The Third "Light and Shadow China" Honor Ceremony Held 12 Honors


  • 1. Opening VCR
  • 2. "Ambassador of Light and Shadow" Liu Ye tells about "Light and Shadow · Original Intention"
  • 3. Honorary promotion: 2021-2022 annual media attention film
  • 4. Honorary promotion: 2021-2022 media attention director
  • 5. Light and shadow forum: create fine literary works and enhance spiritual strength
  • 6. Honorary promotion: 2021-2022 media focus on new actors
  • 7. Honorary promotion: 2021-2022 media attention actress
  • 8. Honorary promotion: 2021-2022 media attention actors
  • 9. Scene telling: family and country feelings salute the era
  • 10. "Ambassador of Light and Shadow" Wang Lei tells about "Light and Shadow · Inheritance"
  • 11. Honorary promotion: Writer of 2021-2022 annual honorary promotion
  • 12. Honorary promotion: 2021-2022 Honorary promotion director
  • 13. Light and Shadow Forum: Science and technology enabled films jointly build the dream of film power
  • 14. Honorary promotion: 2021-2022 Honorary promotion of new actors
  • 15. Honorary promotion: 2021-2022 Honorary promotion actress
  • 16. Honorary promotion: actor of 2021-2022
  • 17. "Ambassador of Light and Shadow" Zhang Xincheng talks about "Light and Shadow · Future"
  • 18. Honorary promotion: 2021-2022 Special Honorary Promotion Film by the Jury
  • 19. Honorary promotion: 2021-2022 Honorary promotion film
  • Li Shaohong, President of China Film Directors Association and famous director: "In order to make the works resonate, the creators must first sympathize with the people. Only by caring for the people's life, destiny and feelings with heart, and sincerely expressing the people's wishes, feelings and aspirations, can their works play a role in warming, encouraging and enlightening people."

  • Writer Zhang Ji: "The spiritual power embodied in excellent works needs to be shown through the growth of characters. Only by showing the growth of a person's spiritual power can such stories move the audience. To create such stories, the most important thing is to go deep into life and find prototypes and materials in real life."

  • Ding Yaping, Head of the Arts Department of Communication University of China and President of the Film and Television Society of Chinese Universities: "If the creators grasp the pulse of the times, try to reflect the development experience of the times from a contemporary perspective, and launch masterpieces that highlight the Chinese spirit, Chinese values, Chinese strength, and Chinese aesthetics, it is possible to truly enhance the spiritual strength of the people."

  • Yu Dong, Vice Chairman of China Film Association and Chairman of Bona Film Group: "We should make good use of modern technology to realize the leap forward development of Chinese film on the basis of our traditional aesthetics. Let's work together to produce more and better film works with more vigorous creativity. We should drum and shout for today's China and enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the audience."

  • Yang Xianghua, President of iQiyi Film and Overseas Business Group: "IQIYI is promoting the business model of Cloud Cinema, which is an upgrade of the business model of online movie billing. Excellent films can be watched by the audience in the pay on demand mode through iQIYI's platform, and the income from pay on demand can be distributed among iQIYI, film creators and film producers in a reasonable way, ultimately forming a benign production and business cycle. "

  • Director Lu Yang: "One of the advantages of technological progress is that we can break through the restrictions on ideas at the beginning of creation to make our own creation more free. But technology is just a means and method for us to tell stories, and cannot replace it. Therefore, the most important thing is to first polish the script and characters, find creativity and materials from the Chinese culture, and then find a perspective that fits the era and the audience to tell the story. "

Co organizer: iQiyi
Thanks: Perfect Public Welfare Video Festival