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When Xiaoman meets "520": life is so small that love is just in time

People's Daily Online reporter Liu Wei
10:29, May 20, 2024 | Source: People's Network
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"Loquats are yellow and myrica is purple, which is a small full sky for farmers." On May 20 this year, we ushered in a small full day. As the second solar term in summer, at this time, the rainfall increases, the summer heat gradually wins, and the rivers, lakes and seas become more and more full, with ripples. With the time of summer getting longer and longer, everything in the world has faded away from the green of spring and is full of enthusiasm and vitality of life.

Xiaoman is the solar term reflecting agricultural phenology. It is recorded in the Collection of Seventy Two Waiters of the Order of the Moon that "Xiaoman is in the middle of April. If it is a small man, things will be full." It is also said in the Sanli Zongyi that "Xiaoman is the middle man, and things will be full if they grow small. Therefore, it is named Xiaoman."

As a farming saying goes, "The grain is gradually full when the grain is small." On the northern land, the grain of summer crops begins to fill up, but it is not fully mature, so it is called "small full"; In the southern region of China, there is a popular saying that "small and full, rivers gradually full". The abundant rain brings a good opportunity for rice transplanting. The vast fields are full of green seedlings, full of vitality. At this time, the prelude of Summer Busy has been opened, and the joy of harvest is pregnant.

"At the beginning of the wheat harvest, the young children are charming, and the mulberry leaves are fat and full." In April of the lunar calendar, when the mulberry industry was at its peak, the ancients also called it "Silkworm Moon". It is recorded in Qingjialu that "when Xiaoman came here, the silkworm wives cooked cocoons, controlled cars and reeled silk, and operated day and night." In Jiangsu and Zhejiang, where the silk industry is developed, there is still the custom of "praying for silkworm festival". People set up a stage to perform "Xiaoman opera" to pray for good harvest.

In addition to sericulture and silk reeling, agricultural activities such as paddy field irrigation and rapeseed oil extraction are also increasingly busy during the Xiaoman season. The so-called "three cars of Xiaoman" refers to water, oil and silk cars. The "three gods" are the gods in charge of the "three carts". People worship the "three carts" in order to have a good weather, a good harvest of grain and a smooth farming.

"It has been a long time since this day when loquats are ripe in the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River". At the time of Xiaoman, the orchard is also a scene of bumper harvest. The loquat is ripe, and its golden skin is wrapped with sweet pulp, giving off a unique aroma that makes people salivate; Cherries turn red and hang all over the branches, just like crystal clear rubies. In addition, in the pond, the new lotus also came out quietly. Crystal dewdrops rolled on the green lotus leaves, fresh and pleasant. The natural beauty and busy farming complement each other, forming a beautiful summer picture.

Xiao Fang, a professor in the Department of Anthropology and Folklore at the School of Social Sciences of Beijing Normal University, said that the arrival of Xiao Man marked the beginning of summer. In Shuowenjiezi, the word "full" is interpreted as "overflowing", which means full, saturated and sufficient. "Small full" means "full but not full" and "full but insufficient".

Xiaoman, not only a solar term, indicates the change of natural phenology, but also reflects the unique views of the ancients on life attitude, which contains the traditional Chinese philosophy of life. As the Shangshu · Yushu · Dayumo said, "It is heaven's way to be modest and benefit from being full." Life should be like "Xiaoman". Only when you are properly satisfied can you continue to move forward and maintain the best state of life.

Small enough to be full, just perfect. In this beautiful day, traditional wisdom collides with modern romance. Let's cherish that in the long run of life, everything is just right for every "small happiness" we can grasp!

(Editor in charge: Luo Zhizhi, Lv Qian)

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