The second "Light and Shadow China" Honor Ceremony was held in Beijing and ten honors were unveiled

  • Towards a film power! Fu Ruoqing, Yu Dong, Zhang Ji, Lu Yang
  • How to create a literary peak in the new era? Listen to Chen Kaige, Li
  • 50 seconds to show you the second "Light and Shadow China" honor ceremony
  • Luo Hua: Gather Mainstream Media Forces to Help Build a Film Power
  • Zhang Hong: The honor ceremony of "Light and Shadow China" reflects the mainstream media
  • 87 year old famous film artist Wang Xiaotang: Honor is not chasing fame
  • Chen Kaige: Select actors for "suitability" rather than "traffic"
  • Li Shaohong: Only when young people become stronger can Chinese films have a future
  • Fu Ruoqing: China Film should fulfill the mission of the national team to make the audience more
  • Yu Dong: The main theme movie captures moving stories, with true feelings
  • Liu Jin: Interpreting leaders requires craftsmanship
  • Zhang Kaili: The main melody works can also be popular
  • Wu Jing: The experience of playing Changjin Lake is enough to influence one's life
  • Zhang Xiaofei: I'm lucky to play in Hello, Li Huanying
  • Jia Ling: "Hello, Li Huanying" dedicated to all mothers
  • Yu Hewei: Looking forward to trying different types of roles in the future
  • Try to play each role well
  • Qin Hailu: It's unforgettable to play on the cliff
  • Yi Closing Qianxi: The down-to-earth acting continues to bring more and better
  • Liu Haocun: Be in awe of the performance and shape it down-to-earth
  • Yan Bingyan: Make the role more powerful and make yourself more "transparent"
  • Lu Yang: Film technology is an auxiliary means, so we should focus on the content
  • Zhang Ji: When creating works with realistic themes, we should restore them first and then
  • Ding Yaping: The height is indispensable for the main theme film to become a "blockbuster"
  • Agenda

    • 1、 Opening VCR
    • 2、 Luo Hua, Editor in Chief of People's Daily Online, delivers a speech
    • 3、 Zhang Hong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice President of the China Film Association, delivers a speech
    • 4、 Announce the top ten films of media attention in 2020-2021
    • 5、 Announce that the media will pay attention to film actors in 2020-2021
    • 6、 Announce 2020-2021 Annual Honorary Promotion Writer
    • 7、 Announce the 2020-2021 annual honorary promotion of director's debut
    • 8、 Announce the honorary director of 2020-2021
    • 9、 Forum 1: Focusing on the Conference of the Literary and Art Dynasties - How to Create a Literary and Art Summit in the New Era
    • 10、 Announce the honorary promotion of new actors in 2020-2021
    • 11、 Announce 2020-2021 Annual Honorary Promotion Actress
    • 12、 Announce 2020-2021 Annual Honorary Promotion Actor
    • 13、 Special Session: Salute to the Classics - Speech by Wang Xiaotang, a famous film artist and entrepreneur
    • 14、 Announce the special honor of the 2020-2021 jury to promote films
    • 15、 Announce 2020-2021 Annual Honorary Promotion Film
    • 16、 Forum II: How to move from a big film country to a strong film country during the "14th Five Year Plan"
    • Famous director Chen Kaige: "Film workers should pursue the quality of scripts, images, ideas, nutrition and technology, so that films can not only reflect the changes of the times, but also have strong spiritual power to change people. They have high viewing value and artistic standards, and can be easily understood and loved by people. They can reach a new level in ideology, art and industry And complete the historical transformation of China's film industry from big to strong. "

    • Li Shaohong, President of China Film Directors Association and famous director: "Directors are the core talents of the film industry, so it is particularly meaningful to train young directors. The growth of young directors should not be confined to the first half of the script completion and award support. Their growth should be connected with the market, and their works should enter the cinemas. The whole process of collective strategies and efforts should be made to facilitate the young directors to make a wholly-owned film and complete the project of the whole industry chain."

    • Famous performing artist Liu Jin: "When shooting a theme film, especially a film with historical themes, we must master the 'balance' between historical facts and artistic creation. We must ensure that 'big events are not empty and small things are not restricted'. Large historical events cannot be made up, and small details can be designed - which requires the creators to have a large accumulation of historical knowledge."

    • Yan Bingyan, Best Actress and Actor of the 26th Golden Rooster Awards: "As an actor, I am just a grass-roots worker. Our film and television works are made for the people to see. People should like them first. When people like them, our works can guide them and inspire them from the heart to the mind to the feelings. This is the significance of our writers and artists to do this work."

    • Ding Yaping, Director of the Film and Television Art Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Arts: "Successful film and television works have excellent creativity and ingenuity from subject matter excavation to art form. In particular, many works attach great importance to the handling of details, and perfection can be said to be one of the unique marks of the success of theme film and television works."

    • Fu Ruoqing, General Manager of China Film Corporation: "From production, distribution to screening, we will give creators more space to create better works. At the same time, at the screening terminal, we will try our best to bring audiences a better experience of watching movies, so that everyone has more reasons to go to the cinema to watch movies. In short, China Film needs to fulfill the mission of the" national team ", so that all work during the" 14th Five Year Plan "period can reach a new level."

    • Yu Dong, Vice Chairman of China Film Association and Chairman of Bona Film Group: "We create ordinary heroes. Ordinary pilots, purser, firemen, anti drug police, and marines make it easier for the audience to have emotional resonance. The main creators go deep into life, capture moving stories, and put them on the screen to achieve innovative expression. The true stories and feelings in them are more likely to move the audience."

    • Writer Zhang Ji: "To create works with realistic themes, we must first restore and then create. I think it is equally important to go deep into life, get in touch with real people, and accumulate a lot of materials. The demand of contemporary young people for film professionalism and timeliness is increasing significantly. We should see this change when creating content, and make changes that can improve the quality of content."

    • Director Lu Yang: "Technology is an auxiliary means that allows us to create freely, but movies always focus on stories and characters. We need to find characters worthy of our telling from life, and find the spirit worthy of our telling. Chinese movies need to run through more types of works, and use more technical means to save energy for movies."

    Thanks: Perfect Public Welfare Video Festival