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Cultivating Teacher Digital Literacy:Practical Dilemma and Global Initiatives

CEN Yu; 
Teachers,as advocates of educational digital transformation and cultivators of digital talent,have a direct impact on the progress of educational digital transformation and the quality of the next generation of digital talent.This also relates to the strategic implementation of modernizing education and education powerhouse.Currently,many countries face challenges in cultivating teacher digital literacy.These challenges include a lack of willingness among teachers to improve their digital literacy,inadequate teacher digital literacy training programs,difficulties in accurately assessing teacher digital literacy,and insufficient integration of teachers' digital skills into their teaching practices.To address these challenges,four effective strategies are proposed:guiding teachers to change their mindset,optimizing teacher training programs,developing digital literacy assessment models,and improving the school's digital equipment.We can take measures such as setting up incentive mechanisms to guide teachers in changing their mindset,establishing feedback tracking systems to optimize teacher training on digital literacy,selecting qualified assessors to accurately assess teachers' digital literacy,and collaborating with multiple departments to improve digital devices in rural schools,in order to cultivate teachers' digital literacy.
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