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Comment: "Help Zhao Zhongxiang" 12:36, July 24, 2004 Tonight's paper

With the explosion of Rao Ying's "great news", the respected teacher Zhao Zhongxiang became more and more involved in the scandal. Not long ago, Zhao Zhongxiang changed his old "Tai Chi" style and stopped saying "lie is gradually exposed and waiting for the truth to come out". Instead, he made a high-profile statement "admonishing Rao Ying" and said that the counterclaim of slander against Rao Ying was "imperative".

Many people who care about Mr. Zhao Zhongxiang think that Mr. Zhao should have done something "real". Because Mr. Zhao is kind, amiable, and gives the impression that his character is as respectable as his appearance. This kind of thing makes all the people concerned
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Those who respect Mr. Zhao feel sad. Teacher Zhao's previous "performance" was really intended or not to "help" Rao Ying. At that time, he was innocent and indignant, and sometimes he was condescending and disdainful, which made the matter complicated and strange. Rao Ying won more attention and the balance of people's sympathy and trust began to tilt to her side. Because in this "game" between two people, Rao Ying put forward a real "hard currency": recording, giving pictures and taking photos of the two people, and it is said that there are dirty skirts, which proves that what teacher Zhao called "don't know Rao at all" is untenable.

For the present, those who care about Mr. Zhao Zhongxiang can no longer sit still. They should give him two ways to overcome the difficulty: whether they know Rao Ying or not, and whether they have an ambiguous relationship, Mr. Zhao knows well. If Rao Ying really fabricated this matter and framed loyalty and good people, Mr. Zhao should be straightforward and arrogant, and require the law to conduct a scientific examination of the so-called evidence, It is not only to return one's own innocence, but also to fight back and punish malicious slanders in order to maintain social morality and integrity. If what Rao Ying said is true, it's better not to put on such a bluff.

In fact, what Rao Ying tried her best to prove was just the relationship with Zhao Zhongxiang. She admitted that she was also responsible, but at the same time asked Zhao to admit that she was wrong and "take responsibility". When you think about it, if Mr. Zhao Zhongxiang is really wrong, it is nothing more than the most common mistake that all men, especially successful men, make. Refusing to admit their mistakes is nothing more than maintaining their perfect image, which is actually unwise. Admitting mistakes is nothing more than admitting that you are an ordinary person and have seven emotions and six desires. To tell you the truth frankly and reflect on this wrong relationship objectively can not only end people's all kinds of boring guesses, but also let you see what teacher Zhao should be like as an honest and responsible person, and give people some positive lessons.

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