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The publishing seminar of "Qing Dynasty Guangzhou Haichuang Temple Export Paintings" was held

18:18, May 27, 2024 | Source: People's Network
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, May 27 (Reporter Liu Yingying) The publishing seminar of "Qing Dynasty Guangzhou Haichuang Temple Export Paintings" co sponsored by China Book Company and Guangzhou Buddhist Association was recently held in China Book Company.

It is reported that Haichuang Temple in Guangzhou is an ancient temple with a long history. During the "Thirteen Elements" trade period of the Qing Dynasty, because of its geographical convenience and beautiful scenery across the Pearl River from the business hall, it became the only place for foreigners designated by the imperial court to visit, and also an important window for westerners to understand the eastern culture, which gave birth to the Haichuang Temple Export Painting, an art form reflecting the culture of Haichuang Temple. Among the most exotic paintings of Haichuang Temple for export, it is necessary to count a group customized by Manuel de Agote, the first agent of Royal Philippines (Spain) during the Jiaqing period. The album once attracted wide attention in Europe. Now it returns to Haizhuang Temple and becomes one of the precious cultural relics in the temple. This group of exported paintings is exquisitely made, which provides a basis for intuitively understanding the grand occasion of Shanghai Temple in history, and also has certain reference value for studying Chinese architecture, social customs, Buddhist culture, Sino foreign relations, etc.

 "Qing Dynasty Guangzhou Haizhuang Temple Export Painting" hardback edition. Pictures provided by Zhonghua Book Company

"Qing Dynasty Guangzhou Haizhuang Temple Export Painting" hardback edition. Pictures provided by Zhonghua Book Company

The book "Overseas Paintings of Haichuang Temple in Guangzhou in the Qing Dynasty" has two forms, hardcover and paperback. The first volume contains two parts, one is an introduction to the layout of Haichuang Temple and the buildings inside the temple, and the other is related articles on Haichuang Temple and overseas paintings of Haichuang Temple; The second volume is a copy of the export paintings of Haizhuang Temple customized by Agate.

Yin Tao, the chief editor of Zhonghua Book Company, said that the "Qing Dynasty Guangzhou Haizhuang Temple Export Paintings" is a book that is not only academic, popular, artistic, but also of collection value. He hoped that Zhonghua Book Company would continue to expand its cooperation with all sectors of society in the field of cultural heritage publishing and produce more high-quality works.

Huang Xianian, a senior researcher of the Institute of World Religions of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that Guangzhou Haichuang Temple was the first temple opened to the outside world in the Qing Dynasty, so it has appeared in Westerners' travel notes and paintings for export at that time. The paintings for export from Guangzhou Haichuang Temple played an important role in the spread of Chinese Buddhist culture.

The scholars at the meeting believed that the paintings exported from Haizhuang Temple in Guangzhou in the Qing Dynasty were material evidence of cultural exchanges between China and the West. The book "Qing Dynasty Guangzhou Haizhuang Temple Export Paintings" reflects the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture. It is a useful attempt to tell a good story about cultural relics.

At the meeting, Zhonghua Book Company and Haichuang Temple jointly presented the book "Qing Dynasty Guangzhou Haichuang Temple Export Paintings" to Zerun Temple in Yanqing, Beijing and China Buddhist Academy.

(Editor in charge: Wang Lianxiang, Gao Lei)

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