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Picture and text: Dream of China finale - Lang Kun, the chief director of the 2006 Spring Festival Gala 10:25, October 11, 2005 Sina Entertainment

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If "Dream of China" in the first nine days is a cruel and soul stirring competition of civilian idols, then "Dream of China" last night was a grand and subversive TV entertainment drama. In this live broadcast drama, Dream of China has used up new television means, which is surprising and exciting.

After the shocking opening, the famous Hong Kong singer Chen Huilin enthusiastically assisted in singing. Later, a luxurious extended limousine slowly drove to the entrance of the studio. Under the twinkling of the magnesium lights and the crowd of "fans", the door opened, and the three contestants slowly set foot on the red ground
Carpet, walk into the studio, and the audience all over the country witnessed the highest courtesy of the national television institutions to civilian players. People will always remember Wu Wenjing, Zhang Chenlei and Zheng Fan, three new generation folk idols, who will compete for the Golden Butterfly Award of Dream China this year. Compared with the strong gunpowder smell of the previous nine days, the competition was not very important in the final last night. After each contestant finished the first round of singing, the guests Chen Huilin, Na Ying and Yu Wenle commented and solicited votes respectively. Then the three contestants sang different songs together in the second round. In the third round, the three contestants sang the theme song of Dream China, Just Today. In the program, Lang Kun, the chief director of the 2006 Spring Festival Gala, expressed his concern to the contestants and invited them to participate in the 2006 Spring Festival Gala. Chen Huilin, Na Ying, Yu Wenle and Yu · Quan took turns to help sing. In the second half of the program, we reviewed the progress of the 2005 "Dream of China" activity. Three civilians who participated in the "audition" but failed to reach the finals - Master Wan, the gatekeeper of Sichuan, the combination of paths from Gansu dedicated to the pursuit of modern version of "Flower" music, and Tan Jingling, a disabled girl from Guangxi, stepped on the stage of "Dream of China" with special designs, It won warm applause from the audience and moved the audience. Wang Zhi, a famous host, also appeared at the party. He asked Li Yong - whether there was a "black screen" in Dream of China, and finally the truth came out. Li Yong pushed Tan Jingling, a disabled girl, onto the stage in a warm way, singing "The Long Road of Life"... Dream of China expressed respect for the dreams of ordinary people with high-level courtesy. At the end of the evening party, the competition is no longer important, but the pursuit of dreams is important. In a warm atmosphere, Li Yong first announced that the "Media Impression Award" was awarded to the 16-year-old flower girl Zhang Qin by the media guests' delegation. At the end of the announcement, Wu Wenjing won the Golden Butterfly Award, and Zhang Chenlei and Zheng Fan won the Silver Butterfly Award. Since then, the perfect ending of the 10 day visual feast "Dream of China" has given birth to a new generation of Chinese civilian idols.

  Yesterday, three Chinese pop idols won the following votes:

No. 08 contestant Wu Wenjing 1064446

No. 03 player Zhang Chenlei 625897

No. 12 player Zheng Fan 497972


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