Zhao An and Zhang Jun were sentenced on suspicion of bribery

Zhang Junyi, Zhao An Suspected of Bribery
About Zhao An
·Zhao An was transferred to CCTV as director in 1984. He has directed many national large-scale theatrical parties, participated in directing the Spring Festival Gala of CCTV seven times and served as the chief director four times >>Details
About Zhang Junyi
·Zhang Junyi, a native of Liaoyuan, Jilin Province, is a hot musician in the circle in recent years. He is known as an excellent lyricist and a famous planner of large-scale parties >>Details
Serials of related books:
Crocodile Zhang Junyi: Cheng is also on CCTV, and the defeat is on CCTV
Zhao An Is "Double Opened" by CCTV Leaders
Recently, the Party Committee of CCTV and CCTV jointly made a decision: in view of the establishment of the bribery case of Zhao An, the former deputy director of the CCTV Literature and Art Center and director of the Department of Literature and Art, CCTV officially decided to expel Zhao An from the Party and public office[ Comment ]

CCTV Considers Personnel Reform Zhao An Has Been Expelled from Public Office
Reporters learned from insiders yesterday that the "boss" of the domestic television industry and CCTV are currently planning a major personnel reform. The reform takes corporatization as the guiding ideology, but the specific measures are extremely rich[ Comment ]
  • Zhao An was convicted of bribery and sentenced to confiscation of 200000 yuan in 10 years
  • Zhang Jun firmly appeals for his son against the judgment of his father (with pictures)
  • Zhao An and Zhang Junyi refuse to accept the first instance judgment lawyer, saying they will appeal (picture)
    Zhao An was sentenced to 10 years of confiscation of personal property of 200000 yuan for bribery
    The First Intermediate People's Court of Beijing sentenced Zhao An (male, 44 years old), the former deputy director of the CCTV Literature and Art Program Center and director of the Department of Literature and Art, to 10 years' imprisonment and 200000 yuan confiscation of personal property for bribery[ Comment ]

    Beijing Youth Daily: Where is the greatest harm of Zhao An and Zhang Junyi's case
    Beijing Entertainment News: To be a good person is to have a good dream
    Beijing Times: Insight into the Zhao An Case - How the Power of the Media Is "Sold"
    Related reports:
    Feng Ji, former deputy director of CCTV's Literature and Art Center, was arrested on suspicion of economic problems
  • ·Thematic pictures·

    About Zhao An

    About Zhang Junyi

    Picture of Zhang Junyi:

