need to make a fuss about it.

In the final analysis, whether to smoke or not is an independent choice of adults, but Wang Yuan, as a public figure, has a large number of minor fans, and must consider the negative impact of his personal behavior on fans and the society. What's more, this indoor smoking has clearly violated the relevant laws and regulations, so he should consciously accept the punishment and take a warning.

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According to the survey, tobacco kills 1 million Chinese people every year, 100000 of whom are non-smoking innocent lives. The data from the National Health Commission also showed that the smoking rate of Chinese teenagers reached 6.9%, and 180 million children were suffering from second-hand smoke. When smoking control has become a social consensus, not smoking in public places should become everyone's code of conduct; At the same time, public figures should also understand that only by being cautious in words and deeds, being strict with oneself, and setting a good example can they contribute to social development, and that they should also do what they should do.

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