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Photos: ATV held the 2005 program tour, Chen Wei, Lv Jingjing and others 10:20, November 19, 2004 Sina Entertainment

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Champion Lv Jingjing Runner up Wang Hui Feng Ziying, the third runner up Huang Shuling Chen Wei

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Jiang Meiyi Wu Tingye Chen Qitai Zhang Wenci Rao Peijun

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Andrew Chen Yongqi Maggie Jia Ying Huang Zixiong

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Sina Entertainment News: On the evening of November 18, "Pursue Creativity and Choose Asia!" The 2005 Asian TV program tour was held in the Fairy Ritz Hotel. In order to make it grand, in addition to the chief executive of Asian TV, Mr. Chen Yongqi, Mr. Taiping, chief operating officer, Mr. Yu Tonghao, chief financial officer, Mr. Yang Chuanliang, Mr. Taiping, and a number of management, many artists and guests attended, They include Lv Jingjing, the winner of the "Miss Asia 2004 Campaign", Wang Hui, the runner up and the winner of the Hong Kong Fashion Style Award, Ji Junfeng Ziying, Huang Shuling, the most photogenic lady and the winner of the most perfect skin award, Chen Wei, Zhang Wenci, He Yanhua, Jiang Meiyi, Jia Ying, Maggie, Rao Peijun, Chen Qitai, Wu Tingye, Du Tinghao, Huang Zixiong, Yuan Wenjie, Chen Baoyuan, Liu Xixian Zhou Zihao, Lou Nanguang and others were present, and the wonderful programs were also one after another. (Atong)

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