    Review of Zhao An and Zhang Junyi's Case
    · October 23, 2003
    The case of Zhang Junyi is not a big case at all. The procuratorial organ said it is unnecessary to keep secrets
    · October 22, 2003
    The Beijing Intermediate People's Court's argument about Zhang Junyi's acceptance of the case does not exist at all
    · October 20, 2003
    Zhao An and Zhang Jun were formally charged with "bribery"
    · December 4, 2002
    Zhang Junyi Is Not Fraud or Tax Evasion - Company Staff Disclose Detention Details
    · November 26, 2002
    China News Service: Zhang Junyi's case of suspected massive fraud was isolated for review
    · November 22, 2002
    Zhang Jun's signature song has been completely stopped
    · November 21, 2002
    Zhang Junyi, a strange talent in the world of poetry, is detained for fraud and involved in hundreds of millions of cases
    · October 11, 2002
    CCTV officials deny Zhao An's arrest: Director Zhao is on duty today
    · October 10, 2002
    It's said that Zhao An has been found tens of millions of cash in his home
    · October 10, 2002
    Dongfang.com: Zhao An, director of the art department of CCTV, is suspected of accepting bribes (picture)
    Latest report>>
  • Zhang Jun appeals to his wife for forgiveness by publishing Zang Tianshuo's letter in prison (picture) (1112 02:23)
  • A magazine "exposed" that Zhao An was greedy and Zhao relatives felt incomprehensible (0614 13:10)
  • Zhang Jun Resumes as a Bribery Case; Bolan Company's Accounting Hides Vouchers and Is Accused (0526 11:20)
  • Lu Xiumei refutes the rumor that the Chinese Song and Dance Theater will issue a statement (picture) (0323 01:27)
  • Zhao An Is "Double Opened" by CCTV Leaders (0224 04:25)
  • Zhao An's lawyer who will serve a sentence recently said that he is in a peaceful state of mind (picture) (0215 07:53)
  • Zhang Junyi was tortured? Lawyers disclose "three secrets" for the first time (0202 08:42)
  • Zhao An and Zhang Jun's appeal was rejected, and the court of second instance upheld the original judgment (0119 11:08)
  • Beijing Youth Daily: Zhao An was sentenced to six years in the last ten years of his trial (0119 09:41)
  • Zhang Junyi was sentenced to 6 years in the final judgment, and his mother was dissatisfied with "thinking again" (0119 08:18)
  • Zhao An was sentenced to 10 years in the final trial, and Zhang Junyi was sentenced to 6 years in prison (0119 02:21)
  • Zhao An was convicted of bribery and sentenced to confiscation of 200000 yuan in 10 years (0119 01:45)
  • The analysis of "Zhao An and Zhang Jun's Case" is the most likely to uphold the original judgment (1216 16:33)
  • Zhao An and Zhang Jun will appeal against the judgment, and the second instance is likely to uphold the original judgment (1216 13:37)
  • The attorney and Zhao An's wife revealed that Zhao An will appeal within ten days (1215 06:13)
  • Zhang Jun firmly appeals for his son against the judgment of his father (with pictures) (1214 11:30)
  • The lawyer urgently communicated with Lu Xiumei that Zhao An would definitely appeal within 10 days (1214 03:27)
  • China Youth Daily: Zhao An sentenced to 10 years, Zhang Junyi sentenced to 6 years (1213 11:46)
  • Zhao An's Silent and Silent Lawyer Says Nothing Unexpected in the Face of Ten Years' Prison (Picture) (1213 10:58)
  • Zhao An and Zhang Junyi refuse to accept the first instance judgment lawyer, saying they will appeal (picture) (1213 04:49)
  • Zhao An Is Sentenced for 10 Years; Zhang Junyi and Zhang Junyi Have Met for 6 Years; Inside Stories Are Disclosed (1213 03:47)
  • Zhao An Appears in Court, Quiet and Stupid in the Face of 10 Year Prison (1213 03:41)
  • A Perspective of Zhao An's Bribery Case: How the Power of the Media "Sells" (1212 19:43)
  • Zhao An, Zhang Jun, the judge of the first trial, Qian Lieyang, did not appear in court (1212 17:50)
  • Zhao An was sentenced to 10 years of confiscation of personal property of 200000 yuan for bribery (1212 13:34)
  • Author Zhang Jun was sentenced to 6 years' imprisonment for bribery and slander (1212 13:33)
  • News: Zhao An is sentenced to ten years, Zhang Junyi is sentenced to six years (1212 12:59)
  • Zhao An and Zhang Jun used the case to convict the lawyer who once pleaded for Zhao An's misdemeanor (1212 08:13)
  • "Zhang Junyi case", "Zhao An case", the current trial verdict (1212 02:24)
  • Zhang Junyi and Zhao An are suspected of bribery, and the first trial verdict will be issued today (1212 01:42)
  • The case between Zhang Junyi and Zhao An will be officially sentenced on the 12th, but not simultaneously (1211 15:51)
  • It is unknown whether Zhang Junyi was sentenced at the same time in the bribery case of Zhao An on the 12th (1210 07:05)
  • Qian Lieyang, one of the four lawyers in the Liu Xiaoqing case, represented Zhao An and Zhang Junyi in the case (1111 08:02)
  • Zhang Junyi's trial result of bribery case will be announced in early November (1031 03:02)
  • Zhang Jun's trick to show up at the Spring Festival Gala -- spend money on cameras (1024 22:22)
  • Zhang Junyi's case is not a serious case at all. The inspection authority said it is unnecessary to keep secrets (1023 14:22)
