Yu Minhong: Strengthen the integration of production, teaching and research, and provide more college students with opportunities to observe the operation and development of enterprises - Xinhuanet
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two thousand and twenty-four 03 / twenty-one 20:31:02
Source: Xinhuanet

Yu Minhong: Strengthen the integration of production, teaching and research, and provide more college students with opportunities to observe the operation and development of enterprises

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Yu Minhong, Chairman of New Oriental Education Technology Group, delivers a speech

Xinhuanet, Xi'an, March 21 Today, the 2024 Forum on Higher Education and Employment Development was held in Xi'an with the theme of "rejuvenating the nation through science and education and building the dream of a strong country together". The forum is jointly sponsored by the New Oriental University Students Learning and Development Center and the University Enterprise Cooperation Committee of the University Graduates Employment Association under the guidance of the University Graduates Employment Association. The purpose of the forum is to build a platform for in-depth exchanges and cooperation between schools and enterprises, jointly explore a new model of collaborative education, and contribute new ideas and gather new momentum to promote the construction of a strong education country, a strong science and technology country, and a strong talent country.

Yu Minhong, chairman of New Oriental Education Technology Group, said in his speech that in the face of the new environment and new changes, we should focus more on the cultivation of college students' comprehensive ability, from optimizing the curriculum system of colleges and universities to combining production, teaching and research, to cultivate more practical and innovative talents in the new era through continuous exploration and practice, to thoroughly implement the strategy of revitalizing the country through science and education, and work together to build the dream of a strong country.

How to effectively and efficiently help college students find jobs, and improve the matching degree of higher education system construction, enterprise demand and college students' employability? Yu Minhong shared his views from the school, individual, social and other levels:

First, school level. Colleges and universities should teach students two abilities: first, universal ability. Through general education, liberal arts students should learn some knowledge of science and engineering, and science and engineering students should learn some knowledge of arts, so as to cultivate students' ability to correctly judge the development of the world. The second is application ability. Colleges and universities should promote the combination of students' theory and practice by optimizing the curriculum.

Second, personal level. College students should establish a positive and courageous attitude, ignite the flame and hope in their hearts, dare to face difficulties, setbacks and challenges. First, young people should combine the growth of their own lives with the progress of their motherland. At the same time, young people should find their own hobbies and live up to their high spirits and let their lives flourish with the attitude of "riding the wind and waves sometimes, hanging the cloud sail to help the sea".

Third, social level. We should actively strengthen the collaboration between schools and enterprises, and further promote the integration of production, teaching and research. New Oriental will give full play to the advantages of taking root in the front line of business while continuously improving the three major businesses of education, life, culture and tourism, provide more internship, employment, observation and training opportunities for college students, and play a positive role in promoting college students to better connect with the society.

He also called on more Chinese enterprises and universities to strengthen the integration of production, teaching and research, while providing more college students with opportunities to observe the operation and development of enterprises, and helping college students grow into new young people with ideals, skills and responsibilities.

Error Correction [Editor in charge: Wang Qi]