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Zhao An was sentenced to 10 years in the final trial, and Zhang Junyi was sentenced to 6 years in prison
http://ent.sina.com.cn 02:21, January 19, 2004 Beijing Times

Our News (Reporter Yang Wenwen) Yesterday, the Beijing Municipal High Court made a statement to the former deputy director of the CCTV Literature and Art Program Center and director of the Literature and Art Department Zhao An If a case appeals against the judgment of first instance, the court will reject the appeal and uphold the original judgment. In addition, Zhang Junyi The appeal was also rejected.

In December last year, the First Intermediate People's Court of Beijing determined that Zhao An, taking advantage of his position, accepted Zhang Junyi's request and accepted the money and things given by Zhang Junyi. His act constituted a crime of bribery, and Zhao An was sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment according to law, with 200000 yuan of personal property confiscated.

At the same time, the court found that Zhang Junyi, in addition to bribing Zhao An, also collaborated with Yang Xueni to fabricate, print and mail anonymous letters with the content of damaging the personality and reputation of relevant leaders of the party and government organs. The First Intermediate People's Court sentenced Zhang Junyi to 6 years' imprisonment for bribery and slander.

After the sentence was pronounced, the two appealed to the Beijing Higher People's Court on the grounds of "unclear facts" and "improper application of law". The Supreme Court finally determined that both of their acts constituted crimes, and there was no problem in the first instance verdict, so they rejected their appeals respectively.

Later, the reporter called Ms. Fu, Zhang Junyi's mother. Ms. Fu went to Beijing from her hometown in the northeast to hear the result of the second instance yesterday. She affirmed that the result of the second instance decision "still remains the original judgment", but she did not know that Zhao An's appeal result also remains the original judgment. Ms. Fu was obviously not satisfied with the result. She said that she would "go back to her hometown in the northeast first, and then try to find a way". However, it is understood that after the Beijing High Court made this ruling, the case has been closed, and Zhang Junyi will inevitably face six years in prison.

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