  • Zhang Jun's acquaintance with Zhao An was exposed: lyrics were selected for on-site creation (1023 10:13)
  • Zhang Junyi's case is not a big one. The procuratorial organ said it is unnecessary to keep secrets (1023 06:54)
  • Zhang Junyi Only Invests Money for Zhao An - Behind the Scenes of Zhao Zhang's Association (Photos) (1023 04:15)
  • The Beijing Intermediate People's Court's argument about Zhang Junyi's acceptance of the case does not exist at all (1022 11:46)
  • Bribery of Zhao An, a famous director of CCTV, Zhang Junyi, a "literary geek", is prosecuted (1022 08:14)
  • If Zhao An is convicted of taking bribes more than offering bribes, his sentence will be more than 10 years (1022 08:10)
  • The procuratorial organ is still investigating Zhang Zhao, which may involve more than 610000 yuan (1022 06:51)
  • Zhang Jun Changes Sentencing to Mitigate Defamation with a Charge Not for Public Trial? (Attached figure) (1022 06:51)
  • Zhang Junyi's acquaintance with Zhao An has been exposed: 95 years of on-site lyrics were appreciated (1022 01:44)
  • Sentencing becomes the focus of attention Lawyer said Zhao An may be sentenced more severely than Zhang Jun (1021 09:25)
  • Zhang Junyi Is Suspected of Defamation; His Driver Is also Detained for Defamation (1021 08:17)
  • Zhang Jun Influence Sentencing by Changing Charges? Libel may not be tried (1021 07:30)
  • Zhao An and Zhang Junyi were indicted on the same day for offering bribes amounting to 610000 yuan (1020 13:31)
  • Zhao An and Zhang Jun were formally charged with "bribery" (1020 07:44)
  • Zhao An, former director of CCTV, won the Starlight Award for 6 consecutive years (with attached pictures) (1020 07:17)
  • Insiders revealed that Zhang Junyi offered a bribe of 610000 yuan to Zhao An (photos) (1020 03:14)
  • Is it a big group or a small pharmaceutical factory-- Perspective of Zhang Junyi's enterprise puzzle (0303 13:52)
  • Sex drug advertising stars support the speech, revealing that the boss of the manufacturer was Zhang Junyi (0219 10:28)
  • An Xinglong, an "orphan", exposes himself to cheating with Zhang Junyi, a "kind father" (0120 15:15)
  • Sun Yue and Zhang Jun reveal their relationship by taking a group photo in the past (picture) (0113 14:49)
  • Li Guyi doesn't know Zhang Junyi and claims that the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe is corrupt (1223 10:29)
  • Zhang Junyi's father said that his son was arrested for "suspected libel" (photo) (1213 02:01)
  • Sun Yue and Zhang Jun draw a clear line: 100% of the female stars with surname S are not me (1205 09:18)
  • Zhang Junyi Is Not Fraud or Tax Evasion - Company Staff Disclose Detention Details (1204 09:01)
  • Zhang Junyi's title of "Charity" was cancelled at the beginning of the year by soliciting sponsorship through love (1203 11:19)
  • Zhang Jun exposes his past life by presenting poems to the concert hall to promote himself (1130 14:04)
  • A statement by Fans World on "Re investigation of Zhang Junyi Incident" (1129 15:30)
  • Sun Yue made a statement on "The actress with surname S has been chasing Zhang Junyi" (1129 12:14)
  • Who is the S actress? Shugao and the agent of Szeiger denied (1129 10:50)
  • Zhang Junyi's advertising secret: 1 call for star beauty (1129 09:15)
  • Zhang Junyi's Incident Re investigation: How was his lyrics written? (1128 13:31)
  • "Strange Poet" deceives the world, Zhang Jun writes many words from others (1128 11:00)
  • Zhang Jun will expose a female star surnamed S who used to be jealous of her by making a stab at her (1128 07:21)
  • A "female star surnamed S" once chased Zhang Junyi to get ahead in the singing world (1128 07:20)
  • Zhang Junyi in the Eyes of Journalists -- I have visited his apartment several times (1127 09:30)
  • Zhang Jun Makes Frequent Appearance in the Periodical Sponsorship Party with Heavy Money by Why He Yang Is Famous (1127 08:30)
  • Pull advertisements and get kickbacks -- people in the performing arts circle reveal the inside story of Zhang Junyi's success (1126 10:54)
  • China News Service: Zhang Junyi's case of suspected massive fraud was isolated for review (1126 09:33)
  • Zhang Junyi is just a nominal author? Kangxi Sings Golden Eagle as Promised (1126 07:37)
  • Whether Zhang Junyi's involvement in the Golden Eagle Festival "Kangxi Dynasty" has become a mystery (1126 07:13)
  • Beijing Morning Post: From a geek to a suspect -- full link to Zhang Junyi's incident (1126 03:39)
  • Freelance writer Chen Kuan made a statement on "getting acquainted with Zhang Junyi" (1125 11:55)
  • Zhang Jun, a strange talent in the world of poetry, revealed that he was famous by Li Guyi as a young classmate (1123 13:04)
  • More>>
  • Comment: Reflection on Zhao An - the absolute fourth power leads to absolute corruption (10:02, December 16)
  • All societies have a theme - where is the greatest harm of Zhao An and Zhang Junyi's case (11:29, December 13)
  • To be a good man is to have a good dream. - Thought by Zhao An and Zhang Junyi after being sentenced (01:34, December 13)
  • A Probe into the "Mystery" of Zhao An, Director of CCTV, Taking Bribes (with attached pictures) (19:44, December 12)
