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Focus on Oscar: Crash and Brokeback Mountain have the most foul words (picture) 09:24, March 2, 2006 Xinhua
Brokeback Mountain poster

Xinhua News Los Angeles, February 28 (Reporter Cao Weiguo) The US "Family Media Guide" website said on February 28 that it won the 78th Oscar Of the 5 films nominated for the Best Picture Award, Crash and Brokeback Mountain The most foul words.

The "Family Media Guide" website published a statistical report on the content of swearing, sex, violence and tobacco in Oscar nominated films on the same day. The report shows that the film Crash, which has a perspective on racial relations in the United States, has 182 stains on the leucorrhea
In 99 of them, the letter F is used as the beginning of the American national curse. In the movie Brokeback Mountain, which depicts the homosexual relationship between two cowboys in the western United States, there are 92 swearing words to the leucorrhea.

"Brokeback Mountain" and "Crash" were nominated for 8 and 6 Oscars respectively, and are considered the most popular film to win the Oscars this year.

"Family Media Guide" website said that the statistics are intended to provide a reference for audiences to decide whether to watch Oscar nominated films, not to judge the films themselves.

According to statistics, among the films that have won the Oscar for Best Picture in the past, "Field Platoon" and "Deer Hunter" have the most swearing words. These two Vietnam War films have 329 and 208 swearing words to white ribbon respectively.


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