Nobility and Harmony: Stimulating the endogenous motivation of college students is the premise of improving external creativity - Xinhuanet
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Source: Xinhuanet

Nobility and Harmony: Stimulating the Endogenous Motivation of College Students is the Premise to Improve External Creativity

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Noble He, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Anhui University and Director of the Youth Thought Research Center of Anhui University, delivered a keynote speech

Xinhuanet, Xi'an, March 21 Today, the 2024 Forum on Higher Education and Employment Development was held in Xi'an with the theme of "rejuvenating the nation through science and education and building the dream of a strong country together". The forum is jointly sponsored by the New Oriental University Students Learning and Development Center and the University Enterprise Cooperation Committee of the University Graduates Employment Association under the guidance of the University Graduates Employment Association. The purpose of the forum is to build a platform for in-depth exchanges and cooperation between schools and enterprises, jointly explore a new model of collaborative education, and contribute new ideas and gather new momentum to promote the construction of a strong education country, a strong science and technology country, and a strong talent country.

Noble He, secretary of the Youth League Committee of Anhui University and director of the Youth Thought Research Center of Anhui University, said in his keynote speech that how to cultivate and improve the employment quality of college students is a practical problem we must face. This quality is not only to help college students adapt to the society, but also to guide them to adapt themselves.

In this regard, noble and share from the "change" and "unchanged" of college students' employment quality. He believes that, on the one hand, it is necessary to cultivate college students' extensive and profound knowledge system, divergent but bounded thinking ability, innovative and dynamic behavior mode, and growth goals of technology or skills. On the other hand, it is necessary to cultivate the characteristics of college students who are energetic, promising and constantly striving for self-improvement, integrate the concept of nature, harmony and coexistence, cross the era, inherit the mission of civilization, and embrace the pattern of the world and fellow travelers.

Noble and pointed out that in the process of cultivating college students' employment quality, we must understand the employment demand, employment interest and employment responsibility of college students. When we always think about responsibility and forget about needs and interests, the kind of responsibility that seems reasonable seems to be gradually weakening.

He proposed that endogenous power is the premise of external creativity. College students must first have endogenous motivation, and then can have external competitiveness. "We should encourage and guide college students to see the colorful world with their eyes, listen to the colorful melodies with their ears, and inject full vitality into their lives. This is the most fundamental employment quality that will never change."

Noble and believe that cultivating college students' employment quality requires a firm grasp of several key points:

First, let students understand strategic emerging industries and future industries, and guide students to deeply understand high-tech, efficient and high-quality.

Second, we should help students build a solid concept based on the real economy and guide them to devote themselves to the construction and development of the real economy.

Third, we should effectively change the one-sided pursuit of "high quality" and not think that "picking up the basket is food", leading to "acclimatization"; It is also not allowed to "break before standing", because the old rice bowl is broken, and the new one cannot be carried, leading to "malnutrition".

Error Correction [Editor in charge: Wang Qi]