Study Abroad | How to prepare for undergraduate studies in the UK- Xinhua
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Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

Study Abroad | How to prepare for undergraduate studies in the UK?

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University College London, UK. Information picture

According to UCAS data, in 2023, the number of mainland Chinese students will account for an outstanding proportion of the total number of UK undergraduate applications, with the number of mainland Chinese applicants increasing by 175% since 2014. Mainland China is the largest source of undergraduate students in UK higher education. What course information do you need to pay attention to if you want to go to the UK for undergraduate studies?

"Although the business major is popular, my hobbies are more artistic, like painting, calligraphy, etc., so I chose the landscape architecture major that is more suitable for me. As far as I know, the architecture major of the University of Sheffield in the UK has many high-quality educational resources, which is an important reason to attract me to come to study." Chen Zilu, who studied in the UK, shared his original intention of choosing the school.

A few days ago, Qide Education released the 2024 British Undergraduate Study Abroad Report in Beijing. According to the data, in recent years, Chinese undergraduate students studying in the UK have shown a trend of diversification in their subject choices. Business and management, engineering technology, social science and other popular fields are still receiving attention, but the number of applications for social science, creative arts and design, physical science, computer and other majors is also increasing year by year.

What factors should students consider when choosing a university to study in the UK? Experts of Qide Education said that there are many universities in the UK, and the history and reputation of universities, teaching quality, scientific research strength, discipline advantages, etc. should be taken into consideration. As outstanding representatives of British higher education, Oxford University and Cambridge University have attracted much attention in their undergraduate application and admission process. When selecting students, these two world-class universities attach importance to both academic achievements and comprehensive quality and potential.

In addition to Oxford and Cambridge, there are many other high-quality universities in the UK that deserve students' attention. For example, University College London has significant advantages and excellent teaching quality in many disciplines. Its courses in social science, humanities, natural science and engineering technology are well received. The University of Manchester enjoys a good reputation in business, mathematical science, engineering and technology, social science and other fields. For students who like art and design, art schools such as London University of the Arts and Edinburgh College of the Arts are good choices; For students who want to study physical science in depth, science and engineering universities such as Cambridge University and Imperial College of Technology are attractive.

Li Zhangming, who studied at Manchester University, liked the professional reputation of the university. He said: "The architecture major of Manchester University ranks top in the world, with rich scientific research resources and numerous project practice opportunities. I think studying here can help us learn solid knowledge and develop real skills."

When applying for a UK undergraduate course, students need to understand the key application considerations. First of all, A-Level courses, IB (International Diploma) and AP (Advanced College Courses) are the main course systems. The A-Level course is equivalent to the national college entrance examination and can be used to apply to all universities in the UK, including G5 universities (Oxford University, Cambridge University, Imperial College of Technology, London School of Economics and Political Science, University College London). Although the number of students enrolled in the IB program is small, it also provides an effective way to apply for UK undergraduate courses. In addition, UK undergraduate study also provides a variety of ways to enter higher education, such as direct application for college entrance examination results, preparatory courses, international freshman and other transitional courses, providing students with more flexible and diverse choices.

Secondly, students need to understand the preferences and requirements of different universities for applicants. For example, in the sprint for famous universities such as G5, in addition to excellent academic achievements, high-value competition experience, certain scientific research ability and excellent practical ability are also important factors for admission. Therefore, students need to weigh their own actual situation and interests when choosing the curriculum system. In addition, some universities also require applicants to submit personal statements, letters of recommendation and other application materials to fully understand the applicant's background and ability.

Finally, students need to pay attention to the admission process and application time of British undergraduates. Generally speaking, the application time for British undergraduate courses is usually between September and January of the next year. Students need to know the application deadline and admission process of each university in advance so as to prepare and submit application materials in a timely manner. At the same time, students also need to pay attention to visa application, accommodation arrangements and other follow-up matters to ensure smooth admission to British universities. (Zhen Wen)

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