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Anhui Accelerates Construction of a High-level Innovation-Oriented Province

Pub Date:2024-05-20 16:56Source:english.anhuinews.com

The State Council Information Office held a press conference on the 16th as part of the "Promoting High-Quality Development" series. Relevant officials from Anhui Province provided information on the topic "Building a High-Level Innovation-Oriented Province to Forge a New Path for Anhui's High-Quality Development in the New Era."

According to a provincial leader, the past decade has been a period of significant progress for Anhui. The province's GDP has increased from 1.9 trillion yuan to 4.7 trillion yuan, crossing three trillion-yuan thresholds in ten years. Within China's economic landscape, Anhui has achieved a historic leap from having a national average economic output and a lower per capita GDP, to being at the forefront in terms of total economic volume and in the middle in terms of per capita GDP. Industrial revenue above designated size has grown from 3.3 trillion yuan to 5.1 trillion yuan. Anhui has emerged as a major industrial and manufacturing province.

The leader stated that Anhui's development momentum is strong, resilient, and full of potential. Despite facing many challenges, the province's economy has continued to improve steadily. As of March this year, investment in Anhui's manufacturing sector has maintained a growth rate of over 18% for 26 consecutive months. The balance of RMB loans has maintained a growth rate of over 14% for 16 consecutive months, ranking first in the country for 16 consecutive months. Anhui is also a province with a net inflow of resources such as technology, capital, and talent.

Anhui is focusing on becoming a source of technological innovation. In recent years, the province has been increasing investment in technology, making efforts to promote reforms in the technological system and mechanisms, cultivating technology-based enterprises, and implementing the Project of Revitalizing Anhui through Talents. The strategic emerging industries driven by innovation are continuously growing. Anhui's industries, such as new energy vehicles, advanced photovoltaics, and new energy storage, are developing rapidly. It is reported that Anhui currently produces 10% of the world's display panels, 50% of China's photovoltaic glass, 20% of China's photovoltaic modules, 15% of China's home appliances, and 10% of China's automobiles.

Source: anhuinews.com

Editor:Zheng Chen

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