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War of the World premiered in advance at midnight today (with pictures) 07:50, August 23, 2005 Oriental Morning Post

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Introduction of blockbusters World War It was originally scheduled to be released in mainland China on the 25th. However, because the film copies have arrived in major cities across the country today, most cinemas are eager to advance the premiere time of the film by 24 hours and hold a synchronized premiere at 0:00 tomorrow.

   Spielberg And Tom Cruise The film World War, jointly produced, has been released in North America and many countries and cities around the world since July 21. However, the release in mainland China has been postponed for various reasons. But after confirming
After the release time in the mainland on August 25, "World War" has been "advanced" for two consecutive times.

As soon as the release date of the film was determined at the beginning of this month, some cinemas hoped to show the film ahead of schedule on the 20th, and even issued similar promotional posters. But in the end, the Film Bureau issued a unified release date of August 25 - the "20" on all posters was covered by "25" overnight.

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter learned from the Chengdu counterparts that their local cinemas have started selling tickets for "World War" at 0:00 on the 24th, which is 24 hours ahead of the original release time. The reporter then called Wu Hehu, the vice president of Shanghai Lianhe Cinema Line, and said that it was not unusual for the cinema to choose to show in advance after receiving the copy.

However, the reporter also learned later that because the news of the early release came suddenly, the ticket sales of the zero point premiere were average temporarily. On the contrary, the premiere ceremony at 7:00 p.m. on the 24th, which was announced in advance by Shanghai Cinema, was well booked. Most of the audience still have high expectations for the last big film in the summer. Morning Post reporter Liu Jiaqi

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