  • Foreign newspaper comments on Zhao An incident: impetuosity and utilitarianism become new trademarks of some cultural people (11:20 on October 21)
  • Beijing Youth Daily: Zhao An was prosecuted for more than 600000 yuan (07:31, October 21)
  • Comment: Zhang Jun kills "Niuer" with anger (10:50 on January 26)
  • There is still much discussion: see how Zhang Junyi flirts with the media (12:25, December 3)
  • Comment: Zhang Junyi's "copyright" should also be protected (15:37, December 1)
  • Comment: anonymous sources erode the credibility of the media (08:34, November 28)
  • Media Embarrassment of Celebrity Arrested Zhang Jun's Event Washed Media's Public Trust (07:45, November 28)
  • Comment: A strange talent in the field of ci poetry whose advice is against the east window (13:52, November 25)
  • Comment: The entertainment industry should alert itself to who is next? (Figure) (12:12, November 24)
  • Is "Weicai" worthy of its name- Netizens commented on Zhang Junyi's works (10:43, November 22)
  • Original by netizens: a limerick of "Junyi Ti" (10:13, November 22)
  • Netizen comment: It's time for the literary and art circles to rectify. Money can't become a star (18:35, November 21)
  • Netizen comment: I hope this matter can be further explored (18:32, November 21)
  • Netizen comment: His lyrics are too flattering (18:20, November 21)
  • More>>
    Related news of Zhao An>>
  • Zhang Junyi has never been tortured, and Gao Jinbo, a lawyer, refutes the rumor (15:02, February 5)
  • The editorial department received an email revealing Zhao An's mystery, and the female director denied having anything to do with herself (15:45, October 11)
  • City Evening News Entertainment Quick Review: How is Zhao An News better than Liu Xiaoqing? (15:26, October 11)
  • Beijing Modern Business Daily: The procuratorial organ said Zhao An had obtained a guarantor pending trial (12:04, October 11)
  • West China Metropolis Daily: Sources said that the Zhao An incident occurred in the CCTV singer contest (10:06, October 11)
  • Tianfu Morning Post: Is Zhao An Arrested? Li Guyi said it was just a report (09:51, October 11)
  • West China Metropolis Daily: Zhao An Is Suspected of Bombing in Bribery Circle (09:46, October 11)
  • Jiangnan Times: A military singer was implicated in the Zhao An incident (09:37, October 11)
  • CCTV officials deny Zhao An's arrest: Director Zhao is on duty today (09:28, October 11)
  • The Zhao An Incident Is a Mystery Meng Xin Zhao Zhongxiang Peng Liyuan Reacts Inconsistent (09:24, October 11)
  • Beijing Youth Daily: Zhao An is confirmed to "accept the examination of the procuratorial organ" (04:22, October 11)
  • An insider of CCTV revealed that Zhao An is still working normally (04:09, October 11)
  • It is said that Zhao An has been found ten million dollars in cash by the investigators (with pictures) (12:18, October 10)
  • Information picture: Zhao An, director of the art department of CCTV (12:16, October 10)
  • Data: Introduction to Zhao An (10:19, October 10)
  • It's said that Zhao An, director of CCTV, has been found tens of millions of cash by investigators (10:18, October 10)
  • Dongfang.com: Zhao An, director of the art department of CCTV, is suspected of accepting bribes (picture) (10:12, October 10)
  • Create momentum for the evening party of "Autumn Night in the Fragrant River" Zhao An publicizes mainland actors in a high profile (10:08, September 19)
  • Zhao An's sensationalism nearly "gang" CCTV Spring Festival Gala witnessed on the spot (08:42, February 19)
  • More>>
    Relevant news of Zhang Junyi>>
  • Information picture: Zhang Junyi (10) (08:44, October 21)
  • Information picture: Zhang Junyi (9) (08:44, October 21)
  • Information picture: Zhang Junyi (8) (08:43, October 21)
  • Inside Story of Zhang Jun's Becoming a "Famous" Person: "Borrowing Credit" from Celebrities to Get Rich in Pharmaceutical Industry (04:41, October 21)
  • Insiders reveal that Zhang Junyi gave Sun Yue a birthday ring (15:07, January 13)
  • Information picture: Zhang Junyi (7) (18:44, November 26)
  • Information picture: Zhang Junyi (6) (18:43, November 26)
  • Information picture: Zhang Junyi (5) (18:42, November 26)
  • Information picture: Zhang Junyi (4) (18:00, November 26)
  • Information picture: Zhang Junyi (3) (17:44, November 26)
  • Information picture: Zhang Junyi attended the Spring Festival Gala in January 2002 (17:08, November 21)
  • Data picture: Zhang Junyi's original unit (3) (14:32, November 21)
  • Information picture: Zhang Junyi (2) (14:26, November 21)
  • Information picture: Zhang Junyi (1) (14:21, November 21)
  • Zhang Jun will add color to Teacher's Day tomorrow evening, and dozens of movie stars will sing together (17:27, September 8)
  • Zhang Jun Presents Teachers with "Night of Angels and Beauties", Gathering Experts Behind the Scenes (07:57, August 26)
  • Zhang Jun can't hold on to the success of the Olympic bid by writing songs (03:39, July 13)
  • Zhang Jun has attracted much attention with his new song "Beijing is Inviting", the Olympic blueprint (11:10, July 9)
  • Zhang Jun salutes his mother with his new song "Dad and Mom" (with pictures) (18:28, May 12)
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    Editor in charge: Xiaolu